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Chapter 1257

People had long suspected Avery would speak up for the Gordon family and immediately stood up to refute him,"Even though the guild made this decision early on, we must be flexible. Is it worse to let an incompetent personhold a high position, tarnishing our guild's reputation, or is the impact of this greater than the cost of cutting ourlosses in time?"

"Exactly, Mr. Cox. Even though your Cox family holds a high status and we trust you, when it comes to theGordon family, we simply don't trust them at all!"

"If Chad were still in power, perhaps I could show some courtesy to the Gordon family. But if it's this youngwoman, there's no need for that. I firmly oppose it!"

Avery's face was stern. "So, you are determined to target the Gordon family?"

At that moment, the head of the Atkinson family and the senior elder, Bernard, spoke up. "We're all here for areasoned discussion, expressing our own views. There's no need to make the atmosphere so tense. Mr. Cox, weunderstand that due to your marriage alliance with the Gordon family, you tend to favor them. However, nomatter what, we should prioritize the overall situation of Bartitsu Guild. Allowing such an obscure, third-ratefamily like the Gordon family to enter the elder seats is indeed inappropriate. On the other hand, your words alsomake sense. After all, the guild had previously released information, and changing our minds now would indeeddamage our credibility. We should balance both aspects."

Avery glanced at him, asking indifferently, "So, according to you, how can we achieve this?"

Bernard glanced at Matthew, then at Neera, appearing to be deep in thought. Then, seemingly with somedifficulty, he began to speak. novelbin

"The head of the Gordon family has just taken her position. She probably doesn't even have time to manage her

own family affairs. How about this? Let's return the position of the district president to the guild and choosesomeone else to take on the role. Ms. Garcia, you're still young, so you know very little about the guild. It wouldbe better for you to spend more time managing the Gordon family and smoothing out internal affairs. You don'tneed to worry about the guild's matters. As for the ninth elder's seat, Mr. Lozano can select the best from thevarious family forces under his command to fill in this role. The district president can also be served by a familyhead with more qualifications and strength. Initially, you publicly stated that you would only add one elder seatwithout giving a specific explanation. As for the recent rumors about the Gordon family head entering the elderseat, you can treat them as hearsay and publicly deny them. In this way, it will not damage the reputation of ourguild, and it can also maintain the overall situation of our guild."

As if recalling something, he turned his head back to Neera and added, "Ms. Garcia, everyone has witnessed youraccomplishments in this election. Rest assured. The guild will not treat the Gordon family unfairly. We willprovide benefits as compensation and support."

As soon as these words were spoken, they immediately received the agreement of everyone present.

"This is a great idea! I agree!"

"With this, the selection for the positions of the district president and ninth elder's seat can be based on merit andstrength. This would greatly benefit the guild!"

"I also agree!"

Neera remained silent, her hands resting on her lap gradually clenched into fists. She sneered inwardly. What'sthis about a balance of two, offering compensation and support? Ha! How despicable!

Before she could even utter a word, Avery couldn't sit still any longer and started arguing, "You all are aware of

the achievements the Gordon family made at the district presidential election, and now you're turning your backson them? You all are respected figures in Phison, yet you're conspiring to carve up the fruits of someone else'slabor. Aren't you afraid that this will get out, and people will scorn you, looking down on you?"

"You're absurd!" Someone lost their temper, tearing away the peaceful pretense to confront him.

"Avery, you're so biased toward the Gordon family, supporting this young woman to rise to power. You wouldn'tbe trying to gain some benefits, would you?"

Avery sneered, "Reaping benefits? How could I possibly compete with you seniors? If others saw your demeanorjust now, they'd probably mistake you for a bunch of thieves and robbers!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Am I the one spouting nonsense, or are you all living in a fantasy world? In Mount Cloud, it was the Gordonfamily who fought tooth and nail! And you? You think a few light words can sweep everything under the rug.How wonderful that must be! Also, Mr. Lozano clearly announced that a new elder seat would be added for theone who becomes the district president. How did it become so vague when it reached your lips? Who are youtrying to fool? Do you really think everyone else is a fool? If this matter gets out, I'm afraid your reputation willbe completely ruined. It's disgraceful!"

Someone stood up angrily, their face flushed and their neck thickened from being berated. That person pointed atAvery for a long time, unable to utter a word.

The tension was palpable.

At that moment, Neera stood up.

Her face was calm, showing neither joy nor anger, making it hard for anyone to discern her emotions.

Everyone's gaze fell on her, each one filled with confusion, wondering what she was up to.

And she, after looking around, asked in a calm and cool voice, "If I were to hand over the position of the districtpresident, who do you think would be suitable to take over, fellow elders?"

With a single sentence, the scene instantly fell into silence.

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