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Chapter 1481

Chapter 1481


Wrenn didn’t expect her to utter those words. She was taken aback by her audacity. An ambiguous

chuckle escaped from her mouth.

She took a deep breath, striving to maintain her composure, and asked, “So, how much money do you


Maggie remained silent and glanced at Nigel instead.

The latter hesitated for a moment, straightened his back, and gave a number. “Well, shouldn’t we at

least add a zero to it?”

Wrenn couldn’t help but furrow her brows. Even Frederic’s face was contorted.

“You’re saying you want fifty million?”

This time, Nigel remained silent. Maggie, with her head held high, responded, “Yes, Mrs. Beauvort. The

Beauvort family is so wealthy and powerful, and even influential. A mere fifty million should mean

nothing to you, right?”

Fifty million, for the Beauvort family, indeed wasn’t much. Giving it away was merely a trivial matter.

However, just because the Beauvort family was wealthy, it didn’t mean that others could take

advantage of them as they pleased.

At that moment, Wrenn picked up the coffee cup and took a sip leisurely without any intention of

savoring it. Her gaze, through the rim of the cup, was fixed on the two people opposite her, a cold

sneer echoing in her heart.

This couple really has the nerve to make outrageous demands.

She placed the coffee cup gently on the table, lifted her eyes, and asked with a smile that didn’t quite

reach her eyes, “Could you two perhaps share what kind of trouble you’ve encountered that requires

such a large sum of money? If it’s possible, the Beauvort family is willing to step in directly and resolve

it for you, saving you the trouble.”

Maggie’s expression turned sour.

Mrs. Beauvort and Neera are cut from the same cloth. They speak so similarly.

After a moment of hesitation, she finally stammered, “The matter is neither too big nor too small. It’s

just… It’s just that Nigel’s health isn’t good. He needs proper treatment and care. Some time ago, we

spent all our savings on his treatment. Even Neera is reluctant to contribute more. We really have no

other options.”

Nigel’s health isn’t good? He needs proper treatment and care?

Wrenn nearly let out a cold laugh. No matter how she looked at Nigel, he didn’t seem like someone

with a frail constitution.

Even when telling lies, one should have some basis. Do you really think others are fools to believe

whatever you blurt out?

10:38 Fri, 8 Dec

She continued to be patient, without causing a scene, and simply said, “Is that so? In that case, it’s

perfect. The Beauvort family owns a private hospital. I can arrange for you the best doctors and the

best medical conditions. You don’t need to worry about any cost issues. You just need to focus on

receiving treatment in the hospital.”

Both Maggie’s and Nigel’s faces fell. They hadn’t expected to fall into the trap they had dug


Wrenn was even putting on the facade of a good person, leaving them speechless.

“Of course, you can still keep this five million. After all, as I’ve said, this is to repay you for the kindness

you showed when you adopted Neera back then.”

Upon hearing this, Nigel seized the opportunity and began to speak in a sarcastic tone.

“Mrs. Beauvort, as a mother yourself, you should understand how challenging it is to raise a child.

When Neera was abandoned and came to our home, it was the most difficult stage to educate her. The

amount of effort my wife and I had put in is immeasurable in terms of money. Yes, our circumstances

may not have been the best, but we did our utmost for Neera. Even though we couldn’t provide her with

a life of luxury, we never let her go hungry, right? Seeing how well she has turned out now, it’s not too

much to say that we deserve most of the credit, is it?”

What he was implying, both overtly and subtly, was that this amount of money was nowhere near

enough to repay their kindness in bringing up Neera.

Wrenn’s lips twitched as she suppressed her temper.

“Yes, we acknowledge that the sacrifices you’ve made are indeed priceless. It seems that five million.

might be a bit insufficient. Well, the Beauvort family is not stingy. We heard that Neera has a younger

brother, and we understand that raising him must not be easy for you. We, the Beauvort family, are

willing to contribute an additional three million as a token of our goodwill. This money should be enough

for your son to get married and start a family in the future. Are you both satisfied with this?”

With the addition of three million, it was still just eight million.

Compared to the whopping fifty million Nigel asked for, it was still far behind.

Maggie and Nigel were naturally dissatisfied, but before they could say anything, Wrenn spoke up


“In the Beauvort family, we’ve always believed in repaying kindness. We don’t like owing anyone

anything, but we also won’t let others take advantage of us for no reason. Mr. Marrow, Mrs. Marrow, I

presume your visit is to resolve difficulties, not to gain something for nothing, am I right?”

The implications of these words were quite clear. Maggie and Nigel exchanged a glance. Despite their

apprehensions about the Beauvort family, they didn’t dare to make outright demands. Even if they werenovelbin

dissatisfied, they could only sulk in silence.

After returning to her room, Maggie couldn’t help but curse loudly, “What kind of prestigious family is

this? They’re just as stingy! They think they can dismiss us with eight million! Do they think we’re

beggars? Nigel, what should we do? Should we just compromise like this? Eight million, for the

Beauvort family, is just like plucking a strand of hair, isn’t it?”

Naturally, Nigel was also filled with discontent.

Naturally, Nigel was also filled with discontent.

He had prepared himself for a fight. If he couldn’t achieve his goal, if he couldn’t get the amount he

wanted, he would stubbornly refuse to leave.

However, as he sat in the living room just now, he could feel the powerful aura radiating from the

couple of the Beauvort family. It made him feel somewhat intimidated.

Although he had tried to argue a bit, in the end, he still didn’t dare to go too far.

If by any chance the Beauvort couple becomes displeased and actually drives us out, won’t we end up

worse off than before?

Thinking about this, he gritted his teeth and finally said reluctantly, “Eight million it is then. Let’s take it

for now. After all, they can’t run away from us. We’ll have plenty of opportunities in the future. When the

time comes, we can find any excuse to ask for money. In any case, that d*mned girl is our adopted

daughter. No matter how hard she tries, she can’t shake off this relationship! That reckless girl doesn’t

care about her reputation, but the Beauvort family does. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have let us stay

temporarily and even given us eight million. Isn’t it all because they fear us spreading rumors? Well,

since we have their weakness in our hands, we can manipulate them as we wish in the future. This

time it’s eight million, but next time it will be more. The Beauvort family will be our money tree, an

inexhaustible source of wealth. Our days ahead will only get better!”

Maggie found his words reasonable, and the displeasure that once marked her face began to fade


“All right. Whatever you say. So, we’re leaving tomorrow, then?”

Nigel snorted. “Leave? That depends on our mood. Why would we abandon this grand villa to live in a

small house in the countryside and give up all these delicacies? Only a fool would do that! Tomorrow,

I’ll find an excuse to pretend to be sick, so we can stay here. We’ll stay as long as we can!”

Naturally, Maggie was also reluctant to leave this place. She quickly came up with an idea. “You don’t

have to pretend to be sick. Just say you can’t bear to leave the three brats…”

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