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Chapter 1469

Chapter 1469



“Hey, it’s nothing. Don’t just stand outside. Come in and have a look.” Caleb waved his hand, leading

them inside. He had his subordinates help with the luggage while he personally gave them a brief tour

around the manor.

After a general look around, Neera found herself more satisfied with the place, feeling much more

relaxed, both physically and mentally.

Jean had been watching her expressions all along. He then asked softly, “Do you like it?”

Neera didn’t even have to think before nodding. “Like it? Of course, I like it! Who wouldn’t love such a

beautiful and grand manor? Being able to live here is truly a stroke of luck.”

Jean lowered his gaze, looking into her sparkling eyes. A faint smile tugged at his lips when he said,

“It’s good that you like it.”

His efforts were not in vain.

Beside him, Caleb looked on, his teeth nearly falling out from the sourness, almost blinding himself in

the process. Is this really the same cold-hearted His Lordship? A man falling in love can be quite

terrifying, can’t it?

It seemed as if Jean could hear Caleb’s thoughts. Jean’s eyebrows twitched slightly, and he turned his

head to glance at Caleb.

Caleb shivered all over, quickly averting his gaze.

By the time the group made it into the manor, they were all quite exhausted.

Neera whispered to Jean, “This manor is just too vast. We had covered a large part of it, but that was

just a cursory look. If we were to tour the entire garden, we’d be completely exhausted.”

Jean smiled with pursed lips.

Right then, Chad said, “Mr. Medicina, thank you for your hospitality. May I ask if His Lordship is

currently at the Lordsworth Estate’s residence? Given the attention paid to the Gordon family, we

should pay a visit to express our gratitude properly.”

Upon hearing that, Caleb resisted the urge to sneak a glance at Jean and continued to say earnestly

and seriously, “That should be the case. However, unfortunately, His Lordship has some urgent matters

to attend to and has already left Phison.”

With a hint of regret in his expression, Chad responded, “Oh… In that case, we can only wait for His

Lordship to return. Then, we’ll find an opportunity to pay him a visit. When His Lordship has time, Mr.

Medicina, could you please pass a message from the Gordon family?”

Caleb nodded with a smile. “Of course, Mr. Gordon. By the way, you’re older than me, so there’s really

no need for such formality. You can just call me by my name.”

Afterward, Caleb changed the subject and said, “During this period, if the Gordon family has any

issues, you can directly come to me or to Mr. Wiley. While His Lordship is away, all matters of

Lordsworth Estate are managed by Mr. Wiley. As for the other branch leaders, they are all busy with

their own affairs and are not in District One.”

Chad nodded. “All right, then. I’ll have to trouble you and Mr. Wiley.”

10:53 Wed, 6 Dec


Afterward, Caleb did not linger any longer.

After assigning the rooms, Neera entered the bedroom that belonged to her and Jean. Looking at the

floor-to-ceiling window that covered an entire wall, she felt exceptionally relaxed.

The brilliant sunlight filled the room, enveloping her with its warmth. She stretched lazily, her body

relaxing as she reclined on the soft, large bed.

Jean walked over, looking down at her from a higher position, his handsome eyebrows and eyes filled

with gentle affection. “How are you feeling? Do you feel a bit happier?”

Neera laughed contentedly. “Yes. When I was at Bartitsu Guild, I felt so constrained, like there was a

heavy weight on my heart. I could never relax. Then, one thing after another happened, making it even

more impossible for me to be in a good mood. But now, here, far away from all those disputes and

disagreements, I naturally feel more relaxed. It feels like life has undergone a tremendous change, and

it’s a wonderful feeling.”

Jean smiled in response. “That’s good. During this time, feel free to relax here. Once you’ve recovered,

we’ll bring the children over. How does that sound?”

The moment the children were mentioned, Neera immediately sat up, her eyes lighting up. been such a

long time. I’ve missed them. It’s just that-”

“Sure! It’s

She gently touched the corner of her mouth, which was still not fully healed. She hummed in response

and added, “It’s just that in my current state, I can’t video call them. I can’t even take a glance at


Seeing her expression turn melancholic, Jean slightly lifted his eyebrows as he gently caressed her

delicate and tender cheek. “Don’t worry. You’ll get better soon. You’re still weak, and it’s not suitable for

you to go

in and out of the laboratory. I’ve found you a top-notch scar removal ointment. Its effect is no less than

the one you developed yourself.”

Neera hummed and said, “All right, then.”

While the Gordon family was enjoying a rare moment of peace and leisure, Bartitsu Guild was in utter


On the night following the departure of the Gordon family, the Hoffman, Laker, Quigley, and Watson

families were surprisingly taken down in a single night.

Just like a wild wind sweeping away fallen leaves, four families of extraordinary strength found

themselves plummeting from the heights of Bartitsu Guild, landing straight into the mire.

What was even more shocking was the official statement released by Lordsworth Estate.

The statement bluntly acknowledged that the incident involving the four families of Bartitsu Guild being

uprooted was indeed the handiwork of Lordsworth Estate.

At the same time, it was stated that Phison would never tolerate evil, and it was wrong for one to harm

others for the sake of development. Bartitsu Guild might let things slide, but Lordsworth Estate would

not sit idly by. Since the Gordon family was already a force under Lordsworth Estate, the grievance

would be addressed by Lordsworth Estate on their behalf.

Not only that, Lordsworth Estate had publicly declared that it would not only let the Gordon family

maintain their power in District Twenty-One to District Twenty-Five, but it would also provide

comprehensive support. This included ensuring the safety and development of the Gordon family in

District One, which Lordsworth Estate would also fully assist and support.

The domineering declaration instantly left everyone utterly astounded, and the netizens were quick to

comment on it.

Gosh! The way Lordsworth Estate is handling things is simply enviable! Who is this deity that can

support the Gordon family so strongly? The Gordon family is really lucky. I’m so jealous! I guess it’s

mainly because they’re doing all this for the sake of the head of the Gordon family!

Isn’t it obvious? Even a simpleton could figure it out. If it weren’t for the Gordon family’s head,

Lordsworth Estate probably wouldn’t have any dealings with the Gordon family. Tsk! The Gordon family

really stumbled upon a treasure.

Thinking about it now, weren’t all those who badmouthed her proved wrong? I remember when Neera

first arrived at Lordsworth Estate, and there were voices of skepticism everywhere. Everyone thought it

was utterly ridiculous for her to take the seat as the head of the Gordon family. They even declared that

the Gordon family was surely doomed. But what about now? Where have all those voices gone?

How hilarious! There used to be people who criticized the Gordon family’s head along with them,

saying they were too willful. But now, it seemed their actions were not willful at all. Perhaps they had

foresight, or maybe they simply recognized Neera’s abilities. After all, Neera is Dr. Nancy, the miracle

doctor, and also runs her own company, so she definitely has capabilities. She’s nothing like what

people used to mock, as being useless…novelbin

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