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Chapter 1437

However, Neera didn't feel sorry for Phoebe at all.

Her lips parted slightly, and she enunciated, “Phoebe, you're not a child anymore. You're an adult, and adultsshould pay for their mistakes. You know very well what you did to me. If you dared do it, then you should havethe courage to admit it and be prepared to face the consequences. That's the price you should pay. I don't thinkI've wronged you in any way, nor do I think Avery hasn't done good enough or gone overboard. If you had showneven the slightest hint of remorse, I don't think he would have kicked you out of the family just like that. Butlooking at you now, it's clear that you haven't reflected on your wrongdoings, not even in the slightest. You don'tfeel any remorse for your mistakes. Instead of repenting, you're aiding and abetting evil, continuing to commitheinous acts. You're truly beyond redemption.”

As she said that, her expression was calm, her gaze filled with a touch of sorrow and pity.

Phoebe was instantly infuriated by it, losing her composure completely as she roared, “Shut up!”

Her eyes were wide open, and her whole body was trembling. Her face was flushed bright red to the base of herneck.

“What a b*tch! You've reduced me to such a state, yet you still have the audacity to lecture me? It was all becauseof you! It was all thanks to you, you b*tch! I've lost everything! How could I possibly let you off the hook? Evenif I die, I won't allow you to live in peace! Ha! Today is your retribution!”

After she had finished speaking, she turned and glared at Howard. “What are you still standing around? Are youhere to watch a show? Hurry up and get your men to act!” novelbin

No sooner had her words rang out than Zephyr suddenly declared icily, “I'd like to see who dares!”

At that, both of them turned their gazes to him.

Howard inexorably sneered, “Why, you want to stop me alone? You're biting off more than you can chew,overestimating your abilities!”

He immediately ordered his subordinates, “Capture Neera alive. There's a reward for whoever succeeds!”

In a flash, the men began to move, converging toward Neera, one after another.

Seeing that, Zephyr quickly positioned himself in front of her and engaged them in a fight.

However, they had the advantage of numbers. Even though his skills were exceptional, he gradually started tolose ground, becoming increasingly overwhelmed.

Even so, he didn't show the slightest intention of giving up. He remained standing firmly before Neera, refusingto let anyone touch her.

Adriana huddled with Neera, scared out of her wits.

She had never seen anything like that and was completely stunned, utterly clueless about what she should do.

Despite being on the verge of a breakdown, she still instinctively protected Neera.

The scene was utter chaos, and the situation gradually spiraled out of control.

It seemed that they had not anticipated Zephyr to be so skilled. Despite having the upper hand, they could notdefeat him even after a long time had passed.

Seeing that, Phoebe not only remained calm but also added insult to injury at the side with sarcastic remarks.

“Howard, I don't mean to criticize, but with so many people at your disposal, not even one of them is his match.How weak! No wonder Bartitsu Guild has always overlooked the Logan family. Considering your family'scapabilities, it's not even enough to carry the sandals of the Cox family.”

Howard's face flushed bright red, making it a sight to behold. He turned around and shot her a glare, hisexpression far from friendly.

“Stop with your sarcastic remarks here. Don't think you're any better than me. So what if you were once part ofthe Cox family? Aren't you now just an outcast abandoned by the Cox family? You're barely surviving on thecharity of Bartitsu Guild. What right do you have to be so arrogant in front of me? If you dare utter another word,I'll deal with you first!”

Although Howard and Phoebe were acting together, they had long since been at odds with each other.

Now that they had the chance to act alone, if Howard really did harm Phoebe there, Bartitsu Guild wouldcertainly not pursue the matter when they returned.

Phoebe gritted his teeth but ultimately said nothing further.

Howard no longer paid her any attention, turning to look at Zephyr. Seeing that he was still stubbornly resisting,his expression darkened, and his eyes glinted ruthlessly.

He suddenly barked, “Why are you still fighting him? Bring him down now!”

As soon as those words were spoken, someone reacted immediately. The man took something from his pocketand blew it at Neera and the others.

In an instant, white powder scattered into the air.

Neera was the first to react, quickly covering her mouth and nose.

Alas, it was already too late.

The stupefying drug had already entered their bodies as they breathed, quickly taking effect on all three of them.

Just moments ago, Zephyr was standing upright, but within a minute, he went limp and collapsed onto theground.

Adriana had never experienced anything like that before and was totally lost. After inhaling a large amount of thestupefying drug, she quickly passed out.

Neera often studied drugs and smelled various kinds of drugs, so she had a degree of immunity to stupefyingdrugs. However, she didn't react immediately this time and had also inhaled a significant amount. Her body wentlimp as well.

The scene immediately plunged into an eerie silence.

Seeing that, Howard suddenly smirked and walked over.

He first kicked the fallen Zephyr a couple of times, then turned to kick Adriana twice. Receiving no reaction fromeither of them, he proceeded to give Neera a kick as well.

Neera remained unresponsive, keeping her eyes closed with her face deathly pale.

Very much satisfied, Howard cackled coldly.

“Tsk-tsk. I thought this b*tch was something else, but she turned out to be just a worthless piece of trash, easilytaken down by a bit of a stupefying drug. Had I known, I wouldn't have wasted so much effort.”

Phoebe was delighted to see the outcome.

Nonetheless, she didn't forget to mock him, saying, “It only proves you're foolish. You ignored such a simplesolution and insisted on making things more complicated, wasting so much time and nearly ruining my plans.”

Howard shot a look at her impatiently, his gaze dark and brooding.

“Can you just shut up?” His tone was far from friendly, carrying a hint of warning.

Phoebe shrugged, not bothering to take offense with him. She glanced at the time and said, “All right, as weagreed earlier, hand over that b*tch to me now.”

Tapping the roof of his mouth with his tongue, Howard let out a dismissive grunt.

“Sure. I can hand her over to you. But don't forget our agreement. Don't kill her, for she is destined to die at myhands.”

With that said, he let out a sinister laugh with malice written all over his face.

He added, “Since she's already fallen into my hands, I can't waste such a great opportunity. I must thoroughlyenjoy her. I'm curious to have a taste of the woman who can captivate Avery to such an extent.”

Upon hearing that, Phoebe frowned, a sudden surge of anger welling within her.

“Come on. You can't be serious. Such lowbrow taste? You're interested in a woman who's been married and hasthree kids? She's just damaged goods that's been tainted by others. You can have any woman you want. Is thisnecessary?”

Howard raised an eyebrow. “Despite that, I can't help but wonder what exactly Avery likes about her.”

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