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Chapter 1061

Deep into the night, after the bedtime story had been told, the three little ones were already in a deep slumber.

Sammy, usually restless, had turned over in his sleep, inadvertently trapping the blanket beneath him.Unconsciously, he scratched his leg but continued to sleep soundly.

Neera couldn't help but chuckle as she gently tucked them in with the quilt. She tenderly kissed each of their littlefaces before quietly leaving the room.

On her way back to her own room, she found herself pausing inexplicably in front of the room where Jean hadonce stayed. Her gaze lingered on the tightly closed door, and her heart was stirred with complex emotions.

Even though we've only been apart for a few days, it feels like an eternity...

She hesitated for a moment before pushing the door open. The room remained just as it was when Jean hadoccupied it before.

His clothes, neatly hung in the wardrobe, included both casual wear and sleepwear, all impeccably clean.

The bed was meticulously made, not a single wrinkle in the sheets, a reflection of his neatness.

On the bedside table sat a framed photo of her with the children, a poignant reminder of the past.

Her heart ached as if it were being squeezed, and her emotions were a turbulent mix, difficult to calm.

Neera picked up the photo frame and stared at it for a long while until her vision blurred with tears. Reluctantly,she set it down. She felt drained and exhausted as if all her energy had been sapped.

She gave up on rational thought and wearily sat on the edge of the bed, eventually lying down. But the momenther head touched the pillow, she could almost smell his lingering scent, inescapable and persistent, burrowing intoher heart.

Suddenly, sleep eluded her. Her heart ached unbearably, her thoughts consumed by the image of that man. What ishe doing at this very moment back in the country?

Logic told her she should get up, leave, and stop pining for him. But emotions held her captive. Her body feltheavy, and she had no desire to move, allowing her mind to be lost in turmoil. Eventually, she drifted off to sleepwithout even realizing it.

The next morning, Neera was awakened by the sunlight streaming into the room. For a moment, she wasdisoriented before recalling her surroundings.

Looking at the empty space beside her in the bed, she felt a sense of loss. Gathering herself, she tidied up andprepared to leave.

As she stepped out of the room, she encountered Adriana, who was on her way downstairs. “Why did you comeout of this room?” Adriana inquired with surprise. novelbin

Neera bit her lower lip, whispering awkwardly, “I came here last night... tidied up a bit, and then... accidentallyfell asleep.”

Upon hearing this, Adriana immediately understood and sighed inwardly. This girl, she just can't let him go...

“I'm going to my room to freshen up.”

Neera had been worried about touching on a sensitive topic, so she found a convenient excuse to excuse herselffrom the situation.

Adriana, understanding her niece's emotional turmoil, didn't press the matter further and simply nodded, saying,“All right, come downstairs for breakfast once you've freshened up.”

After Neera had freshened up and tidied herself, she descended the stairs. She immediately spotted the three littleones in the courtyard, engaged in exercises with Elmer.

Their adorable and determined efforts brought a smile to her face, lightening the gloom in her heart.

Following breakfast, the three children expressed their desire to go outside and play with Nadine and the twoelders. Mariah, however, clung to Neera, unwilling to leave her side.

“Sweetie, come with us. You still seem a bit down. Join us for a change of scenery; it might lift your spirits,”Mariah suggested.

Neera preferred to stay indoors, so she politely declined, saying, “I won't be going. There are some matters at thecompany that I want to check on.”

Adriana chimed in, encouraging Neera, “With Neil handling the company affairs, there's nothing too pressing.You should take a break and clear your mind. Listen to your elders, dear.”

Recognizing that her niece often kept her emotions bottled up, Adriana hoped that some relaxation would helpNeera ease her feelings.

Feeling somewhat compelled, Neera reluctantly agreed to accompany them.

Before long, the group set out for their outing.

They leisurely explored various attractions, chatting and laughing along the way.

Mariah, in particular, was in high spirits.

Nadine remarked, “It's been a while since I've seen Mom so happy. It's truly heartwarming...”

However, by the afternoon, Mariah's complexion suddenly worsened, and she vomited everything she had eatenat noon, causing great concern to everyone.

Neera promptly assisted Mariah to a shaded spot to sit down and checked the latter's pulse. After confirming thepulse pattern, she breathed a sigh of relief.

“There doesn't seem to be anything seriously wrong. It's likely a result of the long journey and the fact that herhealth isn't the best. She might not have adjusted well to the new environment.”

This assessment eased the anxiety of those present. Their interest in continuing their leisure activities waned, andthey decided it was best to send everyone back to rest.

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