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Chapter 1259

After a considerable amount of time, he finally clarified his position.

"Mr. Cox is correct, and the head of the Gordon family also makes a valid point. Revoking control of the fivedistricts from the Gordon family goes against the rules. The election for the district leader was open andtransparent, and the results are already out. We cannot take it back for any reason. If word gets out, it will have anegative impact on our guild. Therefore, I reject this proposal. I advise the elders not to bring up this matteragain, in order to protect the reputation of our guild and the elders themselves." novelbin

"Mr. Lozano!" someone urgently called out, attempting to persuade him.

Matthew shot that person a glance and said, "I told you not to bring it up again. Does my word as the vicepresident mean nothing?"

The scene fell into complete silence.

Thus, this matter was unveiled and left in the past.

At this moment, Avery asked, "What about the seat of the ninth elder? Mr. Lozano, how do you decide on thismatter?"

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone's gaze was fixed intensely on Matthew, waiting for him to deliverthe final verdict.

Matthew fell silent momentarily, then said, "According to the original agreement of the guild, whoever becomes adistrict president can join the elders. Since the head of the Gordon family has become a district president, theninth elder seat naturally belongs to her. Not only that, I have another announcement to make. Thanks to both theGordon family and the Cox family, the Bartitsu Guild now has control over District Twenty-One to District

Twenty-Five. Therefore, the guild has decided to establish the ninth elder seat for the Gordon family andrearrange the seating of the elders. The elder of the Cox family will be promoted to the second elder seat, whilethe Gordon family, due to their shorter tenure, will remain in the ninth seat as planned."

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of the seven people, except for Avery and Neera, changeddrastically.

However, Matthew had already made up his mind on this matter. Even if they were unwilling in their hearts, theycould no longer criticize anything.

Neera quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, her earlier words had an effect, and no one raised any objections.

This time, the Gordon family had successfully secured a seat without drawing too much attention. They humblystayed at the very end of the table, not being overly presumptuous.

As for Avery, when he heard this result, his expression subtly changed.

After the meeting, the two returned to the car. Only then did Neera manage to shake off that feeling of unease.

On the way back, Neera found it a bit odd that Avery remained silent the entire time.

"Mr. Cox, are you... okay? Did I do something inappropriate during the meeting just now?"

Avery seemed lost in thought. Hearing those words, he came back to reality and shook his head. "No, you didgreat." He chuckled lightly. "This is the first time I've seen you so assertive. Quite impressive, I must say. You've

really caught my eye."

"Mr. Cox, please stop teasing me," Neera said, a bit embarrassed. "My heart is still racing. I was just putting on abrave face."

She sighed. "Actually, I know that to these people, the Gordon family doesn't mean much. The fact that we couldretain control of the district leadership and the position of the ninth elder today is merely because they respect thelord. They have chosen to back off for now. If the Gordon family hadn't relied on the lord this time, it's dauntingto imagine the number of times we might have faced peril. They are probably still unsure about the relationshipbetween the lord and the Gordon family, which is why they are somewhat apprehensive."

Although she wasn't very clear about the various open and covert struggles within the guild, when it came to thecrux of the matter, she analyzed it thoroughly.

Avery was somewhat surprised, his eyes filled with admiration.

"Indeed, the guild won't compromise so easily. Don't be fooled by Mr. Lozano's silence. What those people aresaying essentially reflects his thoughts. He's just using others to voice them. After all, he can't contradict himself.It's surprising how you managed to silence them with just a few words. Mr. Cox is also wary of the lord, which iswhy he hasn't stripped the Gordon family of their power. After all, Colin has publicly challenged him. If the lordwere to find out that your position was taken away by the guild before you could even establish yourself, hemight not let it go so easily. That's why the Gordon family's position was preserved."

Neera nodded. "Luckily, that's the case."

During the rest of the journey, neither of them spoke again.

Avery had been lost in thought.

In fact, there was something he didn't mention. His promotion to the position of second elder by the guild wasn'texactly good news for him and the Cox family.

Apart from the first elder, also known as the grand elder, the remaining elders would harbor strong dissatisfactionand hostility toward him.

It appeared that the Cox family was receiving special attention from the guild. However, this was essentially adouble-edged sword, as it was also creating enemies for the Cox family.

Moreover, it was just a promotion to a higher position. For the guild, even if it was the first elder, if he lost hisvalue, he could be disposed of at any time.

The car stopped at the entrance of the Gordon residence.

Neera expressed her gratitude, saying, "Mr. Cox, thank you for speaking up for the Gordon family today. We aredeeply grateful."

"It's nothing. You head inside now," Avery replied.

Neera nodded, bidding him farewell.

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