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Chapter 1028

Meanwhile, Jean was playing chess with Elmer.

Although they were playing chess, but it was clear that Elmer had ulterior motives. From the start of the game, hewould occasionally fire a question or two to test Jean.

“Logically speaking, there wouldn't have been any interactions, both in work and in life, between you and Neerabefore this. So, how did you two come to know each other?”

Jean casually placed a piece on the board and leisurely picked another one off the board, as he responded in arelaxed tone, “We met by chance, and I'm sure you've heard some rumors about my poor health. The first time wemet, she helped me. Later, she happened to move next door, and one thing led to another, she became myattending physician. I guess you could say our affection grew over time.” novelbin

After hearing this, the old man grunted ambiguously. “You young people are always fond of such sweet talk.”

Jean chuckled lightly, “I know what you're worried about, Granddad. You're worried that I might not treat Neerawell, and that she might end up like Ms. Park. But I can assure you here and now, that it won't happen. I love her.She's the only one for me in this lifetime, and that will never change!”

After hearing these words, Elmer was actually quite pleased. However, being as prideful and reserved as he was,he refused to show it.

“Why does this conversation keep getting more and more cheesy?”

A slight frown creased his brow, as if he was somewhat displeased.

Then, with a swift change of tone, he sharply questioned, “But even if you do love that girl, so what? Would your

family be willing to acknowledge her? The Beauvort family has been a prestigious household for generations,wouldn't they value lineage?”

Jean's expression became solemn and serious when he heard that.

“They do indeed value it, but I value Neera more than lineage.”

Elmer could not accept that response, though.

“Just because you accept it doesn't mean your family will. Have you ever considered the criticism you'll have toface if you two really get married? Even if you don't care, what about your family? Will they also be indifferent?Can they accept being ridiculed by others? Moreover, have you ever thought about Neera? Perhaps she's the onewho's gets badmouthed the worst by outsiders! Let me tell you, no matter who you are, if you cause any harm toNeera, the Park family will not stand for it!”

Elmer spoke without the slightest courtesy, showing no fear of Jean's status.

Jean didn't mind, though. He smiled gently and replied, “Then you have no need to worry. I will never let hersuffer any injustice. In my heart, she has already surpassed everything, even more important than myself.Moreover, my parents have already accepted Neera and the kids, so outsiders have no right to gossip. I won'tallow such voices to emerge.”

As soon as these words were spoken, not only Elmer, but even the Adriana, who was listening from the side, wassomewhat surprised.

“Is what you're saying true? They really accepted the kids?”

The reason why things got so intense back then, to the point of even breaking off the engagement, was preciselybecause of the children.

Jean nodded and said, “Yes.”

However, discussing the matter of the children's lineage was rather difficult.

After learning about it, Adriana was both delighted and comforted.

“That's good to hear. Now there's nothing standing in your way, Jean. Neera has suffered a lot in the past becauseof your family's attitude. I'm not saying this to blame you for anything, but I hope you remember how hard it wasfor you to get to where you are now. I hope you cherish Neera and take good care of her in the future.”

With a slight smile playing on Jean's lips, he responded in a warm voice, “Rest assured that I will.”

Elmer initially wanted to find faults with Jean's response, but after several exchanges, he realized that Jean wassimply impeccable in every way. In the end, he had no choice but to give up and stop making things difficult forJean.

Jeremiah also relaxed after hearing that. While the two continued playing chess, he walked over to Adriana andstarted a conversation with her.

“Actually, there's another reason for my visit today. We're planning to pay our respects to my sister. I waswondering if you might have the time, and if you'd be willing to join us? Mrs. Park has been clinging to her, so Ihaven't had the chance to ask her.”

Adriana understood right away. “Neera will surely agree. I'll let her know when the time comes. Your family has

finally reunited, it's only right that you all go together. Stacy will be very happy to see you all.”

Upon hearing these words, Elmer suddenly fell silent, losing his interest in playing chess.

After a while, Nadine and Mariah returned. He propped himself up from the chair using the armrest and said,“We've been out all day; let's head back.”

Upon hearing this, Mariah, with a sense of reluctance and grievance, clung to Neera.

“Are we leaving already? I haven't spent enough time with my baby girl yet! Can I not go back? Can I just stayhere, with my baby girl?”

Elmer patiently coaxed her.

“She still has a lot of things to take care of. If you stay here, she will definitely be distracted. Why don't we gohome first? When she has some free time, she can bring the kids over to visit us. Doesn't that sound good?”

Neera quickly nodded with a smile, “Yes, when I have time, I'll come to visit you.”

Upon hearing her promise, Mariah, albeit somewhat disappointed, obediently agreed.

Before getting into the car, she held Neera's hand with reluctance, repeatedly reminding her, “Neera, you mustcome home to see me, okay? I will be waiting for you!”

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