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Chapter 153

Jean remained unfazed by the words that resembled a curse. To him, such remarks held no significance. However,Neera couldn't help feeling uneasy and uncomfortable. She sensed an air of ill fortune surrounding her.

Nevertheless, she didn't hold back and retorted, "Thank you for your concern, Uncle Clarence, but you'reworrying too much. Jean is perfectly healthy. I checked him before, and he'll live to a ripe old age of a hundred.As for you..."

As she spoke, Neera looked at Clarence with a half-smile, half-smirk, scanning him from head to toe.

"Your health doesn't seem to be in good shape at all. You need to take it seriously; otherwise, I'm afraid you won'tlive past three years. If something unexpected happens then, you'll regret not taking action sooner!"

Upon hearing this, Clarence erupted in fury, his gaze like sharp arrows directed at her.

Jonas couldn't contain his anger and slammed the table while scolding her, "What nonsense are you spouting? Areyou cursing my father? Do you have no manners? How dare someone from the Garcia family acts so brazenly infront of the Beauvort family!"

The rest of the family also grew disdainful and displeased with Neera. It seemed that being raised in a lessprestigious household left her unsuitable for their circle.

An ordinary junior daring to challenge her elders in public and speaking with such arrogance and ill fortune—itwas simply unacceptable!

Even Frederic and Wrenn, who had defended Neera earlier, now frowned, disappointed with her behavior.

"Neera, how could you speak to your elders like that? It's truly unlike you! You should apologize to Uncle

Clarence immediately!"

Neera blinked her eyes innocently, seemingly undisturbed by the situation.

"Dad, Mom, please don't be angry. Let me explain; I didn't mean to offend Uncle Clarence..."

Jonas gritted his teeth, "You call this not offending? The Garcia family's manners and upbringing are indeedotherworldly!"

Ignoring his outburst, Neera calmly explained, "I didn't mean to offend, truly. What I said was the truth... In allhonesty, I'm a medical student, and when I saw Uncle Clarence, I noticed that his complexion looked abnormal—pale and weak. It seems like he might have long-term kidney issues, possibly even showing signs of kidneyfailure. Moreover, considering his age, his quick temper might indicate heart problems."

Clarence was taken aback and furious, about to unleash his anger with scathing words, but she didn't give him achance and persisted, "I understand that my words might be hard for you to accept at first. You probably think I'mjust making wild claims. If that's the case, how about you answer a few questions? Do you often feel weak,fatigued, and dizzy?"

Clarence was momentarily stunned by her words, and his retort got stuck in his throat. He couldn't deny that whatshe said made some sense.

However, he couldn't bring himself to admit it. His face contorted, looking as if he had just swallowed a fly,trying to maintain his pride.

"No, I don't! You're just talking nonsense. Just because you have a little knowledge doesn't mean you can showoff here!"

Neera spoke with a weight of sincerity, trying to persuade him, "Uncle Clarence, don't deny it. Everyone falls sickat some point; there's no shame in that. Taking care of your health is essential. Moreover, it's your own body, notsomeone else's. If you suffer, no one else can bear that burden for you."

Clarence was left speechless, his face fluctuating between gloom and brightness.

On the one hand, he couldn't stand being publicly pointed out as potentially ill by a younger family member. Onthe other hand, he began to worry, afraid that Neera might be right about his health condition.

The rest of the family also doubted as they witnessed Clarence's reactions. Could there be any truth to Neera'swords?

An eerie silence enveloped the room.

Sensing the opportunity, Neera intensified her efforts to convince him, "Uncle Clarence, if you still doubt me, Ican demonstrate by applying acupressure. It will provide proof."

She exchanged a subtle glance with Jean, who responded with a nearly imperceptible nod, suggesting they give ita try.

"In that case, let's try it," Jean proposed.

With consent granted, Neera raised an eyebrow teasingly and confidently approached Clarence. Without waitingfor his response, she firmly pressed a specific meridian point on his hand. novelbin

"Do you now feel weakness throughout your body or even a tingling sensation in your heart? If so, it's enough to

suggest that your body is gradually deteriorating, especially your heart..."

She maintained a grave expression as if Clarence's condition was already dire...

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