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Chapter 1056

Despite learning about the situation online, Jean did not feel relieved or delighted. Instead, his expression greweven more unpleasant.

He called Ian over, flung his phone onto his desk, and snarled, “Who gave you the permission to act on your ownaccord and clarify things on my behalf?”

Unsure about what was going on, Ian shivered with fear and hastily explained, “That's not it, Mr. Beauvort. Ididn't do that. How would I dare? I have no idea why things are like this either...”

Recognizing that Ian did not seem to be lying, Jean furrowed his brows, his eyes filled with displeasure. “GiveLarry a call and ask him!”

Not daring to waste any second, Ian tremblingly pulled out his phone and switched his phone to speaker mode.

As soon as the call was connected, he gritted his teeth and asked in exasperation, “Larry, are you the one whoreleased the clarification statement without permission?”

Larry spilled everything upon being questioned.

“Um, Mr. Ian, hear me out. Yes, I was the one who refined some parts of the clarification statement, but it wasactually Ms. Garcia's instruction to release the contents.”

Jean and Ian were stunned when they heard those words.

Jean rose to his feet, leaned over the desk, and spoke into the phone, “When did this happen?”

Hearing that voice, Larry almost jumped in fright.

“M-Mr. Beauvort!” he stuttered.

“Just half an hour ago. Ms. Garcia even reminded me to release it as soon as possible without giving you a heads-up, so I refined it and released it the moment I received the draft,” he answered truthfully without dilly-dallying.

Jean glanced at the time. That probably happened before Neera boarded the plane.

In an instant, an indescribable feeling thoroughly filled him.

Likewise, Ian was so touched he almost burst into tears of joy.

“Mr. Beauvort, it seems like Mrs. Beauvort still can't bear to see you get scolded. Even though she's angry, sheprioritizes you above everything else!”

Jean was overwhelmed with emotions, but at the same time, he felt his heart ached terribly.

Why is she so silly? She's been through so much pain and sorrow, yet she's still thinking of me before she leaves,worrying that my illness will act up and helping me to clarify things. Neera, I owe you too much. I won't be ableto make it up to you in this lifetime...

On the other end of the phone, Larry was still uneasy and softly queried, “Mr. Beauvort, did I overdo theembellishments?”

Sasha taught him to respond that way.

Seeing Jean lost in a whirlwind of emotions, Ian Morrison responded on behalf, “It's fine. You did a great job, and

what you said is right. That's indeed the case.”

Mr. Beauvort has set his heart on Mrs. Beauvort for the rest of his life. There's absolutely nothing wrong withthat!

At the same time, Neera was already on the plane.

She did not sleep a wink the night before and had thus been utterly exhausted for the whole day.

As the plane took off, she was so tired she leaned back against her seat and shut her eyes groggily.

Yet, no matter what, she could not fall asleep because her mind was fully occupied with images of Jean.

She couldn't bear to see him getting scolded or cursed by others and worried that his illness would flare up whileshe was not around.

That was why she had prepared those.

At this point, she could not stop thinking about the situation online. I wonder if anyone is still criticizing him onthe internet...

A moment later, she lightly knocked her head. Why am I so useless? Why can't I stop thinking of him after just ashort while?

Eventually, she was totally jaded that she finally drifted off into deep slumber.

Over ten hours later, the plane safely landed at Essley.

Having received news prior, Ulric arrived an hour ahead of time to wait.

After getting into the car, Neera, still experiencing lightheadedness, lazily whipped out her phone.

As soon as she turned it on, a vibration sound rang out.

It was a text message from Isabella asking Neera if she had safely arrived.

Other than that, there were a few more messages, all of which were from Jean. Judging by the timestamp, he hadsent those messages at the right time.

I've seen the medicine you left for me. Rest assured, I will take it on time and take good care of my health. Don'tworry.

I've also learned about that clarification matter. Thank you for everything that you've done for me. I'm sorry forletting you down. I owe you for the rest of my life.

By this time, the plane should have landed, right? Have a good night's sleep once you reach home. You lookreally worn out... novelbin

As Neera read through every message, she felt a mix of feelings raging in her heart. In the end, she turned off thescreen without replying.

When she reached home, Adriana held her hand and earnestly advised, “Now that you're back, don't dwell onwhat happened there. What you need most now is sleep. Go rest; I'll call you when it's time to eat.”

Neera nodded. After heading upstairs, she took a quick shower, and still tired, she flopped down on the bed andfell asleep.

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