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Chapter 1298

Albert clutched his chest, struggling to breathe, as darkness enveloped his vision.

It took him a while to regain his composure. Gritting his teeth, he asked, "Pheebs, who did this?"

Phoebe stared wide-eyed at the ceiling, her tears dried up, replaced by a fierce look of hatred.

Albert asked again, "Who did this to you? Was it Neera Garcia?"

Phoebe turned her head abruptly, enunciating each word, "Dad, you must seek justice for me. You must! It'sNeera. She conspired with the people from Lordsworth Estate, leading me to this state! It's all because of her!"

To Albert's surprise, Lordsworth Estate was involved, making the situation even worse.

"How could Lordsworth Estate assist her in such a matter?"

Phoebe screamed hysterically, "How would I know! It's all her doing! I want her to pay the price now, I want herdead!"

Witnessing his usually obedient daughter behaving like a madwoman, Albert was both startled and furious.

"This Neera Garcia doesn't take the Cox family seriously! She even dares to collude with people from LordsworthEstate to harm us. This is absolutely outrageous. She's gone too far!"

"Enough!" A stern voice interrupted the father and daughter's argument. "Will this never end? Aren't youashamed enough?"

Rio couldn't bear to listen any longer, his face turning incredibly unsightly.

First, he subtly signaled the family doctor to leave, then he angrily scolded Phoebe.

"How dare you criticize others? Look at what you've done! You actually had the audacity to bribe someone toassassinate the head of the Gordon family. Have you lost your mind, or are you just incredibly brave? The Gordonfamily has always been on good terms with the Cox family, and the head of the Gordon family even went out ofher way to help the Cox family this time. You tried to harm her for your own personal gain. Are you trying todrag the entire Cox family down with you? Do you want to destroy our family?"

Phoebe clenched her teeth and remained silent.

Albert didn't like what he saw and immediately defended his daughter.

"Rio, why do you always side with outsiders? Even if the Gordon family is close to the Cox family, they are stillanother clan, not truly aligned with the Cox family. Everyone is here for their own benefits, so why talk aboutaffection and righteousness! If we really think about it, the Cox family has actually helped the Gordon family alot. If it weren't for the Cox family's strong support, could Neera Garcia have secured her position as the head ofthe Gordon family? Could she have become the district president? And the seat as the ninth elder, isn't that alsothanks to the Cox family's blessings? But look at what she has done now. She repays kindness with enmity. She'ssimply unworthy of being human!"

Rio found Albert utterly unreasonable, his face turning red with anger.

"Phoebe is naive, but how can you, at your age, be clueless? How dare you accuse others when she has committedsuch a grave mistake first? Thank god that Miss Garcia is a sensible person. She spared your daughter's life out ofrespect for the head of the family. Otherwise, your daughter would be nothing more than a corpse now. Would sheeven have the chance to cry here then? You must be dreaming!"

At this moment, Ronald stepped forward to support Rio.

"Albert, even if you always side with your own family, you should still discern right from wrong. Just look at howabsurd you've become!"

How could Albert not know who was in the wrong in this matter? But he just couldn't contain his anger seeingPhoebe's hysterical state.

"Even if Pheebs has made a mistake, she's young and naive. Why is Neera being so ruthless? Let's not forget, hercollusion with the people from Lordsworth Estate is a fact. Are we just going to ignore that? Has she forgottenwhich side the Gordon family is on? She has collaborated with Lordsworth Estate to target a member of the guild.Is this something she, as the ninth elder, should be doing?"

Rio sneered, "What? So your daughter can hire criminals from Freo Market to assassinate her, but she can't uselegitimate means to protect herself? What about Lordsworth Estate? Go and ask anyone on the street now. Whodoesn't know that Lordsworth Estate is on good terms with the Gordon family, fully supporting the head of theGordon family? Colin even dared to publicly challenge Matthew, yet you think they can't deal with the Coxfamily?"

Ronald agreed with him, "After all, it was the Cox family who struck first. Miss Garcia was merely defendingherself, and she even showed mercy to the Cox family by sparing Phoebe's life. That was already a great favor. Ifyou insist on making a fuss without discerning right from wrong, this matter will only get worse. If this gets out,how will others view the Cox family?

"You seem to have forgotten about the head of the family, haven't you? How do you think he would feel if hefound out about this when he returns? After all, the Gordon family is still connected to the Cox family through

marriage. The woman your daughter wants to kill is his fiancée! I'm afraid once he finds out, he might just endyour daughter's life! And here you are, blaming others? Maybe you should start thinking about how to explainthis to the head of the family when he returns!"

After saying that, Ronald and Rio turned around and left, paying no further attention to Albert.

Phoebe continued sobbing uncontrollably, her voice filled with resentment and hatred. novelbin

Albert stood in place with a grim expression, clenching his teeth as he weighed the pros and cons. In the end, hedidn't storm into the Gordon residence. He just gritted his teeth and held back his anger.

"Don't worry, Pheebs. I will find the best doctor to treat you. This matter won't end like this!"

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