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Chapter 1413

As the two of them walked downstairs hand in hand, Jean was still thinking to himself. It seems I have indeedbecome a bit more thoughtful recently. If it were in the past, I would never have cared about a single word ofwhat the outside world said. However, ever since I met this woman, everything has changed. I began to care, andanything related to her, I would take to heart. Hah... The more I live, the more I seem to be going back. However,this feeling is quite nice, as if all the emotions and desires I once lacked have now appeared in my life.

He assumed that by then, Chad and Adriana would have already sat down for dinner. However, to his surprise,when he went downstairs, he found them still sitting in the living room.

On the other side, there sat a few unexpected guests.

Baxter had a stern look on his face, and his two sons, Troy and Ollie, also appeared with aggressive demeanors.

Upon hearing footsteps, several people turned their heads to look. Seeing Neera, they all reacted in differentways.

Baxter reacted the quickest, immediately snorting coldly and turning his face away, making it clear that he didn'twant to deal with her. “Chad, I'll say it again. I don't agree with the Gordon family leaving Bartitsu Guild to seekrefuge in Lordsworth Estate. This ridiculous idea, I won't agree to it no matter what!”

Neera's lips tightened slightly. Her previously good mood instantly became less so.

Actually, not everything she said to Matthew was a lie.

One thing was certain, and there was indeed a dispute currently brewing within the Gordon family.

The only difference was that they had differing opinions on whether or not to join Lordsworth Estate.

Right from the start, those from Baxter's faction made it clear that they were unwilling to leave Bartitsu Guild.

“No matter the reason, this is the act of a traitor. I don't want our Gordon family to be branded as traitors! TheCox family being one is already too much!” novelbin

Shane frowned, launching into a direct confrontation. “So, according to your view, the Gordon family shouldswallow their pride under Bartitsu Guild, is it? Even if our clan members are killed, we should still compromiseand disregard their lives? Is that it, Granduncle Baxter? If that's the case, wouldn't the rest of the Gordon familylose faith in their family?”

Baxter choked a bit, then argued forcefully, “The harm done to our family was not directly caused by BartitsuGuild. If the Gordon family hadn't helped the Cox family, we wouldn't have been despised by the other families,let alone become enemies with Bartitsu Guild. Ever since the new head of the Gordon family took office, we'vebeen in danger, repeatedly implicated by the Cox family. Now, we're even considering abandoning the principlesour ancestors held for many years and seeking refuge in Lordsworth Estate. It's a complete disgrace!”

Seeing him belittle himself to the point of worthlessness, Neera scoffed coldly, showing no sign of cowardice.She stepped forward and retorted without any courtesy. “Are you implying that I've harmed the Gordon family?One should speak with conscience, Mr. Baxter. Consider what was the Gordon family's status in Bartitsu Guildbefore and what is it now. Has my presence led to the decline or rise of the Gordon family? “You've lived forquite a long time. Surely you can't be blind to such obvious facts? If you can see them and still speak this way,may I interpret it as you being unable to achieve something yourself, and thus, out of jealousy, you're trying tobring me down? Unfortunately for you, I've never been one to fear criticism. I'll shoulder what's mine to bear, butif it's not my fault, and you're still trying to pin the blame on me, I absolutely won't take it lying down.”

She came right out with it as if she'd swallowed gunpowder, full of fire and brimstone.

Baxter was utterly dumbfounded by her retort. It took him several seconds to regain his composure, only to beinstantly filled with rage, fuming with anger. “Do you— Is this how you speak to your elders? You're absolutelyout of line!”

Troy and Ollie could no longer sit still. With a swift movement, they stood up, their eyes wide open in anger,glaring at her intensely.

However, before they could utter a word, Jean cast a chilling glance their way. Instantly, a cold wind seemed tosweep across the back of their necks, causing goosebumps to erupt all over their bodies.

Neera couldn't care less and sneered. With an ambiguous tone, he said, “You think this is too much? Seems likeyour tolerance isn't that great. I haven't even said the worst part yet.”

“You— You—” Baxter scowled furiously. Clutching his chest, he gasped for breath and questioned Chad. “Chad,are you going to do something about this? Are you just going to let her run amok? It's simply unreasonable!”

However, Chad merely glanced at him, his expression indifferent, showing no intention of getting involved at all.“I don't think Neera has made any mistakes, Uncle Baxter. It's you who always seem to be prejudiced against her.After Neera took over, the Gordon family's social standing rose, even gaining control over District Twenty-One toDistrict Twenty-Five. What else are you dissatisfied with? Do you really need to belittle her in this way? It's quiteungentlemanly.”

At that point, Neera continued with a rather cold tone. “Also, the Cox and Gordon families have always been ongood terms, haven't they? The Cox family has provided considerable help to the Gordon family, right? Are youplanning to burn bridges now? This is not something a reputable and distinguished family would do. If you reallyintend to act this way, then I must say, I will lose all respect for you.”

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