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Chapter 1409

Following that, Neera talked about her chance encounter with Albert that day.

“Uncle Chad, why do you think Albert returned to District Fourteen? Didn't the Cox family already move away?Could he have some sort of agenda for coming back?”

Chad didn't find it surprising.

“Although the Cox family has already left Bartitsu Guild and is no longer under its jurisdiction, the Cox family'sinfluence has been entrenched in the guild for many years. There are likely still some matters to be taken care of,along with some affliated forces that need to be dealt with, or some arrangements to be made.”

Neera still found it odd. “But his attitude towards his peer seemed somewhat obsequious, not like how one wouldtypically treat affliated forces.”

Chad gave it some thought. “I'm not sure about that. There might be something else going on.”

Neera asked again, “The Cox family and Bartitsu Guild are on the brink of falling out now. Is it appropriate forthe Cox family to appear so blatantly on the Guild's territory? Wouldn't the Guild send people to intercept and killthem?”

Upon hearing this, Chad slowly smiled. “Although Bartitsu Guild and the Cox Family are at odds now, it doesn'tmean the guild can just strike whenever they want. A direct assassination nowadays is no longer feasible.”

“Oh? Why do you say that?”

“If the guild intercepted Avery before he left District Fourteen, there might have been a chance to take actiondirectly. After all, at that time, Avery had not yet fully submitted to Lordsworth Estate. But now, it's different.

Lordsworth Estate has personally stepped in and made a statement, clearly intending to protect the Cox family. IfBartitsu Guild were to make a move against the Cox family now, it would be tantamount to challengingLordsworth Estate. When that happens, Lordsworth Estate will undoubtedly retaliate. Given the current situationof Bartitsu Guild, they certainly wouldn't take such a risk.”

Neera understood clearly. “Bartitsu Guild is still very wary of Lordsworth Estate. They are still no match againstthem.”

“Well, you could say that.” novelbin

After that, Chad asked her, “Have you figured out how to go about your investigations?”

Neera was somewhat troubled by the topic. “No, I went to see Mr. Weaver today. Firstly, I wanted to invite him tocome with us to Lordsworth Estate. Secondly, I wanted to ask if he knew anything about the armory incident backthen, or if there was anything amiss between the Cox family and Bartitsu Guild. However, Mr. Weaver doesn'tpay much attention to the Cox family and doesn't bother with the affairs of the guild, so he can't really remember.He suggested that I ask you instead. Perhaps you might have an idea.”

Upon hearing this, Chad laughed helplessly, “To be honest, I'm not really sure myself. Initially, in order to becloser to your aunt, I spent most of my time in Essley, busy running F.A Group and hardly returned to Phison.”

“I see...” Neera couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration. “Then we'll just have to find another way.”

Phison was neither Essley nor Kingsview. She had no connections and dared not to act rashly.

The place is fraught with danger. A single misstep could potentially bring about a great disaster.

Therefore, she trod carefully with each step, daring not to make any mistakes. After all, she represented not onlyherself but the entire Gordon family as well.

With that thought in mind, she let out a sigh.

The rapid development of events was something she hadn't anticipated.

Meanwhile, she soon received the investigation results from Zephyr.

“Ms. Garcia, that person is indeed not from the Cox family but from Bartitsu Guild.”

“Bartitsu Guild?” Upon hearing this, Neera was very surprised. “Who is it? Why is Albert still in contact withpeople from Bartitsu Guild?”

“That person's name is Quincy, one of Matthew's trusted confidants.”

Upon hearing this, Neera wrinkled her forehead. “Matthew? How did Albert get so close to his people?”

Judging by their demeanor at the restaurant entrance, their relationship is certainly not superficial.

“I'm not entirely sure about the specifics. So far, I've only been able to identify the person. As for what they saidor did, I can't say, as they were dining in a private room and I couldn't access the surveillance.”

Neera nodded thoughtfully. “Alright, I understand.”

Upon returning to the bedroom, Jean was already inside.

Seeing her looking distracted, Jean's eyebrows slightly lifted. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her into hisembrace.

“What are you thinking about? I haven't seen you all day, and now that we meet, you won't even look at me?”

Neera was taken aback for a moment before leaning against his chest and sitting on his lap. “Stop messingaround. I'm thinking about something.”

Jean lightly pecked her lips, filled with lust yet forced to restrain himself.

“Hmm? What's the matter? Tell me about it.”

“Hmm...” Neera pondered for a moment, then shared with him about her encounter with Albert today, as well asthe report she just received from Zephyr.

“Do you find it suspicious? How did Albert get so close to Matthew's trusted aide? Moreover, the Cox family hasalready fallen out with Bartitsu Guild, yet Albert hasn't changed his attitude toward the guild. Something doesn'tfeel right to me...”

Jean immediately understood what she was thinking. “You suspect that Albert might have ulterior motives towardthe Cox family and is secretly colluding with Bartitsu Guild?”

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