The Divorcee Who Shines

Chapter 282 Birthday Banquet
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Chapter 282 Birthday Banquet

Chapter 282 Birthday Banquet

Ranita stood calmly.

"Let's go inside," Brendon took her hand, but she pulled away. Ranita’s voice was cool, "I can handle it alone. Why don't you go keep Miss Murphycompany?"

"I'll stay with you." Brendon grabbed her fingers tightly, "I'll introduce you to Mr. Webster.”Why did Brendon have to do this?

Ranita's thoughts were turbulent like salty seawater, and the wound inside her throbbed.Diego was old but still sharp-witted and had a kind appearance.

"Mr. Webster, happy birthday.” As they entered the door, their gift had already been given to the servant. Brendon complimented him while Diego.smiled and said "good good good." His gaze fell on Ranita who he pondered for a moment before asking. "Is this... the young lady from a few yearsago? Oh my goodness, she looks even more ethereal now."

Wyatt had a good relationship with Diego; when Ranita entered Boulderland Mansion earlier, she saw him from afar but never expected him toremember her.

"Mr. Webster, happy birthday.” With professional smile plastered on her face, Ranita paused before continuing. "My name is Ranita.”Diego nodded repeatedly, "What an elegant name!"After chatting for a bit longer, Diego chuckled at them, "Don't talk too much with an old man like me: go have fun!"

Brendon’s seat was not far from the main table. Shortly after he sat down, Steve came over to greet him and took a seat next to Ranita. “Ranita, howhave you been lately?” he asked.

I've been busy working on my thesis!" Steve was busy performing surgeries while also conducting academic research reports so he was indeedquite busy himself.

"I'm doing well lately. Thank you Dr. Pearson!” Pausing for a moment, Ranita said again, "If there is anything I can help with, just let me know.”While Brendon talked with someone else nearby, Steve leaned closer asking, "Are you still vomiting these days?”

Shaking her head, Ranita said, "It's much better now."

“That's great! Yasmin will be backsoon so I'll transfer your file overthere then; ie need to come back where at tte hospital anymore." xTranqui+Valley Private Hospital'hadcloseties with Brendon; if it weren'tforSteve helping cover up things,Brendon might have known abouther pregnancy sooner than later.Content belongs to NovelDrama.Org

"Yasmin is coming back? When?" Yasmin was Steve's sister and a doctor, specializing in obstetrics and gynecology. She went to the west for supportsome time ago.

"She said she'll probably be back in a week. Let's welcome her when she comes back!"Ranita smiled and nodded. "Okay! We definitely have to do that. I haven't seen her in so long!"

Ranita was talking with Steve, not noticing that Brendon had been staring at her all along. Someone touched her shoulder lightly, causing her to react,"What's wrong?”

What's wrong?

Brendon's forehead bulged withveins as hewondered how thiswoman ceuld ask him what was =>wrong. He pulled Ranita closer to~him, separating them from Steve,"What are you guys so happyabout?’ Content belongs to

swnovel. net %

"Just chatting," Steve smiled. "Brendon, we haven't had a drink together in ages. Want to go sit over there?”

As they walked away, Steve's eyes grew colder, "Did you know that the Murphy family sent someone over here?"

"You're notclear about yourrelationship with Shannon; what aieyou going to do about Ranita?" TheMurphy family kept a low profile buttheywould definitely send sameoneover for Diego's banquet. Contentbélongs to NovelDrama.Org ~

Brendon looked displeased, "Who from the Murphy family came?”novelbin

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