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Chapter 320

Chapter 320 Ms Garcia Came Out Supporting Her Waist


Jean’s hand momentarily froze, a faint shadow crossing his deep black eyes, the meaning behind that l



However, he swiftly regained his composure, acting as if he did not hear the sound at all, and continued



Neera preferred to assume that the man behind her did not notice her slip, which brought a small sense

of relief, though her face was still flushed.

Determined not to let herself make such an embarrassing sound again, she clenched her teeth and hel

d her breath, attempting to suppress any noises.

The atmosphere grew increasingly awkward, laden with an inexplicable tension.

Neera’s discomfort was palpable as her face felt like it was on fire. In a bid to ease the situation, she

grasped at any topic and asked about his mother’s condition.

“How’s your mother? Did she feel any better yesterday?”

Jean responded in a measured tone, “Nope.”


Neera frowned slightly upon hearing this, her voice carrying a trace of doubt.

“It should be just a minor cold. It’s not supposed

to linger for so long after being taken care of for several days.”

“Joanna said that the toxins in her body that are accumulated might have

been released all at once, prolonging the illness.”

There was some logic to this explanation.

Although Neera sensed that something was wrong, she hadn’t personally examined Wrenn, so she cou

ld not make an informed judgment.

After all, she had never interfered with Jean’s mother’s health, making her unfamiliar with the details.

Continuing their conversation, Neera made

a mental note of the matter and stated, “I’ll prescribe some medicine later. You can

take it to your mother and see if it helps.”

Jean’s dark pupils captured a glimpse of her delicate profile, and he responded in a soft tone, “Alright.”

Half an hour later…

Neera finished her massage session, and when she stood up, she walked out with her lower back supp

orted, feeling a bit felieved.

Jean’s massage had been quite intense, and she had not fully realized it while lying down. But now that

she was on her feet, it seemed like her waist was on the verge of breaking.

However, this might indeed lead to a quicker recovery. Once the initial discomfort subsided, she felt mu

ch better overall.

As they descended the stairs, Harvey and Sammy had just finished their practice and were walking in fr

om the yard with lan, preparing to fetch some water to drink.novelbin

11:16 Sat, 2 Sept GON.

Necra smiled and reassured them gently, “It’s nothing serious, just a sore waist.”


Penny also approached, she had a worried frown on her face. “It wasn’t this bad yesterday, why

is it worse now?”

Neera hesitated for a moment before responding, her gaze involuntarily shifting to the person responsi

ble for

1. it.

Jean maintained a composed expression as if he had no connection to the situation.

The triplets did not seem to notice anything amiss, but lan was acutely aware of what happened. His ja

w nearly dropped in disbelief!

It’s broad daylight, the sun is shining, and Mr. Jean… is giving massages during the day? Can that even be done?

Watching Ms. Garcia’s awkward movements, lan could not help but think that her current state seemed

quite miserable. She had worked overtime all night, had barely rested, and now she had to serve him!

Yet, Jean himself appeared well–dressed and composed.

lan observed the scene, feeling an inexplicable sense that his master was acting rather like a beast…

Of course, he kept these thoughts strictly to himself, only daring to silently grumble inwardly.

Neera remained oblivious to the

fact that her mere glance could stir up such thoughts in lan’s mind. She was simply focused on tending

to her duties.

Seeing that the triplets had nothing else to do at the moment, she took them back.

Upon returning to her own home, Neera’s first task was to

prepare the prescribed medicine for Wrenn. She then proceeded to the next residence and handed it o

ver to Jean.


his surprise, she was quick in her actions. As he accepted the medication packet she handed him, a sli

ght shift of his eyebrows betrayed his intrigue. Jean expressed his gratitude warmly.

Neera waved it off with a smile. “It’s

nothing much, just a small gesture. After all, you’ve helped me out before, so this is a small token of ap


Jean gave a brief nod before summoning lan once Neera had left.

“Take this medicine to the mansion.”

lan complied without hesitation and made his way over.

Upon arriving, he found Joanna alone in the hall.

Getting straight to the point, lan asked, “Where is Madam?”

“Madam is resting. What’s the matter? You can tell me, and

I’ll pass on the message once she wakes up.”

lan considered that she was Wrenn’s doctor, so it should be fine to entrust her with the medicine. He ha

nded it over directly.

Joanna accepted the medicine packet, a quizzical expression on her face. “What is this for?”

Without much thought, lan responded straightforwardly, “It’s from Ms. Garcia, and

it’s meant for Madam.”

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