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Chapter 1398

Chapter 1398

This news quickly caused a stir throughout Phison, sparking a flurry of discussions.

Netizen A: Is this true? The Cox family has served the Bartitsu Guild for generations. How could they

suddenly switch to Lordsworth Estate? Can we trust this news?

Netizen B: What are you thinking? This is an official statement from the Bartitsu Guild. How can it be

false? The Cox family leaving the Bartitsu Guild for Lordsworth Estate is a done deal.

Netizen C: I always felt that the Cox family has been acting mysteriously these past few days, going in

and out of District Fourteen. So, they were actually moving. But why?

Netizen D: What else could it be? It’s definitely because of internal strife. The Bartitsu Guild unjustly

blamed the Cox family, using unfounded accusations. The Cox family is certainly not pleased and is

ready to break ties, becoming sworn enemies with them. I must say, the Bartitsu Guild is being unfair.

After all, the Cox family has served the guild for many years. Even if they haven’t made significant

contributions, they’ve certainly put in the effort. Moreover, the new head of the Gordon family, who

managed to secure the position of district president, also owes part of her success to the Cox family.

Not long ago, the Bartitsu Guild even sent the Cox family to take over Adieu Island and deal with the

Jagger family. How can they turn their backs on them so easily? Don’t they have any shame?

Netizen E: Exactly. If I were the head of the Cox family, I would have rebelled too!

Netizen F: What’s going on here? It feels like a fight is about to break out. I hope the innocent aren’t

caught in the crossfire. I’m scared…

Soon, different voices emerged.

Netizen G: I’m siding with the Bartitsu Guild on this one. The Cox family has been serving the guild for

many years, and the guild has never treated the Cox family unfairly. The guild has rewarded the Cox

family for their past contributions, promoting the head of the Cox family to become the second elder.

This kind of promotion is not something everyone can achieve. Some families don’t even get this

opportunity for generations. Isn’t this significant enough?

Netizen H: Exactly. Who said it was the Bartitsu Guild who falsely accused them? Do you have any

evidence? You’re just talking nonsense here, distorting right and wrong. Isn’t it a fact that the Cox

family built an armory on their own? What was the purpose of building this armory? Is it because they

have nothing better to do or is it for smuggling and trading?

Netizen I: It’s common knowledge that Phison does not allow the use and private possession of

firearms. Have some people become senile that they can’t even remember this?

Netizen J: The Cox family clearly deserves what’s coming to them. They suddenly attacked other

families before, and now they’re stirring up this kind of trouble: In my opinion, it’s the Cox family who

should be ashamed.

These voices, without a doubt, were either from the Cox family’s enemies or the internet trolls sent by

the Bartitsu Guild.

They needed this to make their move against the Cox family.

While the internet was buzzing with uproar, there was also unrest within the Cox family.

The elders of the Cox family had been at odds for several days over the matter of leaving the Bartitsu

Guild to join Lordsworth Estate.

The faction that agreed with Avery was primarily led by the first elder, Rio, and the second elder,


10:33 Wed, 29 Nov D

As for the opposition, it was the third elder who always enjoyed going against Avery, Albert.novelbin

Ever since Avery drove Phoebe out of the Cox family, Albert’s attitude toward Avery had become

increasingly confrontational.

“I’ll say it again. I disagree with moving to Lordsworth Estate.”

At this moment, he slammed the table with a thunderous bang, emphasizing his opinion with a booming


Rio furrowed his brows. “Albert, calm down.”

“I can’t stay calm!” Albert swung his hand in a fit of rage. “Everyone outside is saying that the Cox

family is a traitor to the Bartitsu Guild for siding with the guild’s sworn enemy! Such a huge accusation

is being thrown at us. You can accept it, but I can’t!”

After he finished shouting, he turned around, glaring at Avery with seething anger.

“Avery, I think you’re regressing with age to come up with such a low-grade idea! What do you think

Lordsworth Estate is? Is it a place the Cox family can get involved with? You must have forgotten that

the Cox family is the core family of the Bartitsu Guild. What business do we have going to Lordsworth

Estate? Do you think they genuinely welcome us? How naive! Perhaps Lordsworth Estate is plotting to

swallow the Cox family whole! When that happens, are you going to let the entire Cox family pay for

your foolishness?”

As he was shouting, spit was flying everywhere. In the heat of the moment, he was also pointing

directly at Avery.

Violet’s gaze deepened, and with a swift movement, she stood in front of Albert.

“If you point your finger at him recklessly again, I’ll break it. Try me if you don’t believe me.”

Albert knew she was one to practice what she preached, which startled him momentarily. However, he

put on a brave face, ignoring her, and stiffly turned his neck to look past her at Avery.

“Avery, I’m discussing something with you right now. Are you sure you want this young girl to interfere?

What does this have to do with her?”

Avery sat in the main seat, not even bothering to lift his eyelids, completely ignoring everything around


Seeing this, Albert gritted his teeth, but in the end, he still lowered his hand.

With a cold laugh, Violet stepped aside, retreating behind Avery.

Albert continued to express his thoughts, “Even if Lordsworth Estate truly wants to accept the Cox

family, have you ever considered the reason behind it? As you mentioned, they only expect the Cox

family to maintain a low profile and not demand our services. How is that even possible? Are you

dreaming, or are they? Can Lordsworth Estate truly be so generous? I refuse to believe this absurdity.

They might be scheming to exploit you at this very moment. Have you ever thought about how

Lordsworth Estate will perceive the Cox family? They will view us as opportunistic traitors, as

individuals who shamelessly seek refuge in their territory! The Cox family will become a subject of

ridicule! Avery, you may be willing to sacrifice your reputation for survival, but we, the Cox family, still

hold our dignity in high regard. Have you considered how you will justify your actions to our ancestors

when you meet them in the afterlife?”

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