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Chapter 1515

Chapter 1515


Even if she was reluctant, at that moment, Leopold had no choice but to consider the bigger picture. He

politely exchanged a few pleasantries with the elders of the Beauvort family.

Afterward, he found an excuse to leave first.

He had initially planned to take Nicole away with him, but unexpectedly, Nicole started chatting with

Wrenn as if they were old friends.

Seeing the situation, Leopold naturally couldn’t take her sister away, so he had no choice but to leave


Nicole achieved her goal and began to cotton up to Wrenn, carefully choosing words that the latter

would love to hear.

Wrenn didn’t notice anything amiss. Plus, considering Nicole was the granddaughter of her benefactor,

it was only natural for her to be a bit more enthusiastic. novelbin

After chatting for a while, Wrenn casually asked, “Both you and your brother are blessed with good

looks and come from a respectable family. You both are so polite and well-mannered. There must be

many people who like you, right? Have you found someone you fancy yet?”

A fleeting shadow passed through Nicole’s eyes, gone in an instant, unnoticed by anyone.

She gave a harmless smile, feigning innocence as she said, “I’m still single, but it seems like my

brother has someone he’s interested in. He just never talks to me about it, so I’m a bit in the dark.”

Wrenn nodded in understanding. “I see. Your brother is an outstanding man. Any girl who can capture

his heart must be exceptional as well.”

Nicole nodded earnestly, saying, “Yes, just like Ms. Garcia. My brother used to admire Ms. Garcia a lot.

It’s the first time I’ve seen him admire a woman so much. In the past, my brother was indifferent to

women, just like a block of wood.”

She composedly spoke ill of her brother, waiting for Wrenn to fall into her trap.

Upon hearing that, Wrenn responded with a simple “I see.” It was unclear whether she took it to heart

or not. Then she asked, “Did you know our Neera from before?”

Upon hearing the phrase “our Neera,” Nicole felt the corner of her eye twitching. Why does it seem like

she’s not as dissatisfied with Neera as those two in the restroom had claimed?

However, at that moment, she was solely focused on tarnishing Neera’s reputation, so she didn’t pay

much attention to that detail,

At that moment, she continued to fan the flames, adding fuel to the fire as she said, “Well, we seem to

have quite a connection with Ms. Garcia. Ms. Garcia once went to the first pharmacy my grandfather

ever managed to buy medicine. It just so happened that my grandfather fainted at that time, and it was

Ms. Garcia who helped treat him. From that moment on, we were extremely grateful to her, especially

my brother. It seems he even contacted Ms. Garcia a few times afterward and had meals together.

Later, when Ms. Garcia needed a heart for surgery, my brother agreed without a second thought,

putting in a lot of effort amidst his busy schedule…”

She vividly described some fabricated events, deliberately making the relationship between Leopold

and Neera seem ambiguous and unclear.

As Wrenn listened, she realized Nicole’s hidden intentions.

10:51 Mon, 11 Dec


The warmth and friendliness she had shown before gradually faded. She continued to smile, but her

gaze was no longer as kind. Instead, it carried a hint of scrutiny.

As Nicole spoke, it seemed she noticed a change in Wrenn’s gaze. Sensing something was off, she

gradually stopped. “Madam Beauvort, is something amiss? Is there something on my face?”

As she spoke, she reached out to touch her cheek, confused.

Frederic was as sharp as a tack, seeing through her tricks at a glance.

However, being a grown man, he didn’t feel it was right to say anything unpleasant to a woman. Thus,

he simply left the battlefield to Wrenn and went off to chat with Elmer.

Wrenn looked at Nicole’s innocent and confused expression. Then, she faintly chuckled, her tone

somewhat mocking. “Isn’t it tiring to put on an act?”

Out of the blue, Wrenn blurted out such a statement. Nicole was immediately taken aback, her mouth

agape, unsure of how to respond.

Wrenn didn’t expect Nicole to respond. She just continued, “Ms. Meyer, considering you come from the

Meyer family, you should be a lady of a prestigious family. However, your behavior doesn’t seem to fit

the mold of a well- bred young lady. You may think your naivety and innocence are endearing, but in

the eyes of others, it comes off as childish and foolish. Do you understand? Surely, you don’t think that

you’re the only smart one in this world and everyone else is a fool, do you?”

Nicole didn’t expect that the conversation would somehow take that unexpected turn.

When she seemed to have found her voice again, she quickly denied, “No, Madam Beauvort, you…

You’ve misunderstood.”

“Did I? I don’t think so,” Wrenn interrupted with a half-smile, seeing right through the younger woman.

“Didn’t you come here to cotton up to me so you can speak ill of Neera? After all that talk, aren’t you

just trying to make me suspect that our Neera may have some inappropriate relationship with your


Caught off guard by Wrenn’s directness, Nicole was momentarily speechless.

Then, Nicole shook her head in denial again. “No, you’ve really misunderstood. I was just… I was just

telling the truth.”

“Speak the truth? Ha…” Wrenn sneered. “I’m quite puzzled. How can you be so confident, thinking that

your brother can compare to my son? Do you think that our Neera would rather abandon my son and

get involved with another man? Ms. Meyer, my words are not meant to belittle your brother in any way.

I’m just stating the facts. Moreover, I believe that no matter who the other person is, our Neera would

never get herself mixed up with others. You may not understand her, but I do. She is a person of great

responsibility and honesty, pure at heart. I know this better than anyone. Therefore, it’s impossible for

her to break her promises or betray Jean. If you’ve come to me trying to sow discord/I think you’ve got

the wrong person and taken the wrong path.”

Nicole had considered all possibilities, but she never expected that reaction from Wrenn. She’s actually

defending Neera? Why? I thought she disliked Neera.

She wanted to say something else, but what came out was a question. “Do you really trust Neera this


Wrenn gave a cool smile. “Of course, if I don’t trust her, should I trust an outsider like you? If you’re

thinking of becoming the third wheel, I advise you to drop that idea. After all, you’re a lady from a

reputable family. Any scandal would be detrimental. Ruining someone else’s family will inevitably bring

retribution. Moreover, with your status, it’s impossible for you to interfere in the relationship between

Neera and Jean. As a person, one should not

be overly self-deprecating, but neither should they overestimate themselves. You and Neera, there’s

simply no comparison.”

Having said that, she couldn’t be bothered to pay any more attention to Nicole. She turned around and



Nicole stood frozen in place, her face unsightly for quite a while.

She never imagined that things would turn out so differently from what she had anticipated.

Whether it was Jean or Wrenn, their reactions were all beyond her expectations!

Especially Wrenn, who surprisingly favored Neera so blatantly, showing such undisguised partiality and


How could this be? How could this happen? After facing setbacks twice in one night, Nicole had

reached a boiling point. Her expression was on the verge of breaking, changing several times. In the

end, she couldn’t bear to stay any longer and left with a darkened face.

Not long after she left, Jeremiah took the stage and formally introduced Neera to everyone, causing

quite a stir.

The bigger surprise was yet to come.

No one knew when Frederic and Elmer had made a special arrangement. After Neera had finished her

introduction, Frederic suddenly stepped onto the stage. Then, he loudly declared that, in order to show

their friendly support for the Park family, the Beauvort family would form a friendly collaboration with the

Park family. In fact, the Beauvort family was graciously giving up five percent of the market share to the

Park family!

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