The Divorcee Who Shines

Chapter 51 Morning Sickness
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Chapter 51 Morning Sickness

Chapter 51 Morning Sicknessnovelbin

"On account of Ranita, I won't argue with you guys!" Dylan backed down, but Shannon's mind wasstill unsettled. She had been on edge just now, thinking that Dylan was going to tell Brendon aboutRanita's pregnancy.

Shannon had probed Brendon earlier and it seemed like he didn't know anything. Now it appearedthat Ranita didn't want Brendon to find out about her pregnancy either.

"Mr. Webster... Ranita twisted her ankle over at Sugar Studio, but she said she's fine. How was Isupposed to know it was that serious?" Shannon lied with innocent eyes and tone. "As for tonight'sdinner party, she is the interpreter we hired and needs to finish the job."

Shannon's snarky attitude made Dylan unable to bear it any longer.


"Dylan, let's go in already!" Ranita tugged at Dylan's clothes and shook her head at him. He couldonly swallow his anger and say, "I can't be bothered with you guys!"

After Ranita left, Brendon stared blankly at her back.

"Brendon, Ranita doesn't seem too well. Shouldn't you go check on her?" Shannon tilted her headwith watery eyes - so obedient yet so manipulative.

Brendon snapped out of his daze and sent Shannon off in the car, "You should rest first. I havesome things to take care of; I'll be back later."

"Brendon..." Upon hearing this news, Shannon panicked a little - would Brendon really go seeRanita? That couldn't happen!

"Go!" Without giving her a chance to react or respond further, Brendon slammed the car door shut.

Fuming with anger now, Shannon clenched her fists tightly as she watched the car drive awaybefore pounding on the seat in frustration!

On their way over, Ranita had messaged Steve; as soon as they stepped out of the elevator, hewas already waiting there for them, "What happened?"

"Steve!"Dylan greeted Steve hesitantly while glancing over at Ranita who nodded towards himsaying, "Dr. Pearson knows."

"Ah..." Dylan raised an eyebrow. "I remember Steve is a surgeon, right? Can he handle this?"

"Don't worry! I know a thing or two," Steve led the way ahead. "Follow me!"

With Steve in charge, everything went smoothly.

After the examination, it turned out that there was nothing wrong with Ranita's baby in her belly. Theabdominal pain was mainly due to her injured ankle and exhaustion!

"You see, your ankle condition has worsened compared to before!" Steve held the report andfrowned with a distressed expression. "It would have only taken two days of rest before but now it'llprobably take a week!"

A week!

That won't do! There was so much work to be done later on; Ranita can't possibly rest for that long!

"Luckily, you didn't hurt your bones; otherwise it would've taken months to recover from bone andtendon injuries!" After saying this, seeing Ranita's pale face made him sigh, "It's best if you rest for afew days. If you really can't avoid wearing high heels, then try not to wear them as much aspossible!"

Ranita breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Dr. Pearson!" Just as she finished speaking, she felt nauseous and sour liquid rushedup her throat making tears well up in her eyes, "Ugh!"

Ranita couldn't care less about the pain in her ankle; she limped off towards the bathroom whereshe vomited everything out of her stomach!

"Ranita," Dylan helped soothe her while glaring at Steve, "Steve, are you sure about this? You saidthere was nothing wrong but why did she throw up like this!?"

Steve rolled his eyes coldly at Dylan, "This is morning sickness – it's normal during pregnancy!"

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