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Chapter 1021

Seeing that Jean's complexion wasn't good, Ian hurriedly sought a remedy by saying, “However, Alex Jones is notentirely off the hook with this matter. Although he has temporarily evaded legal punishment, the business troublesare enough to give him a hard time. Jones Group's industries are spread all over the world, and currently, due tothe negative impact of this issue, several countries have already withdrawn the drugs produced by their company.At present, Jones Group has suffered heavy losses. If things don't improve, there's a high chance of an economiccrisis. If we still want to make a move, we can put pressure on them from this angle.”

A flicker crossed Jean's eyebrows, his fingers rhythmically tapping on the table.

After a moment, he said flatly, “That's a good idea.”

As for where to start, he already had an idea.

In no time, Eugene of the World Medical Alliance received a call from Jean.

When the old man received Jean's call, he thought something had happened to Neera again, his toneunconsciously tinged with anxiety. “Why is it you calling me? Where's Neera?”

Jean casually said, “She's been busy saving lives recently, constantly conducting research in the lab.”

Upon hearing that, the old man let out a sigh and hummed in a tsundere manner. “So, she's fine, but you're the onein trouble. Young man, the first time you called, you needed a favor. Now, what is it?”

Jean's lips curled up slightly. “There is something I need your help with. Don't worry, though. It won't be fornothing. Consider it a trade.”

“A trade? What trade?” The old man was taken aback.

Jean said leisurely, “I hope...”

Half an hour later, both parties had reached an agreement.

“What you've asked for, I will fulfill, and I hope you can keep your promise as well.”

In a calm and composed manner, Eugene replied, “This time, I'm doing you this favor solely because of Neera.Don't think I'll agree to just any deal that comes my way.”

Jean chuckled. “Of course. I'll have to trouble you with this matter.”

Before hanging up the phone, Eugene couldn't help but ask one more question.

“You're quite the character, aren't you? Going through all this trouble just for Neera?” Eugene asked.

Jean calmly replied, “Yes. It's all for her.”

“Is she that important to you?”

“In this world, no one is more important than her. She is the one I cherish most, held close to my heart. No onehas the right to harm her.”

Upon hearing those words, Eugene laughed in satisfaction. “Considering your deep affection for Neera, restassured, the ban on Jones Group's drug exports will be implemented as planned.”

Listening to the overseas call, Ian couldn't help but feel amazed. Mr. Beauvort is ruthless! He's leveraging the

World Medical Alliance to block and ban the drug exports of Jones Group. This is quite terrifying. Once theWorld Medical Alliance issues a notice, medical groups and hospitals around the world will blacklist JonesGroup, no longer accepting their pharmaceuticals. When the time comes, the pharmaceuticals of Jones Group willrot in their own hands! That Alex Jones is doomed! However, he brought this upon himself. Who asked him tooverestimate his abilities? All for the sake of Kyra, he provoked Mr. Beauvort.

When he thought of Kyra, Ian remembered something else and said, “Mr. Beauvort, the Marks family has alsosuffered heavy losses recently, with their stock prices plummeting drastically. It seems they are on the verge ofhitting rock bottom. Their domestic industries have significantly shrunk, and it appears they can no longermaintain their position in Kingsview. Kyra has also been completely banned online. Currently, she is beingwidely criticized on the internet. Her private Twitter account has been deactivated, and she has not appeared inpublic since. I have sent people to keep an eye on the Marks family's movements. It seems like they are planningto move abroad. So far, their overseas businesses have not suffered any significant setbacks.”

Jean sneered in response, and he didn't care at all. “Let them go. It's better if they leave the country. I don't wantto see them again. If they dare to show up, I won't hesitate to wipe out the Marks family, both at home andabroad!”

Ian was so stunned by the domineering presence of Jean that he saw stars. Kyra really is the first one to courtdeath.

At the Marks family's mansion, the atmosphere in the lobby had become rather gloomy.

The three members of the Marks family all looked haggard, their faces growing increasingly grim.

Especially Kyra, who recently paid a hefty penalty for breach of contract and was blacklisted by the entireindustry. Both her fame and reputation had plummeted to an all-time low.

All the films and TV shows she had starred in, and the advertisements she had endorsed, had been removed andbanned across all platforms.

And as for the Marks family, their recent situation was also too dreadful to behold.

The stock price plummeted relentlessly, one project after another came to a close, and the company plunged intoan unprecedented crisis. novelbin

The vast majority of shareholders, fearing their investments would go down the drain with the Marks family,hastily sold their stocks at a low price.

The company was in utter chaos. Investors were pulling out, partners were fleeing, and many shareholders andemployees had left. It was simply impossible to continue operations.

Stetson had been sleepless for two nights, turning things over in his mind. In the end, he could only think of onesolution, and that was to sacrifice a pawn to save the king.

He planned to transfer all of the remaining assets of the Marks family abroad and take the entire family overseasto grow and prosper.

Dandy felt a deep sense of injustice, and her heart filled with resentment toward the Beauvort family. “Whowould have thought that our family would end up like this one day? What a fine mess we've become!”

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