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Chapter 322

Chapter 322 Standing Up for Mommy With Uncle Jean

Upon hearing about her grandparents, Neera’s expression soured instantly, devoid of any joy or surpris


In her recollection, her so–

called grandparents, as described by her aunt, had barely spared her a few hurried glances whenever t

hey visited her home. Back then, despite the lack of compassion, Her grandparents. exhibited a somew

hat warmer disposition towards Roxanne, who had been cared for since childhood. Neera, on the other

hand, was treated coldly.

Aside from a few obligatory greetings, he barely uttered another word to her.

The familial affection in this generation seemed to be weaker than plain water.

While she had long severed ties with the Garcia family, she acknowledged Adriana’s sentiment for her


After thinking about it for a while, she made a decision.

Although she felt no attachment to them, she knew her aunt’s deep longing for

them. With a sigh, she agreed to go to the meeting.

Even though she was well aware that her grandparents likely didn’t invite her because they genuinely

missed her…

This appointment was probably a form of retribution.

Suppressing the unease that churned within her, she frowned and responded nonchalantly, “Tell me whnovelbin

en and where.”

Alfonso’s voice came through the phone without delay. “Tomorrow evening at six o’clock, at the Phoeni

x Hotel, in Private Room No. 13. Don’t keep your grandparents waiting.”

Neera was about to scoff but hung up the call immediately.

Alfonso’s expression was ugly when Neera hung up on him.

This girl has no dignity!

As Neera was about to process the conversation she just had, the triplets immediately approached her.

“Mommy, is the Garcia family causing you trouble again?”

Neera gently touched Penny’s soft cheek, providing a brief explanation of the situation. She reassured t

hem in a soothing voice, “It’s alright, don’t worry. Mommy is just going to have dinner and meet Granda

unt’s parents on her behalf.”

The triplets remained concerned, chiming in, “Mommy, why don’t we go with you? The Garcia family isn

’t kind, and if they try anything, we can protect you!”

While Neera would usually follow their wishes, this time she declined their offer.

“No need for that. Mommy can handle this on her own, and

you won’t be at a disadvantage, Tomorrow night, Aunt Katy will come to pick you up. You and Aunt Katy

can have dinner together. Just wait for Mommy patiently.”

The Garcia family’s behavior and remarks were always

unpleasant. Neera could not predict the hurtful things. they might say when they see the triplets.

She could handle whatever the Garcia family threw at her, or simply leave without feeling burdened.

But when it came to the triplets,

they were her most cherished treasures, and she would never allow anyone to harm

them, emotionally or otherwise.

She would not allow anyone to subject them to pain or suffering, be it through words or actions.

Preventing their presence was a precautionary measure, aimed at shielding them from potential harm.

Neera did not want the triplets to be affected in any way if things took a turn for the worse.

Despite Neera’s calm reassurances, the triplets could not help but feel worried.

Observing her unwavering stance, they silently resolved to seek assistance from Jean if the need


In the evening, Neera called her aunt and discussed the upcoming meeting.

“Aunt Adriana, is there anything you’d like me to bring for Grandpa and Grandma?”

On the other end of the line, Adriana remained silent for a brief moment before letting out a sigh.

“There’s nothing else. I’m just glad to hear they’re in good health. As for you, you should stand your

ground no matter the circumstances. Don’t

compromise due to your grandparents‘ involvement or because of me. You shouldn’t worry

about it. I’ll tell them the same thing too.

Adriana provided her guidance and reassurance for a long time. So that Neera would not wrong


Neera listened attentively, periodically responding. Her heart warmed at the caring words from her aunt

. Even though her familial bonds were fractured in this life, the affection her aunt bestowed upon her wa

s enough to warm her life.

On the following day, Neera decided to take a break from work and continue recuperating at home.

In the evening, she went to the Phoenix Hotel when the time was right.

Just as she left her house, the triplets dashed over to Jean’s residence, seeking his help urgently.

“Uncle Jean, please help us!”

Puzzled, Jean asked gently, “Don’t worry. What’s going on? Tell me one at a time.”

Sammy gripped his hand tightly and explained in haste,

“Mommy is going to see the Garcia family. We’re worried she might get bullied and we

wanted to accompany her. But she refused, saying it was to protect us. She’s going alone now. Uncle

Jean, the Garcia family has treated my mommy terribly in the past. Could you take us there, please?”

Without hesitation, Jean agreed. He swiftly accompanied the triplets and

followed Neera to Phoenix Hotel.

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