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Chapter 1135

Upon hearing those words, Troy and his brother instantly became displeased. They slammed the table and stoodup, their faces full of anger.

“Nonsense! You're not even officially recognized in your position yet, and here you are, just returned and alreadyputting on airs in front of us!” novelbin

“Exactly! I suggest you go back to wherever you came from! You're not worthy to even enter the gates of ourGordon residence! It's not impossible if Chad wants to choose a new head of the family, but at least he has to getthe approval of everyone in the family. Who do you think you are, daring to show off in front of us? You reallyhave some nerve!”

They spoke bluntly, falling out with Neera entirely.

Neera narrowed her eyes, but she wasn't livid.

Charles forestalled her, sternly reprimanding the duo with harsh words, “Since when did you lot have a say in thedecisions made by the head of the house? The token is right in front of you. What's the matter? Are you allpretending to be blind, refusing to obey? Who gave you such audacity?”

The moment the token was mentioned, Troy's expression faltered, and he gritted his teeth in frustration.

“Charles, are you also acting recklessly just because your master is? He's behaving irresponsibly, not taking theGordon family seriously. Choosing a new head of the family is an extremely important matter! Are we reallysupposed to serve a little girl as our leader? Our Gordon family is not a place for her to play house! What abilitiescould she possibly have to manage the entire household?”

Charles chuckled coldly. “The decisions made by the head of the family are based on his own considerations and

reasons. Over the years, has there been a single mistake under his leadership of the Gordon family? You people,who have been living lavishly under his care, have you become so spoiled that you've lost your manners? Haveyou grown so audacious as to question and refute the head's decisions? As an outsider, I always keep the rules ofthe Gordon family in mind, unconditionally obeying the head of the household. Yet you, the Gordon family'sown, disregard the rules of your ancestors? Don't you find that laughable? Whoever the head of the householdorders me to serve, I will obey, no matter who that person is! Right now, Ms. Garcia is my master!”

“You! This is absurd! Truly absurd!” Seeing that he couldn't persuade him, Troy was quite upset. He could onlyshift his focus to Avery. “Mr. Cox, don't you have anything to say? As the one who is to be wedded into theGordon family this generation, do you really approve of a girl with a different family name inheriting thisposition and becoming your future wife, the mistress of the Cox family? Aren't you afraid of becoming alaughingstock?”

Avery gave a faint smile, displaying an air of nonchalance. “That won't be the case. However, this is just a minorissue. Whether she's an outsider or not isn't important. What's important is that she is the successor of the Gordonfamily, the new head of the family, isn't she? The other Cox family members won't care if she holds this position.My presence with her here today has already made my stance clear. I am willing to marry her, bring her into myCox family, and support her as the head of this household.”

Baxter couldn't keep his cool anymore. Angrily, he stood up and forcefully clapped his hands twice. “The Coxfamily may not be picky, but we, the Gordon family, certainly are!”

Given Avery's status, he couldn't say anything too radical. Instead, he turned his head and dragged Robin into theconversation as well. “Robin, are you really just going to stand by and watch this girl marry into our Gordonfamily and become the mistress of our house? I know you don't approve of this outsider girl, either. Why is it thatonly we have to play the villains now, while you remain silent? This is a big deal. You have to say something,don't you?”

The atmosphere was growing increasingly tense, yet Robin seemed like an unconcerned bystander. He casuallysipped his tea, his expression unreadable and inscrutable, making it impossible for anyone to gauge his emotions.“I must admit that I'm not too keen on the idea of an outsider taking over the Gordon family. However, since it'sthe head of the family's decision, and this young lady has presented the family head's token, I can't exactly opposeit, can I?”

Seeing Robin's demeanor, Baxter couldn't help but feel a surge of anger.

“What do you mean by that? This is something that should never have been carried out in the first place. Becauseyou've been noncommittal and indulging him, you've given Chad the audacity to act recklessly! If you had alsoclearly refused, could he have stubbornly stuck to his own way?”

Robin fell silent, continuing to sip his tea nonchalantly, his thoughts inscrutable.

However, Neera seemed to understand a bit more. It appeared that Robin was also dissatisfied with her.

At that moment, she squinted slightly, sensing that things were becoming increasingly difficult to handle.

However, since she was there that day, she absolutely couldn't return in failure!

After making a swift decision, she spoke in a voice that was not loud but full of conviction. “In that case, anyonewho disobeys the head of the family should be dealt with according to our family rules.”

Suddenly, she called out to Charles, her tone abruptly turning sharp.

“What are the family rules applicable to those who defy the head of the household?”

Charles replied with the utmost respect, “For minor offenses, one should reflect on their actions in the RepentanceRoom for three days. For serious offenses, they will naturally be dealt with according to our family rules.”

“Very well.” Neera raised an eyebrow. “Let's get started then. Today, whoever refuses to submit, we'll keepsuppressing them until they yield!”

As Neera gave the order, Zephyr, who had been waiting outside, immediately led a team of people to rush in.They moved swiftly and orderly, surrounding the Gordon family members.

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