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Chapter 362

Chapter 362 Catching Neera Off–Guard

In Imperial Gardens, Jean sat in the living room, busy sorting through the mail. Yet, his ears remained p

erked to any sounds coming from outside.

After some time, he finally heard Neera’s familiar footsteps and the three children as they returned.

He was a little puzzled.

Considering Neera’s ongoing responsibilities at the company, he hadn’t expected her to return that eve

ning. Plus, he wondered why she did not ask anyone to pick up the triplets.

At the same time, his phone rang. It was an incoming call from the bodyguard responsible

for overseeing the well–being of the children.

“Mr. Beauvort, Ms. Garcia’s triplets were picked up by an unfamiliar woman.”

Jean’s expression darkened. “Taken? Where have they been taken?”novelbin

The bodyguard’s voice was urgent as he replied, “We tracked them and discovered that the woman too

k the children to the hospital. After asking around, it seems that Ms. Garcia was involved in a car accide

nt. She’s currently at the hospital. I don’t know if she woke up yet…”

Upon hearing this, Jean’s calm expression changed drastically!

He tossed his laptop onto the sofa, rising

abruptly from his seat. His voice, usually composed, was now edged with concern as he asked,

“Which hospital?”

The bodyguard promptly responded, “Grace Hospital.”

Jean ended the call and summoned lan, commanding, “Prepare the

car. We’re going to Grace Hospital.”

lan did not know what was going on so, he did not dare to question Jean, following his orders promptly.

Within twenty minutes, they reached the hospital’s entrance.

As Jean stepped out, the bodyguards who were hiding in the shadows immediately came forward, upd

ating him, “Mr. Beauvort, Ms. Garcia is currently in VIP Ward 1.”

Jean nodded and strode forward.

After a while, he arrived at the door of the ward. Just as he was about to knock on the door, he

realized that the door was ajar, and a policeman was talking inside the ward.

“Ms. Garcia, because the car accident happened suddenly, we’ve reviewed the road’s surveillance foot

age and we can confirm that you were following the traffic rules. You were not at fault. The responsibilit

y lies with the other party. Unfortunately, the culprit managed to escape, but the police are actively inve

stigating. While we were investigating it, we found something suspicious, so we want to ask you about i


Neera offered a slight nod in response. “Please go ahead.”

“The surveillance showed that the culprit’s vehicle

had been parked near your company’s entrance earlier in the day and had never left. Once you left the

premises, they began tailing you. Based on this, we are inclined to believe that this car accident wasn’t

an accident at all but rather done on purpose. So, we need to ask, have you offended anyone recently?

Neera’s gaze darkened as she heard that.

Neera’s gaze darkened as she heard that.

She thought of someone but hesitated and replied, “No.”

The police officer did not seem to hold much hope either and nodded.

“Alright. If you come across any suspicious individuals or recall any relevant information over the next c

ouple of days, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We won’t disturb your rest any further.”

Neera expressed her gratitude to him. “Thank you. Please take care.”

With that, the officer left, leaving Jean standing outside the door. He nodded as a sign of greeting and e


Upon his arrival, he was met with the sight of Neera reclining against the headboard. A bandage adorn

ed her forehead, lending her delicate features a slightly pallid complexion. She appeared less resilient t

han usual, and a little more frail.

The triplets/were by her bedside as they remained steadfast in their vigil, accompanied by Isabella.

The presence of the young dean, who had previously shown Jean little deference, surprised him. Jean’

s gaze‘ seemed to oscillate between her and Neera as if he was thinking about something.

However, he quickly returned to his original state.


Neera and Isabella were caught off–

guard by his sudden appearance, momentarily taken aback before a rush of astonishment

swept over them.

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