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Chapter 313

Chapter 313 I’ll Make Sure You’ll Never Set Foot Here Again

Upon hearing this, Jean furrowed his brow, conveying his strong displeasure.

However, he could not be bothered to respond, showing his lack of interest.

After Wrenn and Kyra left, he picked up his laptop and headed to the study to attend to some tasks.

It wasn’t until Mr. Jenkins came to summon him for dinner that he came out from the study.

Dandy and Kyra were still present, seated at the dining table.

Wrenn decided to join them for dinner.


Throughout the meal, Kyra shared amusing stories from her filming experiences, bringing joy to the old

er family members. She dutifully served soup and vegetables to the Beauvort family elders, displaying i

mpeccable manners that showcased her upbringing.

After refilling both of their soup bowls, she pretended to lose her grip while setting it down….

In an instant, more than half of the soup spilled out, scalding the back of her hand and turning it red.


In pain, she involuntarily let out a soft cry.

Wrenn was startled and quickly inquired with concern, “Does it hurt? Are you alright?”

Kyra’s eyes welled up with tears, but she managed to hold them back, giving her a pitiable expression.

“I’m… I’m fine, as long as it didn’t spill on Jean.”

She gently bit her lip, speaking softly.

With that said, it seemed that she was sensible and made everyone feel pity toward her.

Wrenn wrote the letter immediately, “You scalded your hand, and all you care about is Jean.”

Jean’s frown deepened as he observed the unfolding scene.

After a brief pause, he turned around and beckoned Joan over, his tone composed as he

instructed, “Let her handle it.”

Joanna’s expression

soured slightly, but he complied, saying, “Go to the kitchen, run your hand under cold water. I’ll fetch th

e first aid kit. Stay there for five minutes.”

Kyra nodded, tucking her hand against her chest, and headed into the kitchen.

The incident disrupted the dinner proceedings.


Kyra came out after cooling her hand under running water, Joanna held her hand to examine it, dismiss

ing the

situation, “It’s not too bad, just a little red. Your hand should be fine in a couple of days after applying th

e ointment.”

Kyra could feel Joanna intentionally applying more pressure, and her expression turned sour.

This woman has been by Jean’s side for so long, yet she still hasn’t managed to win his affection.

How useless!

Daring to make subtle moves in my presence, she’s truly overestimating herself!

Kyra promptly lowered her voice, sarcastically whispering into Joanna’s ear, audible only to the two of

them, “I’ve been wanting to tell you this for a while! Self–awareness is crucial for

a person. You should understand your status. If you have any fantasies, just forget about them!

Jean is out of your league. Transforming from a commoner to a high status is a pipe dream, such

clichéd drama doesn’t suit you!

By the way, you may be Jean’s doctor, but in reality, you’re still

working for the Beauvort family, aren’t you? You can’t even dine at the host’s table, yet

you remain oblivious to your position? I won’t take personal revenge this time, but remember, next time

I’ll make sure you can’t set foot in the Beauvort residence again!”

Joanna’s face turned ashen upon hearing this, her anger palpable.

Kyra let out a satisfied breath and returned to the dining table, in a much better mood.

“I’m sorry Aunt Wrenn, I didn’t mean to startle you. Dr. Bridges assured me it was nothing

serious. Let’s continue with our meal.”

Wrenn finally felt relieved and nodded.

Just then, Jean’s phone rang, and he glanced at the caller

ID before rising from his seat, remarking, “Please continue eating. Ineed to take this call.”

With that, he made his way to the living room and answered the call, saying, “Hello?”novelbin

On the other end, Neera’s voice held a hint of urgency, “Are you still at the mansion? I have an

urgent matter to attend to, and I need to head out. I’ll have to leave the children in your care for a while.

Richard is looking after them… However, I’m afraid I might return late and I might need to ask you to

help them with their shower and bedtime.”

There was a touch of embarrassment in her tone as she continued, “But if you’re not free, that’s perfect

ly fine. I can arrange for my assistant to pick them up later.”

Hearing Neera’s words, Jean’s brow furrowed slightly, and he

asked, “What happened? Is it really that urgent?”

11:13 Sat, 2 Sept

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