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Chapter 1168

But Solomon had always been unable to go head-to-head with Avery. After a few exchanges, he found himself onthe losing end.

Reluctant to admit defeat, he shifted his focus toward Neera.

“So, this is the recently talked-about head of the Gordon family. I heard there's even a marriage alliance. Tsk tsk. Imust say, Chad really is making a fuss. How did he manage to find such an outsider to become the head of theGordon family? Are the people of the Gordon family okay with it? Chad seems to be disregarding both theGordon family and the Cox family. Although you're the head of the Cox family, Chad has burdened you with suchan unwelcome fiancée. You must be quite upset, right? Poor you...”

Not only did he involve himself, but he also besmirched Chad's name. Neera furrowed her brow, feeling annoyed.

Before she could respond, Shane intervened.

“Mr. Gardner, this is an internal matter for the Gordon family. As an outsider, you're not privy to the details. It'sbest not to make hasty speculations. Neera's position as the head of the Gordon family has been duly recognized,and no one has the authority to question it. Regarding the marriage with the Cox family, it's not within yourpurview to interfere,” Avery said, his tone frigid. “Mr. Gardner, I am engaged to Avery, and our relationship is notopen to others' commentary.”

Despite the pushback, Solomon showed no signs of backing down.

“All right, that's enough. There's no need to silence me like this. I couldn't care less about the Gordon family'saffairs, nor do I want to meddle. I just find it amusing that an outsider, and one who appears rather inexperienced,has been entrusted with the Gordon family. It's truly perplexing. Chad must either be out of his mind or had beenput under a spell. He doesn't seem concerned if the Gordon family faces difficulties under this young lady's

leadership. I heard she was even attacked a few days ago. Thankfully, it was not a serious incident. Otherwise, thenewly appointed head of the Gordon family might have been in jeopardy. That would have provided amplematerial for Phison's jests!”

As his words left his lips, laughter erupted.

Neera's icy gaze scanned the crowd, and she spotted Stella among those who were mocking her, someone withwhom she had previously clashed at the Medicina family's apothecary.

As an important member of the Bartitsu Guild from the Jennings family, Stella had naturally received aninvitation.

When Neera glanced in her direction, Stella raised an arrogant eyebrow and taunted her.

“What's your problem? Displeased, Neera? You're overestimating your position. This gathering isn't meant forsomeone like you!”

Just as she finished her taunt, Charles, who stood behind Neera, sprang into action suddenly.

With a swift, deft movement, he positioned himself in front of Stella.

At some point, he had acquired a dagger, which was now pressed against her throat. The blade dangerouslyneared her skin, and with just a slight increase in pressure, it would draw blood.

“Say one more disparaging word about our family head, and I'll put an end to you right here!”

His swift reaction caught everyone off guard.

Stella, in particular, turned pale, the pitch of her voice heightened.

“You have quite the audacity! Daring to brandish a blade at me, who do you think you are?”

Her attendants behind her also voiced their outrage. “Unbelievable! Release our young lady immediately!”

Charles sneered. “It doesn't matter who I am. But if you maintain that attitude, you'll soon be no more than awandering spirit beneath my blade.”

The Bartitsu Guild had always held physical prowess in high regard, and genuine combat wasn't out of theordinary for them.

Although the onlookers had been surprised initially, they now found nothing amiss. No one was inclined tointervene; they were all too eager to witness the unfolding drama.

Throughout the entire incident, Neera remained expressionless, her demeanor cool and collected.

Stella's sharp tongue needed a lesson.

Otherwise, she risked being seen as an easy target, someone to be stepped on.

Establishing authority had to be a priority.

Even if it didn't instill fear, it had to make them understand that she wasn't someone to be taken lightly.

On the Gordon family's side, individuals prepared for a possible confrontation, adopting combat stances.

The tension in the room grew palpable.

Solomon, observing the situation intensify, furrowed his brow and stepped forward to defend the Jennings family.

“What's happening here? Are the Gordon family members not allowed to tolerate differing opinions? Are youwilling to take a life at the slightest provocation?” novelbin

At last, Neera spoke, her countenance radiant yet shrouded in icy composure.

“The Gordon family, of course, allows freedom of speech, but that doesn't extend to slander. As the head of theGordon family, I cannot simply stand by as such events unfold. Ms. Jennings displayed disrespect and required alesson. However, my people merely issued a warning. She was not harmed in any way. Mr. Gardner hasexaggerated the situation.”

Clearly dissatisfied with her eloquent response, Solomon turned to Avery.

“Are you going to remain passive too? Have you no intention of intervening? Do you truly want to escalate thissituation?”

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