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Chapter 1465

Chapter 1465

With this statement released, the netizens were thrown into an uproar once again.


Oh my goodness, Lordsworth Estate did good! My good impression of them has skyrocketed. Why am I

not part of their team? I’m so envious.

Oh, how I wish I were part of the Gordon family. Imagine all the benefits I would enjoy!

Tsk, tsk. I must say, once the statements from Bartitsu Guild and Lordsworth Estate were released, it

becomes clear who is superior. Bartitsu Guild couldn’t even catch up if they tried! Look at the

magnanimity and tolerance of Lordsworth Estate. They wouldn’t stoop so low as to strip away the

power that originally belonged to the Gordon family. Now, look at Bartitsu Guild. Is that how people

should behave? Have they no shame? Their blatant demands are no different from those of a robber!

The administration of Lordsworth Estate has always been strict, and their methods are swift and

decisive. The members are managed in an orderly manner, and I’ve never heard of any complaints

from the forces under its command. It’s clear that they are all willingly obedient. I didn’t understand this

before, but now that I see it, I suddenly realize that Lordsworth Estate not only is capable but also has

an extraordinary magnanimity. Just look at how the forces under its command willingly submit!

If you ask me, they’re not treating the Gordon family as an affiliate force but rather like honored guests.

How nice of them!

I suspect it’s mostly because the Gordon family head once saved the lord of Lordsworth Estate. Think

about it, if he could even easily give up the position of district president, what’s taking them under his


Bartitsu Guild has really been slapped in the face by Lordsworth Estate this time. I wonder if it hurts.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, I’d really love to see the expressions on those old guys from Bartitsu Guild right now. They

must be quite a sight…

Ah, the head of the Gordon family is indeed fortunate. In this vast world, amidst the sea of people, she

happened to be at the right place at the right time to save the lord of Lordsworth Estate. Who else

could have such luck? She truly is blessed by fate.

Actually, I find this statement somewhat inappropriate. It would be more accurate to say that the lord of

Lordsworth Estate was fortunate to have run into the Gordon family’s head. If it weren’t for her, he

probably wouldn’t even be alive today, let alone continue to be the lord of Lordsworth Estate.

Everyone seemed to be in the mood for some excitement, eagerly waiting for the next development

with bated breath.

However, as soon as the last post came out, the comments took a turn and derailed.

Immediately, some people retorted: Isn’t that a bit exaggerated? Even if the Gordon family’s head

saved the lord, it doesn’t mean that only she could have saved him. Couldn’t someone else have done

it? Anyone with medical skills could have been useful, right? If it had been another person with medical

knowledge who encountered the lord, would the Gordon family’s head still be treated this well now?

Indeed, it’s true that not all who are skilled in medicine could have saved the lord. There are countless

doctors in this world, but they range from medical geniuses to mediocre ones, and those with average

qualifications. If the lord of Phison hadn’t encountered a medical genius, he might not have been cured.

This explains why our leader shows such care for the head of the Gordon family, offering almost

unconditional support. If it were just a minor illness or disaster, the lord probably wouldn’t feel such

gratitude, would he?

10:50 Wed, 6 Dec

Quite a few people expressed their agreement, but everyone seemed a bit confused.

A medical genius? So, does this mean the head of the Gordon family is quite skilled in medicine?

Phison was a world unto itself, always indifferent to the affairs of the outside world.


Their understanding and knowledge of Neera was only superficial. They knew she had some medical

skills, and that she was currently the person in charge of F.A Group and ANXIN Group.

Beyond this, they didn’t know much else.

Now, with someone bringing it up, everyone started to grow curious. Just how exceptional were the

medical skills of the Gordon family’s head?

Upon investigation, it was discovered that she was none other than Dr. Nancy, the miracle doctor!

This news spread throughout the entire Lordsworth Estate at lightning speed, causing a considerable


Holy smokes! What did I just see! This is too unbelievable! She is actually a world-renowned doctor?

How is this possible? She’s so young! I thought Dr. Nancy would be in her forties or fifties!

What nonsense are you talking about? There were rumors before that Dr. Nancy was young yet had

already become a leading figure in the medical field, almost on par with the greats. But who could have

imagined that it would actually be the head of the Gordon family!

This is beyond belief! I would never have guessed that she and the miracle doctor Nancy are the same

person! No wonder our esteemed lord holds her in such high regard. Her reputation is truly impressive.

The lord was indeed fortunate to have been cured by her. With such a great favor, it’s no wonder the

lord is so protective of her!

I’m still reeling, the shock is just too great. I suddenly feel like such a failure. Look at her, reaching such

great heights in the medical field at such a young age. Who could possibly compete? And on top of

that, she holds immense wealth and overwhelming power. Now, she’s even become the honored guest

of the lord of Lordsworth Estate… novelbin

Oh, I’m so envious!

To add another point in her favor, she’s so beautiful, clearly on the level of a goddess. No wonder the

head of the Cox family pursued her so relentlessly.

Ugh, now I’m feeling so upset. I’m suddenly experiencing a touch of inferiority.

Has anyone noticed we’re getting off-topic? But what I really want to say is, oh my, I’m in love! Such a

charming lady, oh, I love her so much…

Who wouldn’t love someone like her?

I absolutely agree!

As everyone was engaged in a heated discussion, discussing all sorts of things, Matthew at the

headquarters of Bartitsu Guild was repeatedly reading the proclamation from Lordsworth Estate. His

expression grew increasingly grim.

At first, his anger was unbearable.

At first, his anger was unbearable.

Annoyed as he was, he belatedly realized that he seemed to have been duped.

He couldn’t help but recall how Neera had previously delayed giving him an answer several times.

What if she had no intention to take the second elder seat from the very beginning?

Could it be that her initial hesitation was merely a ruse, a ploy to buy time, just to provoke my anger?

What if, from the very beginning, she already had thoughts of leaving Bartitsu Guild, intending to seek

refuge with Lordsworth Estate?

Perhaps she was certain that, given the favor she had done by saving the lord of Lordsworth Estate, he

would undoubtedly agree to her request.

Could it be, from the very beginning, the Gordon family and the Cox family had already planned to

pledge allegiance to Lordsworth Estate together, and this whole act was deliberately staged?

In the blink of an eye, he had an epiphany and suddenly understood everything.

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