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Chapter 1240

In the Jennings family, Sophia, the mother, was devastated upon learning of her daughter Stella's tragic death.Overwhelmed with grief, she cried so much that she almost fainted.

"My daughter...my daughter! How could the Cox family be so heartless! We must seek justice for this. How couldmy daughter die in vain like this?"

The key members of the Jennings family were gathered in the main lobby at that moment.

Seeing Sophia crying and causing a scene, everyone was quite annoyed.

Unable to bear it any longer, the senior elder suddenly slammed the table and stood up, glaring at her furiously.

"Demand justice? How can you demand justice? The Jennings family is no longer a member of the BartitsuGuild. You have no power to rely on! What right do you have to demand justice? Besides, it's the Cox family! Doyou dare to challenge the Cox family? I think you've lost your mind!"

Sophia's eyes were swollen and red from crying, resembling two walnuts. She gritted her teeth, giving theimpression that she was ready to bite someone's head off. novelbin

"Have I lost my mind? Don't forget, my daughter is the head of the Jennings family! You should be serving her,standing up for her! Now that she's in trouble, all you think about is yourselves! Have you forgotten my latehusband's last wish?"

The previous head of the Jennings family was Stella's father.

Two years ago, due to a severe illness, he passed away prematurely.

Before his death, he was determined to position his daughter as the head of the family in order to prevent thepower from falling into the wrong hands. He secretly gained the support of many influential people within thefamily.

But now, since Stella had passed away, naturally, no one would show respect to this widow anymore.

Owain was particularly annoyed. Initially, he had intended for his own son, who was also Stella's cousin,Maxwell, to ascend to the position.

After Stella became the head, he became discontented and even harbored resentment in his heart.

At this moment, seeing Sophia's unruly behavior, he naturally wouldn't indulge her. He publicly rebuked herwithout regard for her dignity.

"Entrustment? You have the nerve to mention entrustment? Everyone knows how your daughter became the headof the family. Do you think we're all fools? Under her leadership, the Jennings family has been declining for thepast two years. The family wealth has significantly decreased due to her mismanagement. Has anything she'sdone been beneficial to the Jennings family? And you still dare to call her the head of the family? Ha, you havethe audacity to claim she's the head of the family!"

He raised his head, and the others could no longer hold back. They launched into a barrage of sarcastic andscathing criticisms.

"Exactly! With her as the head of the Jennings family, we've had a streak of bad luck! That wretched girl hasbrought our family to this state, and now she's just fine. With a swipe at her neck, she's out of breath, leaving ushere to worry. Who's going to clean up this mess? Isn't it us?"

"These past two years, she's been causing trouble everywhere, taking advantage of her position as the head of theJennings family to act recklessly. She's been harsh to our family members, causing discord at home and attractingcriticism from outsiders towards the Jennings family! Every time she stirs up trouble, we have to clean up afterher. Such a family head is simply unheard of!"

"Again, she insists on meddling with the Gordon family. Is she out of her mind to oppose them? Everyone knowsthe relationship between the Gordon and Cox families. The heads of both families are in-laws, naturally, theysupport each other. But she, she's eager to confront the head of the Gordon family. Isn't that a slap in the face tothe Cox family? The Cox family was merciful enough to only break her neck. If they truly become ruthless, whoknows, they might even grind her to dust!"

"You all—" Sophia, seeing herself and her daughter become the target of everyone's criticism, was so angry shefelt like her lungs were about to explode.

"You're just kicking her while she's down! But she's still the head of the Jennings family, are you really planningto just stand by and do nothing?"

"Hah, she is dead, how can she still be our family head?"

"What a joke! Do something? How are we supposed to do something? With what? What does the Jennings familyamount to now? Without the protection of the Bartitsu Guild, anyone can step on our family!"

At that moment, Owain looked at her with a cold smirk.

"Do you really think the Jennings family will have good days ahead? We're on the brink of disaster! Now, theentire Jennings family is going to be buried with your precious daughter! Do you still have time to think aboutyour useless dead daughter? You better start thinking about what you're going to do!"

Sophia was taken aback upon hearing this, not quite understanding. "What kind of disaster are you talking about?My daughter has already been killed by them, what more do they want?"

Seeing her behave so recklessly, all the members of the Jennings family revealed expressions of disdain andannoyance.

"Do you think that by executing Stella, everything can be easily resolved? Dream on! Let me tell you, Stellarepresents the Jennings family. Thanks to her, those brought by the Jennings family have acted against the Gordonfamily. Now, our entire family has been expelled by the Bartitsu Guild, which means we have been expelled fromPhison! Do you know what expulsion means? It means annihilation! There's no longer any reason for our familyto exist!"

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