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Chapter 1499

Chapter 1499

Neera had already reserved a private room in advance. After the three of them entered the restaurant,

they headed straight for the private room.

After taking a seat, Neera handed the menu to Wilfrid. “Take a look and see if there’s anything you like.

Feel free to order whatever you want to eat.”

Wilfrid initially wanted to decline, but he knew his sister didn’t like him being so polite. After a moment

of hesitation, he ordered a dish.

Neera didn’t insist any further. After ordering a few more dishes, he asked the waiter to pour some

coffee, and then dismissed everyone from the room.

In the private room, only the three of them remained.

After mentally preparing himself all the way, Wilfrid finally found the courage to speak. “Sis, I’m


Upon hearing this, Neera knew that he had already seen those rumors and gossip on the internet.

At that moment, she calmly said, “Don’t worry about what they’re saying online and don’t stress over

your parents’ issues. This matter has nothing to do with you. There’s no need for you to feel any


Though she said so, Wilfrid felt as if a lump of cotton was stuck in his heart, causing him discomfort no

matter what.

In reality, he didn’t have the habit of browsing the internet or scrolling through Twitter. It was only when

he overheard people discussing this matter while he was at work that he decided to look it up online.

His expression changed when he saw the revelations his parents made and the online attacks on hisnovelbin


He immediately dialed Maggie’s number. As his fingers tapped on the screen, they trembled


After much difficulty getting through, he realized his voice was trembling when he began to speak.

“Mom, how could you and Dad say such things? Do you have any idea how much trouble this could

cause for Neera? What will people think of her? You’re too much!”

Upon hearing these words, Maggie immediately became displeased.

“What’s your deal? Why do you always side with outsiders? Saying we’re too much? It’s clearly that

woman who’s overstepping! If she wasn’t indulging herself in lavish meals and sitting on a pile of gold

and silver, completely disregarding our wellbeing, would we have resorted to such measures? We’ve

worked so hard to raise her, but she turned out to be an ungrateful wretch, ignoring us and even

teaming up with the Beauvort family to bully us, framing your father and me. And you, finally calling

home after so long, only to start accusing us right off the bat. Do you even regard us as your parents

anymore? Or do you think you were raised by Neera? You ungrateful little brat, don’t tell me you’re

planning to become an ingrate too!”

As Wilfrid faced Maggie’s accusations that came at him like rapid-fire, his expression turned rather


He was caught in a dilemma, and after a long pause, he finally said, “That’s not what I meant, Mom. I

just think what you’re doing is really unreasonable. No matter what, Neera has never wronged our

family. When she left home, didn’t she give us a sum of money? Isn’t that enough? How much more do

you want? Moreover, you say that you’ve worked hard to raise her, but when she was living with us,

you didn’t treat her well. Why should she be grateful to you? Being a good person requires having a

conscience, but Mom and Dad, you were the first to mistreat her. Our family has no right to demand

anything from her.”

He tried to reason with his parents, but would Maggie and Nigel ever listen?

If they were reasonable people, how could things have come to this?

Suddenly, Nigel snatched the phone and started cursing at the person on the other end.

“You little brat, thinking you’re all grown up now, daring to criticize your own parents! Let me tell you,

Neera is no good! Just because she’s made some money and is successful now, she thinks she can

look down on us! And the Beauvort family is no different. They’re all in the same boat! Your mother and

I merely went to the Beauvorts to see your sister, but what did we get in return? They not only

disregarded us but also accused us of stealing from them and drove us out! We were utterly humiliated,

yet instead of blaming Neera, you turned around and started criticizing us. Who exactly gave birth to


Wilfrid listened, completely baffled. His brows furrowed in confusion. “What’s this about the Beauvort

family? Why were you driven out? And what’s this about stealing?”

Naturally, Nigel wouldn’t go into detail with him. He just made up a few sentences off the top of his

head: After all, either way, it was all the Beauvort family’s fault to him.

Wilfrid, however, did not fully believe it, feeling that things were not that simple.

Explaining to them was futile, and he could not make them understand. So, he decided to put this

matter aside for now, only hoping they would take back their previous words.

However, Nigel spoke confidently. “The news has already been released, so what’s the point of

discussing this now? Do you think the media is our personal property, to publish or retract whatever we

want? Besides, what did we say that was wrong? Neera, she’s nothing but an ungrateful wretch! Such

a heartless creature. It’s only right to expose her true colors and let everyone condemn her! I’m telling

you, Wilfrid, you better understand this clearly. If you continue to side with that woman, arguing with us,

your parents, for her sake, then don’t bother coming back home in the future. Don’t even consider us

your family anymore. We don’t have a son like you!”

After making a fuss, he hung up the phone immediately.

A chill ran through Wilfrid as he listened to the sound of the disconnected tone through the receiver.

Then, when he was at work, he was so distracted that he almost spilled the coffee meant for a


Unexpectedly, Neera actually came looking for him.

Right now, sitting across from his sister, he felt incredibly distressed.

“Sis, my parents owe you an apology…”

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