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Chapter 1359

While Jean's influence was extensive, finding a compatible heart wasn't as easy as it seemed.

Three days had passed, and there was still no good news.

Levi, too, had not found a suitable heart.

Wrenn lived in constant anxiety, unable to eat or sleep. She visibly deteriorated, her well-maintained skin turninga dull yellow.

The once noble and elegant aura remained, but it lacked the arrogance. The sharpness in her eyes was replaced bya soft vulnerability and fatigue.

Despite Jean's repeated attempts to persuade her to rest, she refused to listen. She sat numbly on a bench in thecorridor outside the intensive care unit.

“Even if I can't be with him inside, just staying here by his side makes me feel a bit more at ease.”

Jean furrowed his brows, his lips forming a tight line.

The three smaller figures, too, had furrowed brows and worried expressions.

They hadn't left Wrenn's side during these days.

Although the three generations of this family couldn't be as close as ordinary families, their companionshipduring these challenging times seemed to reduce the distance between them.

The little ones worried about their grandfather lying inside, and they were equally concerned about their

grandmother sitting outside, fearing she might collapse at any moment.

As such, they tried to coax her into eating. Even if she couldn't eat much, Wrenn appreciated their efforts andmanaged to take a few bites.

Not far away, Neera stood at one end of the corridor, watching this scene with a somber expression on herbeautiful face.

If things continued like this, Frederic might not hold on much longer.

After exchanging greetings with Jean, Neera headed to Grace Hospital.

Isabella was ecstatic when she saw Neera in the office after coming out of the operating room.

“Neera! You're finally back! I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about your good friend!”

She rushed over and hugged Neera tightly.

Neera smiled and returned the hug, saying, “How could I forget anyone, especially not you.”

“Come, come, sit down quickly. I'm exhausted. The surgery took five hours, and my back is about to break,”Isabella said as she pulled Neera to sit.

Taking notice of the ring on Neera's hand, Isabella's eyes lit up.

“Wow, this diamond ring is so beautiful. Jean must have given it to you, right?”

Neera chuckled. “Who else but him?”

Isabella squinted playfully, her expression telling Neera she was in the mood for gossip.

“So, have you and Jean completely reconciled? When did this happen?”

At that, Neera's mood finally improved slightly as she briefly recounted the events, including her experiences atPhison and the complaints she had.

Isabella listened with wide eyes, looking astonished as if she had been startled.

“Oh my goodness, why is Phison such a dangerous place? If something had happened, I might not have seen youagain today!”

Neera shrugged, “Yeah, those days were worlds apart compared to my previous life. Thinking about it now, itfeels like a dream, completely unreal.”

Isabella rubbed her chin, a look of suspicion on her face. “Who is the lord of Lordsworth Estate? I'm so curious.When did you save him, and why is he so good to you? Could it be...”

She looked at Neera thoughtfully, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

“Could it be that he's interested in you?”

Neera had never entertained such a possibility and quickly denied, “No way, don't talk nonsense.”

Isabella waved her hand. “Oh, come on, relax. Jean isn't around; he won't be jealous.”

Speaking of Jean, she nodded solemnly.

“But the way Mr. Beauvort handled things, I never expected it. Flying all the way to see you, buying up the entireisland for you, preparing an engagement ring—it's so romantic. Who would have thought that the ruthless Mr.Beauvort would be so devoted to you? It's like a deep, unexpected love. The way you two met, arranged by fate inthat peculiar manner, wasn't entirely bad, it seems. Your connection is truly beyond words.”

Isabella's words brought a smile to Neera's face, but deep down, she couldn't shake off her concerns. She shiftedthe conversation back to the matter at hand.

“Enough of the banter; I came to see you about something urgent.”

Isabella, curious, asked, “What's the matter? Tell me.”

Neera got straight to the point. “Mr. Frederic has heart failure, and the only solution now is a heart transplant. Canyou help find a matching heart?” novelbin

Upon hearing this, Isabella was initially surprised but then realized what was going on.

“So Mr. Frederic has a heart issue. It's been buzzing outside that he's been admitted to the hospital, but the detailsare unclear, and people are speculating.”

Neera nodded. “Given his condition, time is of the essence. The sooner the surgery, the better. We need to find asuitable heart quickly. Jean has already sent someone to search, but so far, no luck.”

Isabella inquired, “How soon are we talking about?”

“Probably about four or five days.”

At this, Isabella hesitated.

“Finding a matching heart in such a short time might be challenging. Organ donations have decreased in the pastcouple of years, especially for hearts. I've heard that the number of recent donors hasn't been ideal, and there arepatients waiting for heart transplants. Due to the delay in finding a suitable heart, some have had to opt forconservative treatment. Given Mr. Frederic's urgent situation, I'm afraid it might cause delays for you.”

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