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Chapter 1419

Chapter 1419

“When did this happen? Why didn’t you tell me about it, Sis? This is such wonderful news! Is it still with

that man?”

At that point, he paused, somewhat embarrassed, but still asked, “Sis, after all the fuss that happened

before, have you forgiven him?”

Neera glanced over at the man sipping his coffee on the balcony. His eyes and brows were filled with a

smile that radiated the vibrant energy of spring.

“Yeah, I’ve forgiven him. What happened before wasn’t intentional on either of our parts. It was all a

misunderstanding. I think there’s no need to dwell on the past. Since fate has brought us together, I

shall gladly accept it. We’re together now, and it’s wonderful. We’ve already gotten our marriage

certificate, so all that’s left is to hold the wedding ceremony. We’ll probably schedule it after my aunt

and uncle’s wedding. This time, you must come. You can’t miss it again, okay?”

Wilfrid laughed, feeling as if a weight had been lifted from his heart. He was genuinely happy for her.

“Sure, Sis. This is your wedding, so I will definitely be there!”

After hanging up the phone, Neera set her phone aside. She then tiptoed to the balcony and playfully

covered Jean’s eyes from behind.

A book rested on Jean’s knee, his hands momentarily still. A charming smile played at the corners of

his lips.

“I heard you coming,” he said.

Neera stuck out her tongue, let go of her hand, and sat down on the chair next to him.

“This is so boring. Phison is not fun at all. It’s best if we head back.”

She just got off the phone with her younger brother, and suddenly, she felt a longing to go back home.

Jean raised an eyebrow in response. “It is indeed not fun at all. I spend all day in this room, being the

man behind you, watching you bustling about, yet I can’t help you in the slightest.”

Neera couldn’t help but chuckle, teasing him with her playful arrogance.

“Aren’t you happy being the man behind me?”

A hint of warmth slowly spread across Jean’s eyes and brows, his demeanor elegant and noble. He

spoke in a very gentlemanly manner, “How could that be? I am utterly honored.”

Neera nodded in satisfaction, choosing not to say anything more.

After a long silence, Jean saw through the hidden worry deep in her eyes. He considered for a

moment, then gently and softly asked, “What’s wrong?”

As Neera curled up in the chair and gazed at the star-filled night sky, she suddenly felt a touch of


“You know I have adoptive parents, right? Have you heard anything about them?”

There was a time in Kingsview when stories circulated about Neera’s childhood, about how she was

adopted by parents from the countryside.

But most of it was just hearsay, without any detailed substance.

Jean immediately understood what she meant. “Did they just call you? What did they want? Were they

asking you for money? Or did they want you to do something for them?”

Neera raised the corners of her mouth in a faint, wry smile.

“Even you can guess it. They come to me for nothing more than money or favors. Nothing else.”

Jean’s eyebrows slightly furrowed when he heard her say that. “Do they often ask you for money like


Neera shook her head, “Not often. We’ve been out of touch for quite a while. When I went abroad with

my aunt, I sent them a substantial amount of money, enough to repay them for raising me. The next

time we met was just before I came to Phison. I didn’t expect them to find my company.”

“How come they’ve contacted you again this time?”

“My foster father is ill, and it seems to be quite serious. However, I think it’s probably just a minor

illness, nothing too serious. Wilfrid has already told me about it.”

That was when she remembered to introduce Wilfrid.

“Wilfrid is the biological son of my foster parents, and also my younger brother. Even though my

relationship with my foster parents isn’t great, this brother of mine is a good person. We’ve always had

a good relationship. When we were young, he was quite protective of me and took good care of me. I

want to invite him to our wedding.”

Upon hearing that her younger brother was taking good care of her, Jean’s expression eased slightly.

“Indeed, we should.”

Suddenly, he grabbed Neera’s hand, pulling her up to stand. He then sat her down on his lap.

“What’s wrong?” Neera asked with a smile, playfully ruffling his hair as she spoke.

Jean tilted his head slightly, lifting his eyelashes to reveal his ink-colored pupils, gazing intently into her

beautiful eyes.

“Tell me about your experience in the countryside. Were there any fun adventures, or did you face anynovelbin


Neera blinked. “Why do you suddenly want to hear this?”

“I really want to know every little détail of your past life. I want to listen to the past that I didn’t have the

chance to be a part of all those years,” Jean replied calmly.

“I see…” Neera pursed her lips and began to share her memories.

There were moments of joy as well as moments of sorrow.

There were moments of joy as well as moments of sorrow.

“In the past, my foster mother always had me chopping wood. It was bearable in the summer, but come

winter, it was especially tough. I had to get up early, chop wood in the dark, and then carry it home to

prepare for cooking. Wilfrid couldn’t bear to see me like this, so he would get up even earlier than me.

By the time I woke up, the wood basket would already be full. He also had to juggle his studies. I didn’t

want him to be so tired, so I asked him to stop doing this. He agreed readily, but the next morning, the

wood basket was full again. Sometimes I’d come home late from work, and the food at home would

have already gone cold. Worse still, there were times when there was no leftover food at all. It was

Wilfrid who cooked for me.

He still had homework to do, and I didn’t want him to waste his time, so I told him to go back to his

room and study. But no matter what I say, he insisted on making me food anyway.

During those years, if it weren’t for Wilfrid, I wouldn’t have known how to survive. Later, I was taken

back to the Garcia family. After that incident occurred, I was driven out by the Garcia family again.

Since I had nowhere to go, I could only return to my foster parents’ home in the end. But when they

saw that I was pregnant and no longer of any use to them, they didn’t want to accept me. My foster

mother didn’t even want to let me stay for a night, and hurriedly drove me away. I had no choice but to

leave. At that time, my mind was completely blank, and I felt utterly helpless. I had no idea how I was

going to survive. Wilfrid ran out of the house to look for me. He kept apologizing to me and gave me all

his pocket money.

I didn’t want to accept it, but he insisted and ran off after giving it to me. Looking back, if it wasn’t for his

money, I might not have survived until my aunt found me. You should already know what happened

next. My aunt took me abroad, and my life underwent a drastic change. After earning my first

paycheck, I gave it all to my foster parents. Then, I continued to transfer money to them, amounting to

at least two or three million in total.”

Jean listened in silence, his eyes filled with a look of pain. He tightened his hug on her more and more.

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