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Chapter 475

After she hung up, Neera quickly left the office and headed home.

When she arrived at the Imperial Gardens, Jean was playing chess with Fabio.

Jean was the first to greet her. "You're home."

Neera nodded.

"Nice to see you again, Neera!" Fabio said.

"Likewise," Neera smiled and replied. Didn't you call me "Ms. Garcia" last time? I didn't know we'd becomecloser. She thought.

Jean did not comment on that. He asked, "Why did you go to your office instead of resting at home? Was theresomething urgent?"

Neera shook her head. "No. I was bored at home, so I went there to catch up on work."

As she said that, her eyes fell on the chessboard.

Fabio's pieces were cornered, and Jean looked like he was going to win soon.

"Why don't you finish your game before I try on the gown?" she said.

Fabio assessed the board before saying decisively, "Nah, I'm done. The gown is more important. If it doesn't fit, Ican alter it immediately."

Ian chuckled. "Where's your sportsmanship, Mr. Lopez? You can't abandon the game when you see you're goingto lose!"

Fabio wasn't annoyed when he was called out like that. He smiled and said, "This is called a strategic retreat!Anyway, it's just a game. Why so serious?"

Jean shot a glance at him. "It's only a strategic retreat when you still have a chance to make a comeback. Yoursshould be called a cowardly retreat!"

Fabio chuckled sheepishly. "It's better than suffering defeat! But hey, can't you go easy on me? Would it kill youto let me win just once?"

"Yes, it would. In fact, I enjoy tormenting you. Here's a word of advice. Get good," Jean said and moved a chesspiece.

The game was as good as over.

Fabio groaned in frustration. If only he had run away sooner!

Neera could not help but chuckle. She was surprised to see that side of Jean's personality.

Nettie, Fabio's assistant, was already laughing as well.

Seeing her employer's frustration, she said, "Ms. Garcia, why don't I bring you to try out the gown? The annualgala is in two days. We can't afford to waste any time!"

"Go then," Jean said and nodded. "You can use the guest room upstairs."

Nettie nodded and led Neera upstairs.

Fabio only brought one gown this time. It had many embroidered designs, including a phoenix made of threads ofmany colors and surrounded by a dazzling array of gemstones. It was breathtakingly beautiful.

Neera was stunned when she saw that. "This gown… is beautiful."

Nettie smiled and replied, "Of course! Mr. Lopez spent an entire year on this gown. All the embroidered designsare done by hand, thread by thread. It was supposed to take another month to complete, but the team burnedmidnight oil to complete it before the gala. To be honest, Mr. Lopez thought he would never find anyone suitableto wear the gown, but after he met you, he thought that you were the one. Many of the details on the gown arespecifically tailored for you."

"Thank you for your hard work," Neera said. She didn't expect Fabio to put so much effort into one gown.

Nettie waved her hand and said, "Don't mention it. You should thank Mr. Beauvort instead. He's the one whoinsisted on making a custom gown for you. That's why Mr. Lopez spared no expense in making it perfect. I guessMr. Beauvort cares for you a lot!"novelbin

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