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Chapter 1380

After the chaotic period of Frederic's heart transplant surgery, the following days passed without muchexcitement.

During the day, Jean presided over matters at the company and left promptly at six to pick up Neera.

Together, they went to the hospital to visit Frederic and Wrenn.

As for the three little ones, they were very sensible. They chose not to disturb their parents, opting instead to stayFrederic Beauvort's wards to keep their grandparents company.

As time passed, Neera and the three children noticed the transformation in Wrenn.

The icy barrier melted, and a gentle stream started flowing in the corners of their hearts, nurturing the once-cracked spaces.

Although the children weren't as close to Wrenn, they still showed care and willingly helped her with varioustasks, accompanying her during idle times.

Even Neera herself gradually eased her attitude toward Wrenn, no longer as stiff and becoming more natural inher interactions with Wrenn.

These changes brought great joy to Wrenn, who poured her heart out to them, wishing to give them everythingunconditionally.

A month flew past.

Frederic's health completely recovered, and he was finally ready to be discharged from the hospital.

To celebrate this occasion, the Beauvort family hosted a grand banquet at their home.

Neera was blissfully unaware until she entered the mansion. When she saw the arrangements in the main hall andthe courtyard outside the balcony, she was quite surprised. “What is this?”

Smiling, Wrenn took her arm and explained, “ “Our family has been through some tough times recently, and it'stime to liven things up. Today is a good day, as Jean's father is being discharged. So, we've invited guests tocelebrate. They should start arriving soon. I've prepared a gown for you upstairs. It should fit well.”

Surprised, Neera looked at Jean for confirmation, who simply smiled and admitted, “I only found out recentlytoo.”

Wrenn urged them, “Don't stand here. Go change. I've already picked out outfits for both of you.”

Stepping back, she grinned, looking at the two, “I specifically selected matching outfits for you two. It will surelyamaze everyone.”

Upon hearing this, the three little ones immediately perked up, craning their necks to look over with eageranticipation.

“Daddy, Mommy, hurry up and change. We really want to see!”

Feeling helpless, Neera had no choice but to comply.

Twenty minutes later, she came downstairs.

Jean, already dressed in a black tailcoat that outlined his perfect figure, looked handsome and distinguished,charming everyone who saw him.

Upon hearing the footsteps, he turned, and his eyes lit up with admiration and infatuation.

Neera was wearing a white evening gown adorned with scattered diamonds that shimmered in the light.

The skirt, slightly trailing on the floor, had a fishtail design.

Her slender and graceful figure exuded elegance and nobility, captivating anyone who laid eyes on her.

It was an unforgettable sight.

There once was a woman whose beauty was unparalleled. A glance from her would overthrow a city.

The description from the poem seemed fitting for her appearance.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable under the scrutiny of so many eyes, Neera descended the steps and adjusted hergown.

“What's wrong? Is it not suitable?”

Snapping back to reality, Wrenn quickly hurried forward with a smile, eagerly taking her wrist and examining herfrom head to toe.

“Of course not. You look perfect! It looks absolutely stunning. I knew it, it fits you like a glove.”

At this moment, the three little ones also came over, continuously showering her with compliments.

“Mommy, you're simply stunning, like a fairy descended from the heavens!”

“This dress looks so beautiful on you, Mommy. It suits you perfectly. When I grow up, will I become as beautifulas you?”

Neera lowered her head, only to discover that the three little ones had also changed into formal outfits. Each oneof them looked so adorably handsome, like little princes and princesses from a fairy tale.

She couldn't help but flash a gentle and stunning smile.

“Of course, our little Penny is already a budding beauty. You will definitely grow up to be even more beautifulthan me.”

The little girl's heart bloomed with joy upon hearing this. Soon after, her brows furrowed in distress.

“But to me, Mommy is the most beautiful and unique person in this world. I just hope to be as beautiful as you. Idon't want to surpass you.”

Seeing her genuinely distressed, the whole family couldn't help but laugh.

In the midst of their conversation, the butler approached to report, “I'm sorry to interrupt, but the guests havearrived.”

In an instant, the sun had set below the horizon. Nightfall arrived, and it was time for the scheduled dinner.

Wrenn immediately switched to business mode. “Sure, inform everyone to start working. Each person has theirtasks, and there should be no mistakes.”

The butler nodded. “Yes.”

Wrenn turned to Neera, his expression gentle. “Neera, I didn't get a chance to mention it earlier. Today, we plan toformally introduce you and the children to everyone. Is that okay with you?” novelbin

After asking, she felt a bit embarrassed. “I apologize. I should have discussed this with you in advance. But it wasdecided hastily, and we returned a bit late, so I'm only telling you now.”

Neera instinctively glanced at Jean, finding his expression calm and gentle. Slowly, she broke into a smile.

“Sure,” she responded, without any resistance or discomfort.

Wrenn was pleasantly surprised and visibly excited. “That's great. Jean, the two of you should come with me togreet the guests. Neera, if you ever feel uncomfortable or uneasy later, just let me know. Don't hold it in.”

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