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Chapter 449

The red seal stamped on the document was a testament to its legitimacy.

Even more crucial was the date, indicating it had been signed just days before.

Alfonso, upon fully comprehending the contents, erupted in anger.

He questioned, "Have you lost your mind? How can you just hand over such a vast empire? And what becomes ofthe Garcia Group? Do our fates even matter to you?"

Indignant, Marnie scolded, "This is sheer madness! You prefer to entrust your legacy to an outsider over yourblood kin! Do you seriously want to see our family go bankrupt? How can you be so heartless? Why did I raisesuch an ungrateful child?

Adriana, observing their outbursts, was heartbroken.

She let out a desolate smile and answered resolutely, "Neera is not an outsider; she's my niece. You may refuse toacknowledge her, but I do. I'm the one who founded ANXIN Group, and I have the right to decide whom to giveit to. You have no say and no right to question my decisions!"

Barely containing his fury, Alfonso snapped back, "Adriana! Roxanne is also family, your kin! Why didn't youconsider her? You only think of Neera. Why didn't you leave anything for her?"

Her gaze turned icy as she looked at Roxanne, responding, "Why would I worry about her? Isn't it a given thatshe'll inherit your empire?"

Susan hastily retorted, "How can our company compare with yours?"

There was no comparison between the two; the scale and success of the enterprises were worlds apart. novelbin

Roxanne, holding back tears, said, "I don't care about what you leave for me, but have you considered grandmaand grandpa? Given their age, how will they cope if the Garcia Group goes bankrupt?"

Adriana was prepared. She took out a card and placed it on the coffee table.

"There's 50 million here. Considering their lifestyle, this money should be sufficient to support them for the restof their lives. If it's not enough, I can always add more."

They were thunderstruck. They didn't expect Adriana to have thought of everything.

Compared to the others, Gladeon was not as furious.

He finally spoke up, "Are you doing this on purpose? To take revenge on us for stopping you from gettingmarried?"

Adriana was a little stunned, but she quickly snapped out of it.

"No, you're overthinking. Those things are in the past. I don't blame you for being single. I did everything forNeera."

Disappointed, she said, "Honestly, I didn't intend to be this heartless, but when I saw how you treated Neera, I feltbad for her. Neera went missing not long after she was born.

"My sister-in-law worked very hard to locate her. She never stopped thinking about her child, even when shestruggled with mental health issues.

"And what did you do? You profited from the wealth she amassed and rejected Neera after recognizing her.

"You didn't think twice about kicking her out when her reputation was ruined.

"She lived on the streets at a young age, unable to afford food, and you didn't give a damn whether she lived ordied!

"I've spent years molding her into the person she is now.

"How did you treat her when she returned? You attempted to manipulate her marriage by treating her like amoney-making tool, constantly discussing profits, and labeling her ungrateful and an outsider! Even her kids werea target for you."

Getting emotional, she continued, "I'd like to ask, what right do you have to exploit her if you don't recognizeher? What is it that makes your hearts so cold and vengeful?"

Her question left the Garcias completely speechless.

Adriana inhaled deeply, repressed her feelings, and collected herself.

She said, "There's nothing much left to say. I don't have any kids. Neera has been by my side, taking care of meduring these years away. I can treat her like my own if you don't recognize her as your daughter. Neera and herkids are like my family to me.

"You guys just called me back because you covet my company. Your family ties are chillingly horrible. So, let'send this. No matter how hard you try, the company belongs to Neera. It's useless for you to come to me."

Having said that, she gave up arguing with them and went upstairs.

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