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Chapter 1467

Chapter 1467


At this moment, Jean suddenly spoke up, saying earnestly, “Mr. Weaver, rest assured, I won’t let Neera

fall into danger again, nor will I allow anyone to bully her. So, there’s no need for her to endure the

hardship of training. Let’s put that aside for now, and you can also take a break. However, if you have

spare time, you could help Neera improve her flying needle technique. I noticed she seems quite

interested in it.”

Neera nodded eagerly. “That’s right, Mr. Weaver! My flying needle technique has improved greatly. The

incident a few days ago was so sudden that I didn’t have time to bring my needles. Otherwise, I would

have definitely escaped unscathed.”

Finnley sighed and answered, “Fine… Do as you please.”

Then, he turned his head and started chatting with Chad, casually asking, “By the way, are you just

going to let those families that took action off the hook? I haven’t heard anything about their situation


The instant this topic came up, Chad’s expression turned serious, a cold smirk appearing on his face.

“Let them off the hook? The Gordon family isn’t that generous.”

One of Finnley’s grey eyebrows lifted. “Oh? So, are you all ready then?”

Chad nodded. “Of course, if they want to treat the Gordon family as an easy target, they’d better have

the ability to do so. If they can’t crush the Gordon family, then it will be their turn next…”

At this point, Shane interjected, his expression somewhat puzzled.

“However, something seems off with the Logan family. All the businesses under their name seem to be

having problems. Starting from yesterday, one after another began to close down. It seems that there

were also violent incidents at two of their clubs. Rumors have it that Howard was involved and was

seriously injured. He’s lost his sight and has become disabled. No one knows who did it.”

Originally, Shane had planned to personally settle the score with Howard, intending to torment him.

severely. However, it turned out that the Logan family was already in chaos, which saved him the

trouble of taking action.

“At this rate, the Logan family probably won’t last a few days. They’re done for.”

Neera was somewhat surprised to hear this.

However, she didn’t have the slightest sympathy for Howard and the Logan family’s predicament. She

just thought they deserved it.

“Indeed, no one can escape the consequences of their wrongdoings. It will catch up, sooner or later,”

she muttered, nonchalantly sipping her stew.

A trace of contemplation swept across Chad’s eyes as he glanced at Jean, his expression complex.

For some reason, he had a feeling that Jean was the culprit behind the Logan family’s current


Given this man’s feelings for Neera, he would never just let the Logan family off scot-free.

But when Shane spoke just now, Jean’s expression was indifferent, as though he had nothing to do

with the matter.

10:52 Wed, 6 Dec

This caused Chad to feel somewhat uncertain.

If it wasn’t Jean, then who else could it be?

But if it was indeed his doing, then his capabilities are truly extraordinary.

Even if his abilities are exceptional, there should still be a gap when compared to the homegrown

Logan family. Moreover, he didn’t bring anyone with him, so how did he do it?


At that moment, Shane’s next words interrupted his contemplation, diverting his attention.

“You know, there’s something even stranger. I heard that on the night of the surprise attack, the Gordon

family was greatly outnumbered. Yet, they managed to hold on for so long and narrowly escaped

disaster. It seems like they had some help.”

“Someone was helping us? Who is it?” Neera’s attention was drawn, and she asked with curiosity.

Shane shook his head. “I’m not sure either. The situation was too chaotic at the time. According to the

reports from our men, it seemed like a group of unfamiliar faces had infiltrated us. At first, they thought

these were the enemy’s men and almost attacked them, but those unfamiliar faces actually helped us

drive back the enemy. Later, when the forces under the Gordon family arrived, the situation became

even more chaotic, but those unfamiliar faces had disappeared.”

Finnley snorted. “Now, this is interesting. Who’s this mysterious benefactor, doing good deeds without

leaving a name? They must have quite the leisurely disposition!”

Chad appeared thoughtful, then turned his gaze toward Caleb.

“Mr. Medicina, could it be that Lordsworth Estate sent reinforcements?”

Caleb was more than aware of the answer, but he could only feign ignorance.

“I’m not entirely sure about this either. I haven’t received any directives from my superiors at

Lordsworth Estate, nor have I heard any news regarding this matter…”

How else was he supposed to respond? Those people were all specifically sent by Jean to protect

Neera, yet they couldn’t claim recognition for the deed.

If he admitted to that, he would have to explain why Lordsworth Estate had someone watching the

Gordons from early on.

Although offering help was a good thing, the Gordon family was currently in the dark. Given the

unusual and excessive attention from Lordsworth Estate, the Gordons might suspect that their motives

weren’t pure.

Therefore, he could only keep silent about this matter for the time being.

Upon hearing this, both Chad and Shane remained skeptical.”

However, since Caleb had already spoken, it would be both impolite and meaningless for them to

continue the questioning.

Hence, Chad nodded lightly, suggesting a possibility offhandedly, “Perhaps it was some other family

who couldn’t stand by and decided to lend a hand ”

The topic was quickly glossed over, and only then did Caleb breathe a sigh of relief, secretly stealing a

glance at Jean.

At that moment, Jean was very attentively attending to Neera as though there wasn’t anyone else

around, acting as if the topic they were discussing earlier had nothing to do with him at all. novelbin

Tsk, tsk…

In all his years, Caleb had never seen their lord take care of someone so attentively. He wished he

could capture this moment and share it with Colin and the others so that they could complain about it


Regrettably, he had the mind to do so but not the courage.

This thought was destined to remain just a thought, never to become reality.

Ah, what a pity…

That afternoon, the Gordon family finished their preparations and set off for Lordsworth Estate.

Matthew had been closely monitoring the movements of the Gordon family. Seeing the situation, even

though he was seething with anger, he didn’t dare to make a single move.

He never would have imagined that one day, he would be left in a dilemma by the Gordon family.

For him, and for Bartitsu Guild, this was a great humiliation.

But no matter what, given the current situation, he had no choice but to swallow his pride for now.

Lordsworth Estate had made it clear that they intended to protect the Gordon family. They sent so

many people over precisely to ensure that Bartitsu Guild didn’t get a chance to pull any tricks.

If he acted on his own, it might lead to even greater conflicts between Bartitsu Guild and Lordsworth


If that happened and things got out of control, Bartitsu Guild would be left in a tough predicament


Even though he was reluctant to admit it, he had no choice but to acknowledge that Bartitsu Guild, with

their current power, stood less than a fifty percent chance in a head-on confrontation with Lordsworth


He couldn’t take that risk.

With a gloomy face, he spent the entire afternoon in silence. Then, he called for Darren and asked,

“What exactly is going on with the Logan family? How did such a big mess happen all of a sudden?”

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