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Chapter 1008

Watching her, Neera recalled in her mind the scene at the hospital where she was holding back her tears whilelooking at herself. At that moment, her heart suddenly softened.

She is my aunt, for goodness sake.

Glancing at the hand holding onto hers, Neera felt an exceptional sense of warmth.

“I'm fine, really. Even though I've had some tough times in the past, it's all behind me now. I've been doing quitewell in recent years. You're right. When my mother was young, she didn't judge people well. Alfonso is indeed aworthless man, and I've never considered him as my father.

Besides, the Garcia family is no more. He has gotten what he deserved for his actions. If you... still want revenge,I'm afraid it might already be too late.”

Upon hearing those words, Elmer finally spoke, his voice extremely serious.

“What do you mean? Are you suggesting we should let him off the hook? He ruined my daughter's life, causingher to lose her life at such a young age. It serves him right to end up like this, and it doesn't conflict with ourdesire for revenge! Even if he has fled overseas, I will find someone to drag him back!”

Elmer spoke with a forceful voice, his words resonating throughout the room.

Neera looked into Elmer's angry eyes and calmly said, “Indeed, there is no conflict, and he is indeed abroad.However, he has been imprisoned. By the time he gets out, I'm afraid he'll be an old man.”


Everyone was taken aback, not expecting such a turn of events. They were all astonished, asking, “Whathappened? What has he done?”

Neera chose not to elaborate on the malicious deeds done by Alfonso. Instead, she explained them in a conciseand straightforward manner.

“I personally made sure he went to prison. When we were overseas, he tried to take my life. Naturally, I returnedthe favor.”

Although she didn't go into detail, the Park family was outraged.

“I can't believe how despicable he is!”

“He deserves to be locked up!”

The heartbroken Nadine couldn't resist embracing Neera. “My child, you've been through so much...”

Listening to Nadine's choking sobs, Neera was momentarily stunned, but soon, her eyes gradually glistened.

Over the years, there was no other relative who had given her such a hug apart from her aunt.

A warm sensation swelled in her heart as she lightly bit the corner of her lip. “Thank you. I'm really fine.”

Her word of thanks seemed to have stretched the distance between the two, making their interaction somewhatformal.

Upon hearing it, Nadine felt a faint bitterness welled up in her heart, accompanied by a sense of loss.

The atmosphere fell silent once again. After a brief moment, Jeremiah cleared his throat lightly and began tospeak once more.

“Neera, we wanted to clarify this matter with you today mainly because we want to officially acknowledge you.We've already lost your mother, so we don't want to lose contact with her only legacy. Would you... be willing toaccept it?”

Neera was momentarily at a loss for how to respond.

Suddenly, she had this whole new family to get used to, and she hadn't fully processed it yet.

Even though she didn't mind, becoming close with them right now seemed... a little challenging.

After a few seconds of hesitation, she could only respond with a question, “Has the Park family always been inKingsview?” novelbin

The Park family members felt somewhat disappointed, as they didn't hear the response they were hoping for.

However, they also understood that expecting Neera to accept them immediately was somewhat demanding.

After all, she hadn't lived with them since she was a child. During times of hardship and suffering, they weren't byher side.

With a silent sigh in his heart, Edward responded to her.

“No, we've always lived in the south. The Park family has been there for generations. We're known as a family of

scholars, but we also run businesses, so we do have some wealth to our name.”

Neera nodded in understanding. “I have heard my aunt mention this before.”

Afterward, in an attempt to bridge the gap, the Park family asked her about her life in recent years.

Although they had already learned some of it during the investigation, they still wanted to hear her tell it in herown words.

Neera didn't hide anything and answered all the questions one by one.

“I got lost when I was young and was taken in by foster parents. It wasn't until I turned eighteen that I wasreunited with the Garcia family. However, I wasn't welcomed there. My stepmother and stepsister schemed todrive me out. It was my aunt who kindly took me in and brought me abroad to groom me. I owe who I am todayto her. Now, I live with my aunt, and I'm very happy and content about it.”

Upon hearing that Neera had been doing well the past few years, the Park family finally felt a sense of relief.

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