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Chapter 473

Neera couldn't taste any of the food that went into her mouth.

She felt a lot better after eating breakfast.

After wiping her mouth, she looked at Jean and said, "Where are we going after this? Are we going to sign thecontract?"

"Mm," Jean replied. "I've already told Mr. Chaucer yesterday that we'll be meeting him at the science park at teno'clock today. After that, we can go back to Kingsview."

"I see," Neera said and glanced at her watch. It was almost half past nine. She quickly stood up and said, "Weshould get going then. We should reach there right on time."

Jean agreed with her. Soon, they were on the way to the science park.

Mr. Chaucer seemed concerned when he saw Neera. "Ms. Garcia, you were very drunk last night. Are you okay?"

You didn't have to mention it! Neera thought. novelbin

She smiled awkwardly and shook her head. "I'm fine now. I must apologize for making a fool of myself lastnight."

As she said that, she stole a glance at the two people standing next to her.

Jean remained impassive, though he noticed Neera looking at him. His facial muscles twitched upwardimperceptibly.

Mr. Chaucer did not notice what was going on between Neera and Jean. He smiled warmly and said, "That's goodto hear."

After exchanging pleasantries, he brought out the contract for Neera and Jean to inspect. After they made sure theterms were correct, they signed it readily.

Three hours later, Neera and Jean returned to the Imperial Gardens in Kingsview.

It was the weekend, and the triplets did not have to go to school. At the moment, they were playing in the yardwith their pets.

When they heard the front gate open, they scrambled there as fast as they could. The three puppies shook their furand ran behind the children.

Neera was bursting with bliss when her three children jumped into her arms.

After greeting their mother, they turned their attention to Jean.

"Thank you for taking care of our mommy, Uncle Jean!"

Jean smiled and said, "You're welcome."

Neera chatted with Jean for a while before going into the house. Jean picked up a phone call and also went backto his house.

The triplets dragged Ian aside and whispered to him.

"How did it go, Mr. Ian? Is there any progress between Mommy and Uncle Jean? Did you help them?"

Ian coughed awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry. The schedule was packed, and I couldn't find an opportunity to doanything."

The triplets seemed disappointed to hear that. "So nothing happened then?"

Ian smiled. "Not really. I suspect… they kissed!"

"Huh?" The triplets lifted their heads expectantly. "Really? What happened? How did you find out?"

Ian shook his head. "I don't know what happened between them, but it was like this…"

He told the triplets how Jean sent Neera back to her room and only came out some time later.

"When he got back to his room, his lips were stained red, and his shirt was crumpled… I guess something must'vehappened while they were in your mommy's room!"

He suddenly realized what he said was not very appropriate for children, so he cleared his throat and explained,"In any case, I think there is chemistry between them!"

The triplets nodded seriously when they heard that.

No matter what happened in the room, it was definitely a good sign.

They smiled and thanked Ian. "You're amazing, Mr. Ian! Thank you so much! We'll be depending on you fromnow on!"

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