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Chapter 1224

Cayden grew noticeably quieter on the journey ahead, as if he was truly hurt.

However, he remained as enthusiastic as ever towards Neera, feeling a sense of no regrets and no complaints forsome inexplicable reason.

He often left her bewildered with his antics.

After a chaotic half-day journey, they finally caught sight of the white flag in the distance.

“We're not far from the summit,” said Darcel.

Neera was still worried about Shane and the others. “But we've been on the road for a while now, and we stillhaven't run into Shane and Mr. Medicina. Could they be behind us?”

Even Darcel wasn't sure. “In any case, let's keep going upward. We're bound to encounter them at the top of themountain.”

“Ha! Dream on! You really think you can make it to the top of the mountain?” At that moment, a mocking voicesuddenly rang out behind them, accompanied by the sound of erratic footsteps.

Neera's heart jumped into her throat, and she immediately turned around. She spotted Stella coming up fromanother mountain path!

Darcel was the first to react. He rushed in front of Neera with a swift stride, firmly shielding her behind him.

Seeing that, Stella sneered, “Oh? You're trying to be her knight in shining armor? Mister, you should prioritizeyourself. Can you even keep your pathetic life and leave this place alive?”

Behind her, a steady stream of people appeared, looking like they were from at least seven or eight differentfamilies.

It seemed she had gathered quite a few closely-knit families along the way.

Howard was among them, cheerfully laughing as he walked out and stood next to Stella. “Ms. Jennings, just asyou predicted, they really are isolated. It seems you truly have a talent for foresight.”

Stella was brimming with pride. “Of course, but it is a bit more troublesome than I anticipated. I thought thesetwo were already dead, but they unexpectedly escaped death. Still, it doesn't matter. In the end, they fell into myhands. It'll be up to me whether they live or die.”

Neera furrowed her brows in concern after hearing that. She immediately questioned, “You knew what happenedto us, so you were the one behind the night attack that day, weren't you? And the time before that! Even thedestruction of the mountain hollow was your doing, right?”

Stella casually switched her hand to the front, lifting one arm leisurely to admire her beautifully manicured nails,appearing utterly nonchalant. “So what if it is, and what if it isn't? At this point, do these things still matter?Instead of wasting your time on this, why don't you kneel at my feet now and beg for mercy in a humble voice?Maybe I'll consider sparing you if I'm in a good mood. What do you say?”

As she spoke, she subtly signaled to the people behind her. The families of Bartitsu Guild immediatelysurrounded Neera and her group.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, as if a fight would break out at any moment.

Stella gave Cayden and the others a once-over, then laughed casually. “I must admit I didn't expect you to run intothe Massey family on your way. However, it's a pity. Even with them around, they can't help you. So, you betterbeg for mercy quickly. I'm not a fan of waiting. You only get one chance, so you better cherish it.”

Because of the grudges formed previously at the Medicina family's medical hall and during meetings, Stella hadalways regarded Neera as a thorn in her side, wishing she could get rid of her for good.

Having failed twice in a row, she was extremely frustrated. Now that she had finally encountered this opportunity,she was determined not to let such a golden chance slip away.

With a cold expression, Neera retorted without a second thought, “Beg for mercy? In your dreams! Stella, you'veattacked us repeatedly, and I haven't even settled the score with you yet. You have the audacity to swaggeraround. Your Jennings family really has no shame!”

“Shameless? I think you just don't understand the law of survival of the fittest!” Stella laughed boldly andconfidently. “In Phison, those with power rule. A weakling like you deserves to be trampled under my feet! TheGordon family must have gone mad to let a piece of trash like you become the head of the family. Even the guildwants you to participate in the election. It's utterly ridiculous! You little wretch. You seduced Avery to back youup just because you're pretty. Now, you're even involved with Mr. Medicina and even trying to seduce the lord ofLordsworth Estate. You really have no shame! Besides using your seductive tricks, what else are you good at?”

Her words were becoming increasingly unpleasant to hear, simply foul.

Neera's face instantly darkened. Her sleeve loosened, and a small dagger fell into her hand.

However, before she could make a move, Darcel intervened. Somehow, he had a few stones in his hand, which hethrew fiercely, hitting Stella right on the mouth and nose! novelbin

In the next moment, Stella cried out in pain. Her lips turned a deep shade of red and began to swell, while bloodcontinuously flowed from her nose!

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