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Chapter 1509

Chapter 1509

After hanging up the phone, Neera glanced at the man sitting beside her, her brows raised slightly.

“Why the long face? Are you still angry?” she asked.

Jean cleared his throat and asked unhurriedly, “Is it that obvious?” novelbin

Neera chuckled. “Of course. I can tell your feelings at a glance. Are you still upset about this?”

Jean’s face darkened slightly, and he snorted coldly. “Just thinking about what they’ve done, I wish I

could crush them to death right away.”

Giggling, Neera suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and sat on his lap. “How violent.”

Jean held her close, carefully ensuring that she wouldn’t fall.

He tilted his head back slightly. His face still held a hint of displeasure, making it clear that he was still

bothered by the matter concerning Nigel and Maggie.

“They treated you like cr*p and still dared to use such an underhanded method. The fact that I haven’t

taken action yet is a mercy.”

If it were him, Nigel and Maggie would definitely not be comfortably nestled in their house right then.

Neera understood well enough that he refrained from taking action out of respect for her and out of

consideration for Wilfrid.

She sighed. “All I care about is Wilfrid. It’s good that he has figured things out for himself now. If Nigel

and Maggie continue to cause trouble, I’ll ask for your help. For now, leave it to me.”

She still had evidence in her hands, yet to be released.

She initially didn’t want to be take things too far, but since Nigel and Maggie left her with no way out,

there was no need for her to leave them any room for retreat either.!

That afternoon, Neera composed a message herself and released all the evidence she had in her


When the remittance receipts were made public, no one dared to make any further accusations.

Neera’s fans could finally stand with their head held high, emerging all at once, springing up like


A comment read: This is Ms. Neera. She’s always worth admiring! She’s forever positive, resilient yet

gentle, kind yet firm. She’s simply a treasure in this world! I love her so much. Who understands me?


person typed: I want to be that villain, curious to know where those who previously cursed Ms. Neera

have run off to now. Why aren’t you all not stamping their feet and making noise now? When you were

cursing her, you were all so passionately involved. It was as though she had desecrated your family’s

graves. Now that the tables have turned, you’ve suddenly gone silent, acting like turtles hiding in their

shells. It’s truly disgraceful. You had the guts to curse her, so shouldn’t you also have the decency to

come forward and apologize to her now?

Someone else seconded: Exactly! The lot of you said all sorts of nasty things previously. How is it fair

for Ms. Neera to suffer all the criticism?, That greedy couple didn’t have any evidence and merely

spouted lies. Yet, you all belleved them, rushing to hurl insults, acting as if you were the epitome of

justice. Now, are you all playing dumb? Have you no shame?

Soon, the hashtag #apologizetoneera shot to the top of the trending searches.

10:47 Mon, 11 Dec


Perhaps some people felt they had gone too far with what they previously said, for they sincerely


By the time evening arrived, all hell broke loose on Twitter.

It turned out that Park Group that had publicly released a statement through their official account.

The announcement didn’t say much, only stating that Park Group would be hosting a company event at

Kingsmead Club three days later, and the CEO of Park Group would be present in person. At the same

time, they would also formally introduce everyone to the long-lost heiress of the Park family-Neera.

As soon as the news broke out, the whole of Kingsview reeled in shock.

A comment read: Holy moly, am I seeing this right? Could it be that I’ve been online too much lately

that my eyes are playing tricks on me? Park Group and Neera? What’s the connection here?

Another person typed: No way! Park Group actually moved from the south to Kingsview? It’s a first-rate

company domestically and globally recognized too! It used to be the leading enterprise in the south.

Now in Kingsview, although it can’t compare to Beauvort Group, no other company can compete with

Park Group either!

Someone else commented: People often say that even a powerful person cannot defeat a local tyrant.

Even if Park Group is famous in the south, when it comes to Kingsview, it needs to establish a firm

foothold first. However, its strength makes it so that this step isn’t required. Even without a foundation

or connections in Kingsview, Park Group can immediately change the situation upon arrival! It can be

said that the corporation itself represents connections!

Yet another person wondered: The crux of the matter is, how did Neera become the heiress of the Park

family? What’s going on here? Is there anyone who can make sense of this piece of revelation? I’m in

limbo right now, feeling so lost.

The next comment read: Commenters were right, after all. This is indeed a grand soap opera, and

there’s more to come! This is so unexpected. Who would have thought that Neera actually has

connections with the Park family? It’s simply astonishing. Her background is truly powerful. What’s

even more frightening is that despite her strong background, she’s also incredibly capable. She’s just

too strong! I’m in awe!

Somebody commented: Someone dug around and found out that Ms. Neera’s biological mother is

none other than Stacy Park, the sister of the chairman of Park Group! So, Ms. Neera is indeed the

legitimate heiress of the Park family. My goodness, how incredible! Ms. Neera has so many aliases that

I’m genuinely envious.

Another person noted: Oh, there’s such a connection. If no one had dug it up, I wouldn’t have put two

and two together. So, the Park family is essentially backing Neera up now by doing this?

Someone replied: But of course. She is the long-lost heiress of the Park family, whom they’ve finally

found. They’d never let others bully her. Just wait and see. While they claim to be having a company

event, the most important thing is surely to introduce Neera’s identity.

Another comment read: Ms. Neera is truly a winner in life. She’s strong, a renowned doctor, and

married to Mr. Beauvort. With the support of the Beauvort family, and now even the Park family as her

mighty backer, who wouldn’t be envious?

Yet someone else added: The previous commenter forgot to mention something. Don’t forget about Ms.

Neera’s aunt, who is the founder of ANXIN Group. Now, ANXIN Group is under Neera’s control, and

she’s also the F.A of the Gordon family. It’s an understatement to say that her net worth is over

hundreds of billions. She herself is already very wealthy.

Another person lamented: Wow, she’s excellent, simply impressive! When would I ever attain half her

achievements? Then, I would die without regrets in this lifetime.

Somebody chided: Wake up! Half her achievements? The average person would probably struggle to

reach even a tenth of them.

Yet someone else commented: Some people were jealous previously, saying that Ms. Neera was

reaching above her station to marry into the Beauvort family, going from rags to riches. How hilarious.

Who is really marrying above one’s station here? Take a good look at what the kind of person Ms.

Neera is. Putting aside her background, just look at her personal achievements. She’s a leading

authority in the medical profession, hailed as a miracle doctor. With such a status, isn’t she more than

worthy of the Beauvort family? It should be said that it’s Mr. Beauvort who is lucky to be worthy of Ms.


Someone echoed: I feel the same way. Why is it always said that Ms. Neera should be worthy of Mr.

Beauvort? Why can’t it be the other way around?

The subsequent comment seconded: Exactly. I truly believe that the Beauvort family is, blessed to have

a daughter- in-law like Ms. Neera.

Neera found the comments on the internet amusing.

She showed them to Jean, who raised an eyebrow and said readily, “They’re right. Indeed, I am the

one who reached above my station.”

Neera hummed. “Do you really think so?”

Jean smiled, his eyes brimming with sincerity. “But of course.”

Satisfied, Neera picked up her phone and made a call to Edward.

“Hey, Neera, have you seen the news?” Edward quickly answered the call, aware of the purpose it.

“Yeah,” Neera replied. Then, she asked curiously, “Edward, why the sudden decision to host a

company event? Do I have to attend? This is so unexpected.”

Edward chuckled, “Not so sudden, actually. The Park family has long wanted to move to Kingsview.

Moreover, after finding you, my parents wanted to publicize your identity as soon as possible. The

company event provides just the right opportunity for that.

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