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Chapter 1044

At that moment, Neera also saw the latest Twitter post from the anonymous account.

The tips of her fingers gradually turned white as they clutched the phone tightly. The colors in her face slowlyfaded.

She wanted to deny it in her heart that it must be a lie.

How can Jean be the man behind my nightmares? But...

Images flashed through her mind involuntarily, like a movie playing, appearing frame by frame.

Jean had always been kind to her, never asking about her past.

His kindness toward the children and every little moment they spent together.

His affection, tolerance, indulgence, and permittance for the children to call him “Daddy” as if they were his ownflesh and blood.

Suddenly, she lost her confidence.


Her hand began to tremble involuntarily. She opened her mouth, her voice betraying her current state of panic.

“I'm going to find Jean. Yes, I'm going to ask him face-to-face. I'll only believe it if he tells me himself.”

After she finished speaking, she handed the phone back to Adriana and ran out.


Adriana was worried and wanted to chase after her.

Chad, however, stopped her.

“Let her go. They should have a face-to-face talk to clarify the matter. If it's true, then...”

He paused for a moment, then continued with heaviness in his voice, “We need to reconsider their engagement.”

The rims of Adriana's eyes reddened with worry and upset.

“What on earth is going on? It's only been a few peaceful days, and now this happens. I hope all those things saidonline are false. I wish they were just rumors.”

She knew the harm inflicted on her niece that night six years ago was immense.

That man from years ago was like a buried landmine in her heart. Any topic about him was untouchable.

Yet, the landmine suddenly exploded, and that man turned out to be the one she loved most.

If it was true, then fate was playing a cruel joke on them.

“Why is life so harsh on Neera? I beg the heavens, please let it not be true. Is it really so hard to let Neera live ahappier life—”

Suddenly, a youthful yet somber voice suddenly echoed from behind the two.

“That rumor is true.”

Adriana and Chad both paused, looking over their shoulders simultaneously. They stared in surprise at the triplets.

“What did you just say? It's true? How did you know? What's going on?”

The triplets hung their heads, each one looking downcast and disheartened.

“Daddy is indeed our biological father. It's a fact we've known for a long time. We've been keeping it fromMommy, not daring to tell her. We were hoping that Daddy and Mommy could deepen their relationship, andwhen they became inseparable, we would find the right time to reveal it. We didn't expect it to turn out like this...”

Adriana looked at the trio in disbelief, remaining silent for quite some time.

A while later, she felt dizzy.

Chad was alarmed and quickly helped her sit down, bringing her a glass of water.

“Adriana, calm down. Your body can't handle the stress. Take a moment to calm yourself.”

Adriana had no mood to drink water. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she pushed his hand away.

“How can this be? How much more hardship must Neera endure?”

Neera only had one thought in her mind as she raced out of the house, and that was to head over to Beauvort

Group to meet Jean.

No sooner had she stepped out of the mansion than a car hurriedly pulled to a stop in front of her.

Jean stepped out of the car. His anxiety was evident.

They stood a few steps apart, lost in each other's gaze. In that fleeting moment, it felt as if something shattered.

Neera saw the look in his eyes, and her steps abruptly halted. Hesitance stopped her from getting the words out ofher mouth. novelbin

Across from her, Jean took a deep breath, nervously taking one step after another towards her. Each step felt as ifhe was treading on a tightrope.

“Have you... seen the news?”

The closer he got, the more uncertain he felt.

Neera stared at him steadily and nodded.

Holding onto a sliver of hope, she asked him after pausing for a moment, “The news is fake, right? The man fromback then. It wasn't you, was it?”

Watching her cautious demeanor, Jean's heart sank. Distress and guilt flooded him. The look in his eyes washeavy. He was unsure of how to respond.

His silence drained the last trace of color from Neera's face, leaving it as pale as a sheet.

Her mouth moved, wanting to say something, but not a single syllable came out. Her lips began to tremble.

Jean's heart ached terribly at the sight, wishing he could punch himself hard.

“Let's sit down and have a proper conversation, okay, Neera?”

Neera did her best to keep her calm, nodding and agreeing, “Okay.”

They entered Villa No.1.

Ian was waiting at the door with so much anxiety that it felt like he was losing all his hair.

He couldn't do anything at that time but pray that Jean and Neera would safely make it through the crisis.

Neera and Jean sat facing each other in the living room. The silence dragged on for a long time.

In the heavy silence, Neera's restlessness intensified to the extent of contemplating an escape from there.

The atmosphere was suffocating. She felt as if she was on the verge of breaking down just by looking at him.

She suddenly began to resist knowing the truth. She didn't want to know, nor did she want to hear him say it, nomatter what.

Just as she was about to flee from her fear, Jean had mentally prepared himself and finally spoke.

“It's true. I was the one who caused you to be utterly discredited. The children are my flesh and blood.”

He knew his admittance was too cruel for her but also understood she had the right to know despite it being thebrutal truth.

That was what he owed her. It was a debt that spanned over six years.

Neera could only hear a buzzing in her ear, unable to listen to anything else. Her mind was filled with his words.

Her eyes widened in disbelief. Her last shred of hope was brutally shattered by the truth. All that remained wasdevastation and shock.

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