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Chapter 1372

“Actually... I am a bit scared, not of her, but of her despising me.” That thought had been settling in Wrenn's heartfor a long time, making her feel overwhelmed, yet she had nowhere to vent.

Frederic paused his action, took her hand, and held it in his own. “Why would you think that? From what I see,Neera is not a petty person, and I don't think she has any disdain for you.”

“Even if I don't want to admit it, I have indeed done many things that hurt her, and I've also hurt Jean. These arethings that can't be erased. How could she not be fed up with a bad mother-in-law like me?” A heavy stoneseemed to weigh on Wrenn's heart, making it hard for her to breathe.

She was in such distress that she could hardly bear it, and before she knew it, her eyes were welling up with tears.“Honey, what was I thinking before? How could I have been so foolish, unable to discern people's true intentions?The Laker family was clearly using me, trying to climb up to Jean. How could I not see it? Also, Jean clearlyexpressed his thoughts to me. Why couldn't I listen? I... I wasn't such a harsh and bitter person before. How did Ibecome like this? I feel like I'm losing myself...”

The more she spoke, the sadder she became, with tears rolling down her cheeks. “She's such a good girl, yet I wasblind, always distrusting her, doubting her, speaking harshly to her. How can she possibly forgive me? Because ofmy foolishness, I almost harmed Jean, causing him to suffer so much. What kind of mother am I? No wonder shedoesn't want to deal with me. Now that I think about it, I can't even forgive myself! She tolerated me so manytimes before, but it was because Jean was hurt that she couldn't bear it anymore. She truly cares for Jean. Whycouldn't I see that? What kind of person am I? I despise myself...”

The long-standing guilt and remorse buried deep in her heart had been tormenting her incessantly.

No matter how many times she said sorry, no matter how many times she expressed her gratitude, that kind ofpain couldn't be eased. novelbin

Every time she saw the cold indifference in Neera's eyes, it felt like a needle pricking her, each time making herhate herself more and more.

At that moment, Wrenn poured out all her worries. She buried her head in Frederic's quilt, crying silently like aflustered child.

Frederic watched with distress, ceaselessly stroking her shoulders and back, his eyes brimming with tenderconcern. “All right, all right. Wrenn, stop crying. If you keep crying, your eyes will swell up.”

Yet Wrenn continued to cry incessantly as if she wanted to vent all the sorrow she had been carrying for a longtime.

Frederic somewhat helplessly smiled. “Wrenn, if you keep crying like this, people will think my condition hasworsened again.”

Upon hearing those words, Wrenn was displeased. She sat up and slapped him with a stern face, though she didn'tdare to use too much force. It was a soft slap, lacking any real strength. “What nonsense are you talking about?Don't jinx it. Take it back.”

Frederic chuckled heartily. In a very good-natured manner, he went along with her. “Okay, okay, I take it back.”

“Stop crying, okay?” He shifted his body, intending to sit up a bit, to be closer to her. However, he had justrecovered and really didn't have much strength, so he leaned back again.

Wrenn stared at him, somewhat worried, and quickly stood up to support him. “Don't move around recklessly.”

However, he held her back. “I won't mess around. You sit down. Are you feeling better now?”

The conversation circled back to the initial topic. Wrenn sniffed, murmuring, “It's just unbearable.”

A soft chuckle escaped Frederic's lips, tinged with a hint of affection. “You're all grown up now, yet you're cryinglike a little child.”

Wrenn, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, glared at him. “If I feel suffocated inside, isn't it natural for me tocry? I've been holding it in for so long, and you keep causing trouble, scaring me half to death. If I don't vent alittle, I'll either go mad or become depressed.”

Gazing at her face streaked with tear stains, Frederic sighed. “You've been carrying too much on your mind. Eversince Jean fell ill, you've never really relaxed. You should let it all out. As for Neera, don't rush things. Mendingrelationships takes time. Neera isn't petty or overly concerned about minor details, but it's inevitable that she hassome resentment. We were in the wrong, and we have to bear the consequences.”

“I know...” Wrenn rubbed her hands together unconsciously. “I know that when I do something wrong, I have totake responsibility and accept the punishment. I'm just... just feeling so choked up and angry at myself. She's sucha good girl, yet I judged her by my standards. I was so foolish to have messed up our relationship like this.Moreover, I realized that I've never put Jean's feelings first. I always doubted him, putting him in a difficultposition...”

“It's not too late now,” Frederic said pensively.

“Is it?” Wrenn was uncertain. “I always feel that, no matter how much I try to make amends, Neera will neverforgive me. Are we, as a family, destined to live in this awkwardness forever?”

The thought of having a potentially blissful family life ruined by her actions filled her with even more regret.

Frederick sighed again. “What has happened, even if you regret it, has still happened. It's an unchangeable fact. Iunderstand you want Neera's forgiveness, but I have to tell you, this can't be rushed. What we can do is to be asgood as possible to Neera and the children. No matter what Neera says or does, we must be tolerant andunderstanding.”

At that point, he paused, then continued, “In truth, there's no need for us to show understanding or tolerance.Even if she seems to dislike us, she has never treated us with indifference. Whenever there's a problem, shealways tries her best to help, never letting past grudges influence her actions. This girl, she's truly a genuine andpure person...”

The thought of Neera willing to run around for the heart meant for that heart transplant surgery made Wrenn feeleven more ashamed.

She wiped the tear from her face, feeling a great deal of relief and calmness within her. “I understand. No matterwhat Neera's attitude toward us is, from now on, I will do my best to treat her well and love her as if she were myown daughter. Even if she ignores me, it's okay. As long as she and Jean are happy together, that's all thatmatters.”

Frederic nodded. “It's good that you think this way, and it's not just you, but also me...”

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