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Chapter 1334

The head of the Hoffman family, Lucas Hoffman, frowned immediately. “What do you mean? We're discussingmatters concerning our three families. How did it suddenly shift to the Cox family?”

Rio spoke with an air of wisdom. “There's an order to everything. The Cox family's troubles came first, followedby the three of your families. We must deal with each issue one by one, just like eating a meal one bite at a time.Naturally, we should resolve all the issues concerning the Cox family first before we can address your subsequenttroubles.”

The words spoken were so grandiose that the few people present didn't know how to rebut them.

Rio swept his gaze around the room, then looked at Matthew with satisfaction, continuing the topic they werediscussing earlier.

“Mr. Lozano, the guild entrusted us, the Cox family, with a very important task. Our family head didn't hesitatefor a moment and resolutely carried out the guild's orders, taking people to Adieu Island. Not long after this, alarge number of firearms were found in the auction house under the Cox family's name. You remember thisincident, don't you? Why has it been left unresolved until now?”

Matthew was caught off guard. He didn't expect him to bring up the matter.

After a few seconds, he finally said, “We haven't figured it out yet.”

“Is that so?” Rio responded with an ambiguous chuckle. “I see, the guild must be very busy lately, not even ableto clear up such a simple matter.” novelbin

Matthew frowned. “Rio, mind your language.”

Rio nodded. “I apologize for criticizing the guild. However, I hope the guild can give the Cox family justice. Overthe years, our family has never had any organizational or disciplinary problems. These firearms are not ours. Ifyou don't believe us, we can show you all of our family's accounts. To purchase so many firearms, a large sum ofmoney would be involved, and there would definitely be a record. If there was no record, it would be abnormal.The Cox family can completely prove our innocence.”

The other four were taken aback and in disbelief.

The financial records of each family were the most confidential and strictly guarded secrets, absolutely not to beshown to any outsider.

Even if they were from the same family, their status and position still mattered.

But now, to prove the innocence of the Cox family, Rio was even willing to show the accounts to the guild.

This clearly proved that the Cox family had done nothing wrong, so they had no reason to feel guilty.

Matthew's expression changed slightly, and his lips twitched. After a long pause, he finally said, “Forget about it.The Cox family's performance over the years has not gone unnoticed by the guild. I trust the Cox family too. Thismust be a misunderstanding. I will have someone investigate the true origin of these firearms. The Cox familywill not be wronged. You can rest assured.”

Regarding the matter of firearms, he had only used it as a means to control the Gordon family, merely exploitingthe Cox family in the process.

Once he had achieved his goal, he didn't give this matter another thought.

This matter was of great importance. He had thought the Cox family should also hope for it to be left unresolved.

Unexpectedly, Rio had actually taken the initiative to bring it up, even turning the tables on him.

Given the circumstances, he had no choice but to resort to these excuses to gloss over the situation.

Rio achieved his goal, and without saying anything more, he just smiled and said, “Okay.”

He actually had no intention of showing the Cox family's accounts to the guild at all.

He was merely gambling, betting that the guild was behind this and wouldn't investigate any further.

Just as he had predicted, things turned out exactly that way. He won the bet.

Things should be easier from now on.

“Mr. Lozano, the Cox family deeply appreciates your trust. There are some matters we hope you could help usresolve.”

Matthew frowned. His face was already contorted, but he could only patiently ask, “What is it? Just go ahead andtell me.”

Beside them, the representatives of the Quigley family, the Hoffman family, and the Watson family exchangedglances, an inexplicable sense of foreboding filling their hearts.

Rio recounted in detail all the events that had occurred during the time Avery was carrying out his mission.

“Mr. Lozano, the Jagger family no longer exists, and the island has been taken over by our family head. We, theCox family, have successfully completed the tasks assigned by the guild. Shouldn't the guild give us anexplanation for all the harm we've suffered? As you know, our family head is still unconscious. He barelysurvived, and it was not easy for him to cling to life. If he wakes up and learns the truth about these matters andfinds out that the guild has done nothing, won't he be disheartened? And the Cox family who has always beenloyal to the guild will feel disheartened too, won't they?”

The representatives of the Quigley family, the Hoffman family, and the Watson family abruptly stood up. Theirfaces were flushed, their ears red, uncertain whether it was out of guilt or anger.

“You're talking nonsense! We've never done such things!”

“The Jagger family is just trying to drag others down with them! They're slandering us! We've always kept toourselves and had no relations with Adieu Island. Yet, the Jagger family is blatantly defaming us. This isabsolutely despicable!”

“If you actually believe the nonsense spouted by the Jagger family, you're as dumb as a pig!”

After taking a sip of coffee, Rio casually remarked, “But all of this was acknowledged by the Jagger family. Atthis point, do they still need to lie?”

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