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Chapter 1137

Amidst the chaos, one person was sitting calmly as if all the commotion had nothing to do with him.

Sipping his tea, he remained composed amid the turmoil as if perched on a distant mountain peak, observing theebb and flow of clouds, undisturbed by the surging waves below.

The attendant by his side hesitated for a moment, then couldn't help but ask, “Mr. Robin, are you really not goingto intervene?”

Robin toyed with the teacup and was on the verge of saying “No” when he looked up and met Baxter'smalevolent gaze.

Seeing that the latter was about to strike Neera, he sighed in resignation. Casually setting down his teacup, he wasready to step in and intervene.

Yet, at that moment, a figure appeared in the chaotic crowd, as silent and sudden as a ghost.

In a swift, almost ethereal move, the figure darted toward Baxter and seized his wrist with an effortless flick.

Caught off guard by the sudden intervention, Baxter hesitated for a moment. Before he could discern the identityof the mysterious figure, a sharp pain seared through his chest.

It turned out that the person had sent him flying with a casual flick of their palm.

In the blink of an eye, a shocking sight unfolded before everyone's eyes. As if struck by a bolt of lightning, Baxterspat out a mouthful of blood and was propelled through the air. He collided with the tables and chairs behind him,the impact resonating through the room before he crashed heavily onto the ground.

As everyone stood there in stunned silence, a gentle voice, filled with grace, delicately pierced the air. “What alively scene indeed...”

With those words, everyone's gaze shifted from the crumpled form of Baxter to the unexpected visitor.

Upon seeing the person's face, the crowd collectively gasped. Their eyes widened in disbelief, their pupilscontracting as if confronted by a ghost, and they froze in place.

Having just escaped a perilous situation, Neera's heart was still pounding with fear. As she gradually regained hersenses, she realized that the person who had saved her was a remarkably young man.

The man had long, cascading hair that gave him an air of gentleness, yet his eyes held a mischievous glint. If hewere to smile, it would surely be captivating and soul-stirring.

Neera, however, was unswayed by his charm. Her only concern was who this person was, where he had comefrom, and why he had chosen to save her.

On the other side, clutching his chest, Baxter felt as if his organs had been crushed, and he coughed up blood inagony. After struggling to catch his breath, he finally recognized his assailant.

The next moment, he was filled with shock and disbelief.

“Y-You're the deputy lord of Lordsworth Estate, Tiago!” he stammered.

His words struck like a bolt from the blue. Everyone was shocked to the core, and their movements ceasedabruptly, their faces etched with vigilance and caution.

Even Avery hurried over, grabbing Neera's wrist and pulling her behind him protectively. Nonetheless, hisdemeanor remained composed.

Charles and Shane, too, made their way over with a solemn look on their faces.

Seeing them acting so nervous, Neera couldn't help but ask, “What kind of place is Lordsworth Estate? And whois he?”

Shane pursed his lips slightly, explaining to her in a low voice, “Lordsworth Estate is the residence of Phison'shighest authority, a symbol of immense power. This man holds the position of deputy lord and is considered themost formidable Bartitsu expert in the region. His skills are truly terrifying...”

At this point, he paused, his expression darkening further. “No, it's more than just terrifying; he's almostotherworldly. Even with so many experts here, I doubt any of them would stand a chance against him.”

Understanding dawned on Neera as she finally grasped the situation. “So, what's his connection with the Gordonfamily? Why did he come here all of a sudden? Judging by your reactions, could he be here for revenge?” sheasked.

Shane shook his head, not entirely sure either. “The Gordon family has never had any conflicts with him, sothere's no grudge between us. As for why he's here... it can't possibly be related to the district president elections,can it?”

Standing nearby, Avery listened intently, his brows knitted in concern.

While others might be apprehensive of Tiago, he wasn't intimidated in the slightest.

At that moment, he spoke up, taking the lead. “As the deputy lord of Lordsworth Estate, why would you suddenlyventure into Bartitsu Guild's territory instead of staying within the area under your jurisdiction? What's the reasonbehind your unexpected presence here?” novelbin

Upon hearing that, Tiago slowly turned his gaze toward Avery, his eyes filled with intrigue. It was clear he wascontemplating something, though the nature of his thoughts remained a mystery.

He began, “Well, well, if it isn't the head of the Cox family, one of the Eight Elders. It's been a while, hasn't it?”

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