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Chapter 1497

Chapter 1497


Neera shook her head. “No worries. What’s real can’t be faked, and what’s fake can’t be real. The truth

will prove itself, whether what they say is true or false.”

Wrenn immediately asked, “Do you have a way to prove that what they’re saying is false?”

Neera nodded. “Hmm, don’t worry. Everything will be fine. But before that, I need to meet someone.”

Wrenn thought for a moment, then quickly guessed, “You want to go see your younger brother, don’t


Neera didn’t hide anything and nodded. “Yes, I don’t care at all about what happens to his parents.

However, I can’t ignore the matter concerning Wilfrid. Since this issue involves his parents, it might

have some impact on him. I need to meet him in advance to explain the situation.”

“Oh, based on what you’ve told me before, it seems your younger brother is a sensible and good child.

He surely wouldn’t mind. It’s just a pity for the kid. He’s clearly outstanding and kind, yet he’s stuck with

such troublesome parents. Life really isn’t fair…”

As they were talking, Neera’s phone suddenly rang.

She took out her phone and saw it was a call from Edward. Immediately, she guessed the purpose of

his call.

At that moment, she stepped aside to answer the call, and immediately, a deep voice came through

from the other end.

“Neera? You’ve returned to the country? Why didn’t you tell me? Also, what’s the deal with your

adoptive parents? What’s going on?”

Neera sighed helplessly. “I came back yesterday quite unexpectedly, so no one had the chance to tell

you. Edward, don’t worry about this. I have a way to handle it. Once I’m done with my things here, I’ll

come to find you.”

Edward was dissatisfied. “How are you going to handle this? Public opinion is all over the place now,

with all sorts of nasty things being said. What’s your plan to prove yourself?”

Neera knew that he was worried about her, which warmed her heart, her voice gentle and soothing.

“I have my own ways to handle this, Edward. You don’t need to worry about it. Just wait and see how

I’ll sort it out.”

After exchanging a few more words, Edward repeatedly emphasized that if the situation couldn’t be

resolved, he must be informed. He would help. Only then did the two end the call.

Meanwhile, news from Ian also came through.

Upon learning the exact name and address of the cafe, Neera didn’t linger and decided to leave


Wrenn stopped her. “Hey, wait a bit before you leave. You’ve just gotten up and haven’t even eaten yet.

What’s the rush?”

Neera shook her head. “I won’t eat now. We can talk about it when I return.”

After saving that she immediately put on her shoes and left the house

10:28 Sat, 9 Dec

After saying that, she immediately put on her shoes and left the house.

Jean comforted Wrenn with a few words, then followed her out.

Wrenn couldn’t help but feel anxious, her face full of worry.


“What on earth is this girl thinking? Why won’t she say anything? I can’t help if she doesn’t speak up.

All I can do is worry.”

Seeing her like this, Frederic was instantly amused.

“Just look at yourself now; you’re acting like your life revolves around your daughter. It seems to me

that you’re not as devoted to Jean as you are to Neera.”

Upon hearing his words, Wrenn rolled her eyes at him.

“I’d rather she was my daughter, as that would make us closer. She’s much better than that blockhead

Jean, who’s taciturn. And what are you laughing at? Aren’t you aware of the current situation? Hurry up

and register an account to help Neera speak!”

Frederic was rendered speechless.

He increasingly felt that his wife’s favoritism was intense, and the change was just too drastic.

In order to help Neera, that woman was even capable of creating multiple accounts to battle those trolls


Tsk, tsk, such a change. I didn’t see it coming at all.

There were no parking spaces available at the entrance of the cafe, so Neera chose to get out first,

leaving Jean to park the car.

That day was a weekend, and since Wilfrid didn’t have any classes, he should be there working.

At that moment, she stood at the entrance of the cafe, peering inside through the floor-to-ceiling


The place wasn’t crowded. A waiter was walking around with a tray, but it wasn’t Wilfrid.

Just as she was about to push the door open, suddenly, someone came out from inside. Upon seeing

her, she was clearly taken aback.

Immediately after, the person’s expression changed as she let out a scornful sneer.

“Well, well, who do we have here? I never thought the world was so small that I’d bump into you here!”

Neera didn’t even notice the person. She was about to pass by, not even sparing a glance.

When she heard that vaguely familiar voice, a frown creased her brows. Only then did she turn her

head to look.

She didn’t expect to cross paths with her nemesis. It turned out to be Nicole.

She was seen holding a cup of coffee in her hand, clearly just purchased, ready to leave.

10:28 Sat, 9 Dec RR


After a fleeting reaction, Neera shifted her gaze, not wanting to deal with her. She turned around to

push the door open and enter.

Seeing her hesitation, Nicole became even more eager, not willing to let it go. With a swift move, he

blocked her path.

“What’s this? At the very least, we know each other. You can pretend not to see me, but not even a

greeting? Not even a response to my words? Is this how you treat others? Let’s not mention anything

else. Our Meyer family did you a huge favor. Without us, do you think you could have gotten a heart to

save someone? Are you dreaming? What’s going on now? Are you turning your back on us?”

Neera stopped in her tracks, reluctantly lifting her gaze to look at her, her eyes frosty and indifferent.

“If my memory serves me right, it was Mr. Meyer who provided me with the heart, not you, Nicole. And

do I need to remind you? You tried to trip me up, attempting to blackmail me with the heart, almostnovelbin

ruining Mr. Meyer’s good intentions.”

Nicole’s delicate eyebrows lifted, displaying an air of righteous confidence.

“So what? When all is said and done, it was the Meyer family who helped you. I am a member of the

Meyer family, so you should be extremely grateful and courteous to me. The fact that I haven’t asked

you to bow and thank me is already a great favor. Now, what’s with this attitude of yours? Who do you

think you’re showing it to?”

After hearing her words, Neera found it amusing. A faint smile played at the corners of her lips,

revealing a fake smirk.

“Bow and thank you? Ms. Meyer, if I remember correctly, you made this impolite request when you took

the heart. However, it never came to fruition. Instead, you received several slaps, didn’t you? It seems

like you have a knack for forgetting things. From head to toe, it seems your stubbornness is the most

prominent, isn’t it?”

Every time the incident of her last setback was brought up, Nicole would be filled with irritation.

Because of this incident, she was punished by George and even scolded by her brother, who always

loved her. She remembered every single one of those grievances!

At that moment, she took a deep breath, surprisingly not bursting out immediately. Instead, she retorted

with a sharp, sarcastic tone.

“So what if I’m stubborn? It’s still better than being an ungrateful wretch like you, right? Ha, Neera, do

you still think you have the audacity to act high and mighty? Your reputation now stinks worse than a

rat crossing the street! What do you have to be proud of? I just didn’t expect it. I thought you were only

heartless toward the Meyer family, but to think you’re even cold and ruthless toward your adoptive

parents. Seeing your attitude now, I’m not surprised at all.”

Neera narrowed her eyes slightly. “Heartless toward the Meyer family? Ms. Meyer, you must be

mistaken. I have great respect for Mr. Meyer, and I’m very grateful to the family. If I have any attitude

toward the Meyer family, it’s only toward you, Ms. Meyer. As for why, you’ll have to find the reason in

yourself. Don’t just spout nonsense and cause misunderstandings. It’s not good.”

Upon hearing those words, Nicole bit the corner of her lip, a flash of hatred flickering in her eyes…

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