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Chapter 1000

Ian appeared with his report that afternoon, right after lunch.

“Mr. Lopez has been rescued, Mr. Beauvort, Mrs. Beauvort. However, just as our investigation indicated, hiscondition does not look promising.”

Upon hearing the news, Neera immediately rushed to the research institute to ascertain Franklin's condition.

Franklin was unconscious when they arrived.

After a thorough examination, she did not find anything seriously wrong with his health. He merely remainedunconscious.

Then, following a blood test, it was discovered that the elderly gentleman had a type of sedative in his system.

The active components of the drug have mostly broken down.

Yet, there remained one harmful substance that was capable of silently eroding the functions and foundations ofthe human body.

If not resolved in time, there was a high chance that he may never wake up again.

The use of such a drug is comparable to committing murder invisibly. How malicious!

After confirming everything, Neera called Isabella, looking grave.

After informing her about Franklin's condition in detail, she asked, “Are you familiar with medication of thissort? Have you heard of it, or seen it before?”

Isabella was stunned to learn of the severity of her grandfather's condition.

“I have no idea. I've never even heard of it!”

Initially murmuring in confusion, she added, “This drug didn't come from the Lopez family, that's for certain.Though we have been practicing medicine for generations, we've always been a respectable family, and wecouldn't possibly have developed such a malicious drug. It must have been my Uncle Harris—or Alvin—who gotit from somewhere else to drug Grandpa!”

At this point, she was so angry that she was gnashing her teeth in anger.

“How could they do this? Grandpa has always treated them kindly. How could they harm him for their ownselfish gains!”

“How unpredictable is the heart of man!”

Neera knew about such fragile kinship very well.

“So what if they're one's own kin? In the eyes of those who only seek profit, nothing else matters.”

After a cold sigh, she pursed her lips and returned to the topic of discussion.

“Anyway, it's pointless to talk about all this now. The most important thing is to rescue your grandfather. Ifpossible, try to investigate your Uncle Harris and Alvin. It would be best if you could find out what drug it is. Itmight take some time if I were to do the investigation. I'm worried that it would delay Mr. Lopez's treatment.”

“All right,” Isabella promised at once. “I'll figure something out.”

“Be careful not to alert the enemy. Make sure we're not found out. Do we have enough manpower?”

“No worries. We have plenty.”

Isabella was aware that her situation had caused a lot of trouble for Neera.

The more it drags on, the less I want to depend on her for everything. I don't want her to tire herself out for mysake.

On the other end, Neera rubbed her temples wearily after hanging up the phone.

She thought she would find some peace and live a quiet life upon returning to the country.

I didn't expect to encounter such a tricky situation again.

At the thought of Isabella's situation, she did not go home that afternoon. Instead, she stayed at the researchinstitute, keeping an eye on Franklin's condition while reviewing a large amount of information.

Jean called later in the evening and learned that she was still at the research institute, working so hard that she hadforgotten to eat or sleep. His brows instantly furrowed in concern.

“You can only work until ten at night,” he stated firmly. “I will pick you up on time, and you will come back withme.”

Neera tried negotiating with him gently. “Ten o'clock is too early. Let's make it twelve, all right? You don't have

to pick me up. I promise I'll be home on time, okay?”

Surprisingly, that trick no longer worked. novelbin

“Isn't ten o'clock late enough for you? You've been busy every day of late. How many times have you actuallyslept on time? Do you not care about your health? Can you handle it if you keep pushing yourself like this? Haveyou ever thought about how heartbroken I would be if you collapsed from exhaustion?”

Sensing his growing irritation, Neera secretly stuck out her tongue, placating him while simultaneously deployingher ultimate weapon—acting coy.

Jean was angry at first, but he soon resigned himself helplessly.

“There's just no way to deal with you, Neera. You're here to torment me, aren't you? Midnight won't work. Elevenis my limit. I can't back down any further. If you still won't agree, I'm going to drag you back here right now.”

“How could you do that...”

Aware that he was not joking, Neera did not dare argue further. Thus, she had no choice but to compromise.

It seems we need to organize a team to take turns investigating around the clock.

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