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Chapter 1227

Caleb, observing the situation, turned to Darcel and inquired, "What are your thoughts? Should we pursue them?And should we release these individuals?"

Darcel, with a cold and calculating expression, appeared to contemplate for a moment. Then, he spoke withoutemotion. "We have accomplished our objective. Let them go."

He had no intention of annihilating the entire Bartitsu Guild, as doing so might lead to complications once theydescended the mountain.

When it came to Lordsworth Estate, he was unconcerned.

However, this incident had consequences for the Gordon family, and he anticipated that they would facechallenges in the future, so it was best not to go to extremes.

After the Bartitsu Guild members had departed, Caleb instructed his men to clean up the scene and attend to theirinjuries before regrouping.

Shane couldn't contain his curiosity and immediately asked, "Neera, what happened after we lost contact thatday?"

Finnley also leaned in and inquired, "Yeah, Neera, you really had us worried. We searched everywhere for you,scaling the mountain and combing the area."

Neera took a few sips of the water Shane handed her and then recounted her fall from the cliff and the subsequentevents in detail.

"When I fell off the cliff, it was thanks to Darcel protecting me that I escaped without injury. He also assisted me

in making my way back up the mountain. Without his help, I wouldn't have been able to move an inch, and Iprobably would have encountered multiple life-threatening situations."

The Gordon family members, having listened to her harrowing story, felt a sense of relief as they saw her sittingsafely with them.

"Thank goodness you're okay."

Shane and Charles stood up and expressed their gratitude to Darcel sincerely.

"Mr. Belma, we are immensely grateful for your continuous support and protection of Neera throughout thisjourney. Remember, no matter what challenges arise in the future, if you ever need the support of The Gordonfamily, don't hesitate to reach out. We are committed to going to great lengths to assist you, without hesitation."

Darcel remained composed and didn't dwell on the matter. novelbin

"Mr. Gordon, there's no need for such formality. Safeguarding her during our journey was only natural since wewere traveling together."

Shane, touched by Darcel's words, struggled to express his gratitude.

He then turned to thank the members of the Massey family.

Cayden ran his hand through his hair, displaying a rare serious side.

"Mr. Gordon, there's no need for thanks. We traveled together, so looking out for each other is only right. To behonest, much of the credit goes to Mr. Belma. If it weren't for him, I fear we might have fallen into the hands of

some unsavory characters."

With the mountain summit drawing closer, there was little time for rest. Soon, the group continued their journeytowards the top of the mountain in a determined and orderly manner.

Half an hour later, they finally reached the endpoint of their journey through the dense forest.

As they gazed at the white flag fluttering in the wind, everyone fell into silence, reluctant to approach it.

The members of the Gordon family were on edge, realizing that they were still technically part of the BartitsuGuild.

However, the teams gathered here all represented Lordsworth Estate.

It was unclear who held the white flag and the implications of the situation.

They had received help from Lordsworth Estate along their journey, and it didn't seem right to engage in aconfrontation by taking the flag now.

As they hesitated, Caleb broke the silence, saying, "Mr. Gordon, Ms. Garcia, what are you waiting for? Go andretrieve the white flag."

Upon hearing Caleb's words, the Gordons and Shane were left bewildered.

Shane looked at him with a mix of disbelief and uncertainty, asking, "You mean you're not competing for it? Withthe white flag, you'll become the district president. Didn't Lordsworth Estate gather for this purpose?"

Caleb maintained a harmless smile and said in a nonchalant manner, "Lordsworth Estate has no interest in that.This entire trip was just a casual outing, a bit like team-building. Our initial assembly was solely because wefound Bartitsu Guild's hypocritical members irritating and wanted to give them some trouble. We didn't expectthem to be so feeble. It's really quite underwhelming."

His statement was met with agreement from the other Lordsworth Estate families.

"Exactly! We thought Bartitsu Guild was a formidable force, but it turns out they're far from it. They claimed tobe on equal footing with Lordsworth Estate, but they're nowhere close!"

"Exactly, Bartitsu Guild only has a handful of tough individuals, and the rest are useless. They lose becausethey're all out for themselves. They're just a scattered mess..."

"District president, what a bore. Districts Twenty-One to Twenty-Five aren't any different."

"Lordsworth Estate is just fine. We don't need all this nonsense. It's all empty talk..."

As they casually dismissed the significance of the election, the Gordon family was left dumbfounded.

Even the Massey family members looked on in astonishment as if they were witnessing something bizarre.

Neera, too, was taken aback, thinking, "Are the people from Lordsworth Estate so idle that they engage in such athrilling election just for leisure?"

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