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Chapter 117

Chapter 117

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“Are you trying to say that the news is fake?” another girl asked as she was confused as to why theAndersons would receive such news just to fool people.

“Yes. That’s what | think so,” the girl who had voiced out her doubt answered as she nodded her hear“But why would they do that?” the old man asked with a frown.

“Grandpa, | think that maybe the lady had been ambushed and there are some people who want to kill he It seems that theperson who wanted her death and had hired people to do the work didn’t know that she had a lot of bodyguards around hencewhen the Andersons’ young miss saw that there were peop

who wanted to kill her, she and her bodyguards plotted or maybe those people who had been sent hibeen captured by her bodyguards then she pretended to be the n who had been sent as she talkerthe person behind the scenes.” A young man said what he thought.

“In addition to that, | think that the news was released just to make the mastermind behind think that he had succeeded in killingher but in reality, the lady was still alive. Also, maybe the reason

they did that was to attack their enemy when they didn’t expect it,” another chimed in.

After that, they all remained silent as they had to admit that Amanda was good at planning.

“| pity the person who wanted her dead. | am sure that he or she has ruined their family too,” theold man said with a sigh but he understood that when you play with dragons, you will always getburnt.

Marie’s lover was so quiet and he had lowered his head out of shame and panic.

Hearing everything that was said, he also admitted that he was indeed foolish in thinking that theywould be able to wipe Amanda and then make the Andersons turn against the Scotts and ruin them.

He had been so happy that he would be able to meet his beloved woman that he acted foolishly and did everything the womanwanted.

He regrets everything and wonders what will happen when his family realizes that he is the one whowants the woman dead. That he was the reason behind their torture and ruins?

All he could now hope for was the fact that he would be saved as he felt he had not committed a lot12:35 Fri, 3 May MM


Chapter 117

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All he could now hope for was the fact that he would be saved as he felt he had not committed a lotof crimes since he was born. He let out a sigh of relief when he thought about most of the familymembers being arrested and he will take over his grandfather’s position and lead the others who willremain.

After some time, he forgot the mistake he had made and the fact that his family was still in a messand under threat.

Everyone in the room was silent but they all had their different thoughts.

“Wait. Dad, did you just say that the Andersons will surely revenge on the whole family and not the person guilty only?” one ofthe elders in the room asked making everyone look at him.

“What are you trying to say?” another asked he was confused but not really as he already knew what his brother was going tosay. It was just that he didn’t want to accept the harsh truth.

He wasn’t alone as everyone started thinking about it when they heard him say that.

“The Andersons only attack someone or a family that has done wrong to them, wound them, or betray them Also from how thingsare going, | am starting to suspect that one of us is the one who wanted Amanda Anderson dead. Why isn’t there any othercompany or family that is been attacked and only ours?” a woman asked as she glared at the plate in front of her and started tocut the meat with a lot of effort as if she was piercing someone.

4430They were all shocked but knew what she said made sense.

Marie’s lover was shocked as he had not expected to place the puzzles together. He tried his best to remain calm and not let theothers sense a change in his expression and everything but what he didn’t know was that there was someone who was lookingat him deeply.

“Who is that imbecile that wants toruin our family? | swear when | dofind him or her, | will ubties withihimfo) her salthanttey an learn not toalways cause trouble and depend onthemselves,” the old man said angrilyas he hit the table making the fragilefamily members flinch out of fear.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

“You better speak before | find out who the person is,” he said after some time of not seeing anyone speaking and most of themlowering their heads.

As he knew his grandchildren and his family, he knew that they weren't lowering their heads out of guilt of trying to kill Amanda orruining their family but because they feared her more than anything else.


12:35 PM, 3 Maynovelbin

Although not many heard it or sawthe panic, some of those who wereseated around him end some} duhggenerattertWHo had been looking attheir grandfather hoping that hewould work on something to sa theirfamily. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

They all gave him curious eyes as they wondered why he was panicking.

Although some wanted to say thatthe man was the man who hadarranged for Amanda t be kleartknew d pepntheiti ed Ss that itwash'tt e man. Firstly, he didn’t haveenough qualifications, Secondly, theyhad been with him the whole of thenight as they had been celebratingtheir company The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

success.Chapter 117

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He looked around but didn’t see anyone suspicious which made him furious and at the same timeconfused.

Although he wanted to deny the fact that the person who had tried to kill Amanda was in the house and his family members, heknew that it had to be the truth as it was only their family that had been


“Dad, maybe there is a misunderstanding,” a man who looked like Marie’s lover said in a panic and as he had tried his best tohide hit.

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