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Chapter 1525

Chapter 1525 Collaborate Together

The entire Phison was in turmoil. Everyone was in a state of panic and confusion.


Many chose to stay indoors, afraid to venture out on the streets, fearing they might be inexplicably

abducted and taken to unknown places.

Suspicion began to spread, and some speculated about a grand conspiracy.

One comment read: How could so many people mysteriously disappear? What happened to those who

were captured? There must be a massive conspiracy at play here. Who stands to benefit the most from


Another read: The virus in District Twenty is spreading rapidly, yet the Bartitsu Guild shows no sign of

taking any relevant measures or sending support. This is highly suspicious.

The following comment read: Wait a moment, the previous comment has a good point. Could all these

events be related to the Bartitsu Guild?

Another read: I don’t know. We shouldn’t jump to conclusions; everyone should keep their suspicions to

themselves. Speaking out might lead to unforeseen consequences.

Someone commented: This sounds like a conspiracy theory!

Various speculations and suspicions circulated throughout Phison in the midst of the chaos.

Most of them pointed fingers at the Bartitsu Guild. What intensified the suspicion was the guild’s

unusual silence. In the past, if the Bartitsu Guild was ever involved in any controversy, they would

promptly issue statements to clarify their stance. However, this time, the guild remained silent

throughout, not addressing any aspects of the virus, the suspicions, or the fate of those taken away.

This silence only fueled further doubt.

After two days and nights of investigation, lan finally found some clues amid the confusion.

“Mr. Beauvort, your guess was correct. Indeed, this large research base has been colluding with the

Bartitsu Guild all along.”

Neither Jean nor Neera were surprised by this revelation.

“Just uncovering the truth won’t be enough. So far, we haven’t obtained concrete evidence. Moreover, if

the Bartitsu Guild is behind this, it means they won’t stop. We must thwart their conspiracy this time, no

matter what.”

“Ha!” Jean let out a cold chuckle.

“Matthew has restrained himself for so many years, but it seems he can’t hold back any longer. It

appears he wants to fulfill his ambition of unifying Phison. However, this grand goal will ultimately be


That day, Jean instructed lan to disseminate the information he had gathered secretly.

Soon, many families confirmed that this was indeed a conspiracy by the Bartitsu Guild.

They understood that this was the culmination of years of conflict between the Bartitsu Guild and

Lordsworth Estate. This time, it was necessary to determine a winner.

It was also a moment for them to reevaluate their allegiance.

10:29 Tue, 12 DecA


Astute individuals could see through the Bartitsu Guild’s ruthless and malicious nature, willing to

sacrifice a significant number of lives and families for their own gain.

Pledging allegiance to such a force wouldn’t bring them peace.

What happened to the Gordon family and the Cox family was a prime example.


And so, these families finally recognized the situation. Whether they were originally aligned with

Lordsworth Estate or under the influence of the Bartitsu Guild, they began defecting to Lordsworth


In the following days, Tiago handled the affairs of these families. Dealing with the influx of families

proved to be a daunting task.

Due to the sheer number of families pledging allegiance, he decided to hold a secret meeting. Each

family, whether originally aligned with Lordsworth Estate or newly defecting from the Bartitsu Guild, was

required to send a representative-either a person or an elder-to attend the meeting.

During the meeting, Tiago publicly stated that Lord of Phison was aware of the current situation and

had decided to completely eliminate the large research base.

These families were invigorated by this news and expressed their full commitment, vowing to use all

their resources to support the cause.

Thus, a massive alliance was formed, completely severing the delicate balance between the Bartitsu

Guild and Lordsworth Estate.

In the coming days, Lordsworth Estate organized a group of elite individuals to secretly approach the

island where the secret research facility was located.

This group consisted of numerous skilled individuals, including several under Jean’s direct command, a

few martial arts experts, and even a top mercenary.

The team devised a meticulous plan to explore the terrain and attempt to infiltrate the interior of the

research facility.

Neera expressed her concerns, “The fact that the large research facility was constructed so secretly

and remained hidden for so long indicates that its security arrangements are extremely thorough. Can

we guarantee that our people will be safe once they go in?”

Sitting across from her, Jean played chess with a calm demeanor, showing no signs of panic or


“In this world, there is no such thing as a foolproof plan. Every undertaking carries a certain degree of


After he finished speaking, he made a move on the chessboard.

However, Neera couldn’t focus on the game. “What should we do then? If our people are captured,

won’t it expose us?”

Jean slowly gave her a smile. novelbin

“The best solution is to adapt to circumstances, exploit potential risks, and turn them into


Neera tilted her head. “What do you mean by this? What exactly are you planning? You better not hide

anything from me.”

“Don’t worry. Since they might catch some of our people, I might as well let them catch a few. They will

only think it’s normal if they catch someone. If they can’t catch anyone, they will suspect something is

amiss. After all, this matter is now public knowledge. Lordsworth Estate can’t just do nothing. Allowing

them to successfully capture someone will make them slightly relax their guard, thinking they have

everything under control.”

Comprehension dawned on Neera. “Are you saying that we deliberately let them capture some of our


“Yes, even if they capture our people, they won’t harm them. He needs these individuals to gather

information from us. These individuals, seemingly captured by them, are actually our pawns, perfectly

positioned to collaborate with our forces.”

Neera nodded in understanding, throwing her chess pieces on the board. After a moment of thought,

she said, “What about all of you? What are you doing? If I don’t contribute, I’ll feel uneasy. I’m heading

to the World Medical Alliance now to find a way to develop medication capable of neutralizing this


Originally, Jean didn’t want her to go, mainly because the imminent war with the Bartitsu Guild made it

difficult for him to leave, and he was concerned about Neera’s safety outside his watchful eye.

However, Neera reassured him with a smile.

“Don’t worry. The security system at the World Medical Alliance is one of the best globally. It’s not some

place anyone can easily breach.”

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