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Chapter 1182

A quarter of an hour later, everyone had regained their strength and spirit, ready to set off again in high spirits.

Neera preferred to be more cautious this time, cutting out many strips from the gauze.

“Even though I've taken the antidote, it can only neutralize the poison inside me. I have no idea how much furtherI need to travel to escape this miasma. Therefore, it's best to keep my mouth and nose covered as much aspossible to prevent any unforeseen incidents.”

She folded the gauze into three layers and distributed it to each person.

Soon, everyone had a piece of gauze tied in front of their mouths and noses.

With this barrier in place, everyone breathed a bit more easily.

On their journey forward this time, they encountered a group of forces.

For safety reasons, the two factions kept a certain distance from each other. Neither made the first move to greet,nor did they approach each other.

However, Neera discovered that the other party seemed to be in some sort of trouble as everything was in a mess.

Shane also noticed and pointed across. “Look, it seems like two people have fainted over there.”

Upon closer inspection, Neera realized that indeed, there were two people lying on the ground, surrounded byothers.

“It seems they've also fallen victim to the miasma,” Finnley murmured, squinting his eyes.

Neera's brow furrowed slightly, her instinct as a doctor kicked in. Subconsciously, she wanted to step forward andhelp. novelbin

However, she quickly dismissed the idea.

Right now, she was not a doctor, but the head of the Gordon family.

In this conflict, danger lurked at every turn. Apart from her own people, she could trust no one else. I can't affordto act recklessly.

As these thoughts were crossing her mind, a few people appeared suddenly. They were all uniformly dressed inbright vests, carrying two stretchers.

Shane also saw it and explained to her. “These are the rescue personnel from the neutral zone. If an accidentoccurs during the election, you can call them to take the person away. Of course, once you leave, you lose thequalification to return. If the last person of a family is taken away, then that family loses the right to compete.”

“I see...” Neera nodded, watching as the two unconscious people were carried away. Without lingering anylonger, he said, “Let's get going. We've wasted quite a bit of time already. We need to make up for it now.”

Even though she intentionally avoided contact with other families, it didn't mean she wasn't planning to make aneffort.

Since she was already here and participating in this election process, she might as well give it her best shot.

This way, no one would ever question her again, nor would anyone question Chad's choices.

In the blink of an eye, it was noon.

Neera and her group stopped to look around.

“The visibility around us has improved. It seems we have walked out of the miasma,” said Shane.

Neera nodded gently, “Indeed, finally I can breathe freely.”

However, she still had some doubts in her heart.

Generally, miasma tends to appear in two places: one is the forest, and the other is the swamp.

But considering the conditions of Mount Cloud, will it really produce miasma on such a large scale?

She always felt that there was something more in this mountain. Something they hadn't discovered yet...

“Neera? Neera?” Shane opened his hand wide, waving it in front of her eyes. “What are you thinking about?You're so engrossed.”

When Neera came back to her senses, she lifted her head, meeting Shane's puzzled expression.

She paused for a moment, but did not say much. “It's okay. I just had some thoughts, but it's not important.”

Shane didn't press further. He pointed to an open space not far away and said, “It's noon now. I'm sure everyone istired and hungry. Let's go over there to rest and have something to eat to fill our stomachs and regain somestrength.”

Naturally, no one had any objections. Thus, they all walked over together, set down their backpacks, and took amoment to relax.

The surroundings here were all natural, devoid of any pavilions or stone tables. There was only a robust treetoppled on the ground.

Neera looked at the moss on the trees, finding it quite fascinating.

“I've never ventured into a place like this before, and these sights are all new to me. If it weren't for the election, Iwould be in a better mood to truly appreciate it all.”

As she spoke, she took a piece of paper, placed it on the tree trunk, and sat down.

Shane handed her a piece of bread and a box of milk.

“The surroundings are quite nice, though the conditions are a bit rough. Let's make do with what we have fornow. Come evening, we'll find a place to start a fire and cook something warm to eat.”

Neera chuckled. “It's okay, I find this experience quite amusing. I guess it's a once in a lifetime thing.”

Finnley stretched a bit on the spot, and chuckled as he said, “I knew this girl wasn't the delicate and fragile type. Iwas right about her. It's rare to see someone who enjoys this kind of environment...”

Charles also let out a rare smile.

As everyone was talking, from not too far away, there was a rustling sound gradually getting closer.

At first, Neera didn't pay much attention, but as the sound got closer and closer, she had no choice but to be onguard...

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