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Chapter 353

Chapter 353 Don’t You Think You’re Shameless?

After returning home, Neera took a shower, changed her clothes, and then headed to the hospital. Levi

had been injured due to some business matters the previous night, so she felt the need to visit him.

When she arrived at the hospital room, Scarlet was already there. As Neera entered, Scarlet greeted

her with a cold tone, “Ms. Garcia.”

Neera brushed off the icy reception, her main concern being Levi’s condition. “How are you? Are your

injuries severe? What did the doctor say?”

Levi’s eyes softened as he noticed her, clearly happy about her visit. “I’m fine. Don’t worry, I’ll be out of

the hospital in a couple of days after some rest.”

However, Scarlet wasn’t buying Levi’s nonchalant attitude. “He has fractured. How can he be fine?”

Neera’s eyebrows furrowed upon hearing this. “Fractures? Why didn’t you mention it earlier?”

She hadn’t expected the attack to be this severe. She was growing increasingly annoyed by the

brutality of Sonny’s men and made a me ntal note to remember this.

Neera’s tone shifted, as she consoled , “You’ve been through a lot because of this incident. Take your

time to recover in the hospital. Don’t rush back to work. I’ll take care of the hospital expenses…

Besides, you’ve been working tirelessly for the company. Maybe it’s time for you to take a proper


Even amid this conversation, Neera maintained a sense of professionalism and distance, speaking

both as a friend and a superior.

Levi’s heart was somewhat disappointed, but he hid it well, smiling and nodding. “Sure, I’ll follow your

advice. Thank you.”

He didn’t forget to express his concern for her either. “While I’m not around at the company, be careful.

Sonny is cun ning. This incident might not end well. I’m worried they might take advantage of the

situation to target the company. Stay vigilant.”

Neera nodded in understanding. “I will be cautious. Thanks for your concern.”

After discussing some company matters, Neera took her leave. However, just as she was about to step

into the elevator, she heard hurried footsteps behind her. It was followed by Scarlet’s voice, “Ms.

Garcia, please wait.”

Neera paused and turned around, looking at Scarlet calmly. “Is there something you need?”

Scarlet stopped in front of her, their height difference apparent. She took a deep breath before bluntly

speaking, “Ms. Garcia, there’s something I’ve been wanting to say. If you don’t have feelings for Mr.

Wilkes, stop stringing him along! You must have noticed that he likes you. But you don’t feel the samenovelbin

way… To you, he’s just a puppet on a string! If you can’t offer him what he wants, then you should stay

away from him. Instead, you treat him like a ser vant, summoning him whenever you want. Don’t you

think you’re being shameless?”

Neera hadn’t anticipated Scarlet’s confrontation. Her eyes narrowed, and her tone turned sharp as a

blade. “Ms. Swain, it seems you’ve misunderstood something. I’m not treating him like a ser vant, but

rather as my subordinate. At Startales, I’m his boss. I pay him a salary, and everything I ask him to do

is within his job responsibilities. I don’t see any issue with that.”

Scarlet was momentarily taken aback, realizing that Neera’s words had a point.

Neera hadn’t anticipated Scarlet’s confrontation. Her eyes narrowed, and her tone turned sharp as a

blade. “Ms. Swain, it seems you’ve misunderstood something. I’m not treating him like a ser vant, but

rather as my subordinate. At Startales, I’m his boss. I pay him a salary, and everything I ask him to do

is within his job responsibilities. I don’t see any issue with that.”

Scarlet was momentarily taken aback, realizing that Neera’s words had a point.

Neera, however, didn’t give her a chance to retort. “Furthermore, I haven’t been flirting with him. We’ve

had no personal interactions unrelated to work. I haven’t taken advantage of his feelings for me or

made any inappropriate demands or requests. So, where does your accusation of shamelessness

come from? And what right do you have to accuse me? Are you a colleague? A friend? Or a girlfriend?”


“Lastly, let me warn you. Don’t question my work ethic. I keep my personal and professional matters

separate. Instead of trying to muddy the waters, focus on improving yourself and showcasing your

strengths. Stop harassing me with your unfounded accusations.”

With that, Neera shot Scarlet a cold glance and turned to leave.

Scarlet stood frozen in place, her face shifting between red and white as she struggled to form a


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