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Chapter 1100

As the owner of the cruise ship, Avery made sure everyone was settled in properly after boarding.

After this, he finally found an opportunity to spend time with Neera.

“What do you think? Do you like it?” novelbin

Standing on the deck, he leaned casually against the railing, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

Neera courteously said, “It's beautiful, thank you.”

After glancing at him, she added, “Your complexion looks much better. It seems that the medicine really worked.”

“Of course, you're the one who developed it, so how could it not work? Thanks to you, I've been able to escapethe pain and enjoy this ocean view with you.”

He was staring at her intently. Then, suddenly, the conversation took a turn.

“However, you look a bit pale. Did you not sleep well last night?”

Neera made up an excuse, saying, “No, I just had a nightmare and didn't get enough sleep.”

Avery smiled faintly. “You've been too busy. You've spent a lot of energy on my affairs recently, so it's inevitablethat you haven't had good rest. I've been to Mr. Gordon's vacation island before. The natural scenery there isbeautiful. It's a great place to relax. Once you're there, you can take long walks. Naturally, you'll start to relax, andyour mood will improve.”

Neera nodded with a smile.

The cruise ship sailed through the boundless sea like a solitary leaf boat, undulating with the rise and fall of theocean's surface.

The sea mirrored the blue sky, clear and deep. White seabirds flew overhead, skimming over the ocean surface.

This expansive, breathtakingly beautiful scene was hard not to leave one feeling refreshed and uplifted.

Yet, Neera still seemed a bit lost in thought.

She still remembered, there was a time when Jean had taken her out to sea. The ocean view they had witnessedthen was no less spectacular than the one she was seeing now.

However, her mood was entirely different.

The joy once savored now felt like a poignant loss.

She couldn't help but think, if only that man were by her side at this moment, perhaps things would be better...

Avery noticed that she was distracted, his eyes subtly shifting. He didn't force her to engage in enthusiasticconversation, yet he didn't leave either. He simply stayed, quietly accompanying her.

After an indeterminate amount of time, suddenly, a pod of dolphins leaped out of the surface of the sea, tracing abeautiful arc in the air.

Soon, their adorable and clumsy bodies dove back into the sea, causing huge splashes.

They went back and forth like this as if they were joyfully dancing.

Avery nudged her arm. “Look.”

Neera was deeply engrossed in her own world. Although she was physically present here, her heart had long sincedrifted to another place.

Snapped back to reality by his call, she turned her head to look and couldn't help but laugh.

All of Avery's attention was on her. In an instant, he was dazzled by her smile.

The woman's smile toward him was always polite and distant, imbued with a strong sense of propriety. It alwaysmade one feel a great distance.

At that moment, for the first time in front of him, she laughed from the bottom of her heart, a genuine joy.

Her bright eyes and pearly white teeth, in their charming allure, made him fall for her unconsciously.

His eyes were bright and lively, his eyelashes fluttering. Suddenly, he lowered his gaze and smiled, feeling anindescribable sense of satisfaction and joy.

The sight before her was a rare one, so Neera chose to ignore him and turned her head to call over the three littleones.

“Yes, Mommy?”

The three little ones were actually hiding nearby, secretly observing every move of their mother and Avery. At a

single call, they came over immediately.

With a cheerful smile, Neera pointed toward the sea not far away. “Look, dolphins.”

Upon seeing this scene, the three little ones were instantly captivated. They clapped their hands in excitement,cried out in awe, and danced around joyfully. They were absolutely thrilled.

“That dolphin jumps so high!”

“And this one, so impressive!”

“They are so adorable...”

They chattered and laughed, which attracted the elders.

The members of the Park family gathered around, and Chad also came over with Adriana in his arms to take alook. The deck was bustling with activity for a while.

Their journey would take a few hours.

Neera took advantage of the time when her aunt was talking to Nadine to secretly talk to Chad.

“Mr. Gordon, how are the arrangements for the guests coming along?”

Chad raised an eyebrow. “Don't worry, Charles will take care of everything. I've reviewed the process and layout,and I'm very satisfied. We owe this to you.”

Neera waved her hand. “We're about to become a family. Let's not talk as if we're two separate ones.”

Chad smiled faintly. “You're right, family should speak with one voice.”

Later on, once the dolphins had all left or had dived deep into the sea, the elders all went inside.

Neera glanced at Avery, advising, “Your health hasn't fully recovered yet. You should go inside and rest. Don'tstay out in the sea breeze for too long.”

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