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Chapter 1270

"Are you Mr. Cox's cousin?" Neera asked.

The woman lifted her chin arrogantly, as if she were looking down on everyone. "Yes, what about it?"

She was Phoebe Cox, the adopted daughter of the third elder of the Cox family.

Neera observed her domineering manner and a mysterious smile played at the corner of her lips.

"Mr. Cox is such a polite gentleman. It's surprising that his cousin lacks manners. She yells at guests and speaksrudely, yet no one in the Cox family reprimands her. The conduct of the Cox family is truly eye-opening."

Phoebe's sarcasm instantly infuriated her.

"Who are you calling ill-mannered? Do you even have the right to say such things? My cousin has been sohelpful to you before, but what about you? How did you repay my cousin? The Cox family is now facing such abig issue—"

Before she could finish her sentence, Albert interrupted her, "Pheebs, watch your mouth."

Phoebe quickly changed the subject, remembering Avery's instructions not to mention the matter of reclaimingthe Jagger family.

"My cousin has helped you and the Gordon family time and again, and what did you do in return? You're offcozying up with other men, leaving my cousin out in the cold! What do you take my cousin for? Someone youcan use and then discard? Now that you hold such great power, you don't even consider my cousin anymore. Inever expected you to be so fickle, hopping from one man to another without any shame. My cousin must havebeen blind to have fallen for a shameless woman like you!"

She had heard about Neera's affair with Avery a long time ago, and it made her very angry.

The thought of their impending marriage, bound by an engagement, filled her with jealousy, causing her manysleepless nights.

Later, upon learning that Neera had another man by her side, she felt both elated and angry. She thought it was awaste for Avery, yet she also sensed a potential opportunity for herself.

Seeing Avery's indifference towards her, she realized that she was delusional.

All her disappointments transformed into hatred for Neera, which was why she couldn't wait to humiliate her.

However, Neera was not someone who could be easily bullied.

Zephyr had been holding back for a while now. Seeing that Neera was no longer stopping him, he didn't wasteany more time. With a darkened face, he rushed forward and grabbed Phoebe by the throat.

A wave of overwhelming urgency washed over Phoebe, her face twisting in agony. She thrashed wildly againstZephyr's grip, scratching and clawing.

"You... You... Let go. Let go... of me..."

Phoebe's face turned a mixture of red and purple as she struggled to utter a few incoherent words.

Yet, Zephyr remained completely still, his expression stern and cold.

"Not many have fared well after speaking ill of Ms. Garcia. If you're so eager to court death, I'd be more thanhappy to assist!"

His hand tightened its grip even more, like an eagle's claw.

In the blink of an eye, Phoebe's face turned ashen. She was on the verge of suffocation, unable to utter a singleword.

Albert really didn't want to get involved. He had hoped that Phoebe would give Neera a hard time.

However, seeing that, he couldn't sit still anymore. With a serious expression, he stood up.

"Enough! You're causing such a commotion in the Cox residence. Do you really want to take someone's life, Ms.Garcia? Don't forget that the Cox family and the Gordon family have been allies for generations and haverepeatedly helped the Gordon family. Your current position and your success today are partly due to the Coxfamily's contributions. Are you planning to repay kindness with ingratitude now?"

With a slight lift of her eyebrows, Neera called out, "Zephyr!"

Understanding the situation, he quickly let go of Phoebe.

A rush of fresh air filled Phoebe's lungs, burning like fire, causing her to cough uncontrollably. She coughed sohard that tears streamed down her face.

Neera looked at her with a calm and composed demeanor, her eyes devoid of any sympathy or fear. They wereutterly tranquil, only filled with indifference.

"Of course, I would never repay kindness with ingratitude. I deeply appreciate Mr. Cox's assistance and will domy utmost to help the Cox family in return. However, this does not mean that just anyone from the Cox familycan walk all over me. Since Ms. Cox doesn't know how to behave and can't hold her tongue, as an outsider, ofcourse, I won't indulge her. If the Cox family can't educate their own, then let me teach her a lesson. Is that notacceptable?"

Albert furrowed his brows, surprised by her assertive manner of speaking. His expression turned somewhat sour.

"You sure talk big, Ms. Garcia. When is it the turn of an outsider to teach the Cox family a lesson? Could it bethat your ascension to the position of district president and becoming the ninth elder of the Bartitsu Guild has ledyou to believe you're invincible? It would be wise not to overstep your bounds."

"Is it overstepping to discipline someone who is flaunting their power and causing a scene in front of me? Sir, doyou think I'm idly showing off my authority? If I let her continue her tirade, the Gordon family would become alaughingstock! To be honest, if it weren't for Mr. Cox, I wouldn't even set foot here, let alone meddle in the Coxfamily's affairs. People should first respect themselves to earn respect from others. Instead of wasting time talkingabout me, you'd better educate Ms. Cox properly. Don't let her embarrass herself and tarnish the reputation of theCox family."novelbin

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