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Chapter 1416

Chapter 1416

Startled, Maggie quickly changed her expression, rising to her feet with a beaming smile to comfort

him. “Oh dear, Wilfrid, don’t take it to heart. Your father and I were just casually chatting, venting a bit.

We didn’t mean anything by it. It was just idle family chatter, that’s all.”

“No other meaning? Mom, Dad, I heard everything you just said from outside. Is it right for you to insult

my sister like that? What has she done wrong to deserve such harsh words from you?” said Wilfrid.

Upon hearing his son speak in such a manner, Nigel immediately became displeased. He put on a

stern face and reprimanded him unhappily. “Do you talk to your parents like this? You dare to question

whether we’re making sense, but are you making any sense yourself? We’ve raised you to adulthood.

Is this how you’re supposed to speak to your parents?”

Wilfrid realized his tone was a bit too harsh. He cleared his throat and walked over with a gloomy


He placed the thermos he was holding at the head of Nigel’s bed, but he still didn’t plan on letting the

matter drop just like that.

He took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down, and began to reason with them, word by word.

“Dad, Mom, I’ve said it many times. Please don’t go looking for Sis, and don’t contact her anymore. Her

life now has nothing to do with us. We shouldn’t cause her any trouble. Can’t we just live our own lives


Nigel glared with wide eyes, casting an impatient glance at his son. “What do you mean it’s none of our

business? If we hadn’t adopted her in the first place, would she be living such a good life now or have

the fate to enjoy such blessings? She has what she has today because of us! She should be thanking

us! If anything, we should be considered the benefactors in her life!”

Maggie also joined him. “Exactly, your father is right. She was so destitute at that time, unloved by her

father and mother, abandoned by her entire family. She had nowhere to run, no place to go, and no

food to eat. If it wasn’t for our help, providing her with food and a place to stay, would she be where she

is today?”

“Wilfrid, have you forgotten how hard it was for our family back then? Yet, I still chose to keep her. They

say adoptive parents are even more selfless, but I don’t see her showing me any respect or filial piety.

This ungrateful wretch, she really has no conscience!”

Wilfrid felt that his parents were completely unreasonable. “Dad, Mom, can we talk this out logically?

Have you ever considered how you treated Sis in the past? Why should she be grateful to you?” It’s

already good enough that she doesn’t resent you two!

“What do you mean by that? Did we do something wrong? We took her in and raised her for so many

years. Isn’t that good enough? What a joke! We’ve done our part for her. Not to be harsh, Wilfrid, but

whose child are you? Why are you always siding with outsiders?” questioned Maggie.

“Exactly. Wilfrid, we are your family, your biological parents. She is nothing more than a mongrel that

we took home. Any talk of her being a relative is nonsense. There’s no blood relation at all. Don’t be

confused and side with outsiders!” spat Nigel.

Wilfrid scowled, using their own words to refute them. “If she’s neither relatives nor family, then why are

you seeking money from her? It’s clear that she has no connection whatsoever to us.’



Boldly, Maggie huffed. “Why shouldn’t we? We’ve taken care of her. That’s the biggest favor we’ve

done! Even though she’s not our real kin, she should repay us. She ate our food and lived under our

roof, all of which we paid for. Money doesn’t drop from the sky, you know. So, she owes us and should

give us the money we spent on her!”

“Exactly. I’m sick, and we’re not asking for money for no reason. I am her adoptive father. Shouldn’t she

be responsible for my medical expenses? I’m already being nice to her by not asking her to come back

and take care of me! She’s rich right now, so my medical expenses are peanuts to her What’s so wrong

about asking her for money?” said Nigel.

Wilfrid’s temples throbbed. A fire ignited in his chest, growing more and more intense, making him feel

uncomfortable all over.

He couldn’t comprehend why his parents were so greedy. He truly didn’t understand. “Is there no end

to this? After Sis went abroad, she has been sending money home. The amount she has given is more

than enough. Why are you still asking her for more? You treated her so poorly in the past, yet she has

been nothing but kind and generous. What more do you want from her? Back then, when she returned

to our home pregnant, did any of you lend her a hand? No, you didn’t! Not only did you drive her out of

the house, but you also mocked her, cursed her, and even cursed the child in her womb, all becausenovelbin

the Garcia family expelled her, and she no longer had any value to exploit! Dad, Mom, the heavens are

watching over us. They see everything you two do. Aren’t you afraid of divine retribution for your


When Wilfrid finished speaking, Nigel couldn’t help himself. The latter sat up abruptly from the bed,

causing the bed frame to creak loudly.

His expression was one of anger, glaring at his own son as if to condemn the latter’s reluctance to


up for himself. “The more you talk, the more outrageous you become. It seems your mother and I have

truly spoiled you to the point of no return; you have no sense of propriety at all! You’re already

eighteen, and yet you can’t grasp the simplest things! What do you mean by divine retribution? Are you

saying we deserve that when we’re merely reclaiming what belongs to us? It’s not just the medical

expenses and hospitalization costs. Our living expenses, including your future college tuition and job

hunting, all require her to foot the bill! Moreover, she should help you find the best job. With her power

and influence, finding a good job shouldn’t be a problem, right? I refuse to believe she can’t handle

such a simple task! It’s not like we’re deliberately making things difficult for her!”

Wilfrid’s gaze suddenly became incredibly desolate. He felt that it was utterly impossible to reason with



After taking a deep breath, his tone steadied, his expression turning indifferent. “Mom, Dad, I’m saying

this for the last time. I don’t need my sister’s money, nor do I need her to find me a job. I can manage

on my own. Whether it’s going to college or working, I can handle it all by myself. I can even support

you with the money I earn. You don’t need to ask anyone for money, so please stop bothering Sis.

Consider this a plea from me, okay?”

“Are you seriously saying you can take care of us and can handle all that?” Nigel suddenly sneered.

“Can you cover my current medical and inpatient fee? Are you able to afford it?”

Wilfrid calmly said, “I’ve asked the doctor. You have acute gastroenteritis. It’s not a big issue. After an

IV drip, you can leave. There’s absolutely no need for hospitalization.”

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